Alphabetical Listing of Tutorial Instructors:
Allman-Buus | Christiansen-Farrow | Galvin-Lirov | Sample-Vixie
Evi Nemeth,
a faculty member in Computer Science at the University of Colorado, has managed UNIX systems for the past 19 years, both from the front lines and from the ivory tower. She is co-author of the best-selling UNIX System Administration Handbook.
Maurita Plouff
is a technologist, manager, and teacher, and has been translating between technical and non-technical audiences since her first post in 1972 as a physics laboratory research assistant. She started her consulting business, Expert Innovations, to solve business problems through creative application of technology and common-sense management. An accomplished speaker, she is known for her ability to avoid inducing the "glassy-eyed stare".
Patrick Powell
is CEO of AStArt Technologies. He has taught courses in computer networks, operating systems, and real time systems, and is the developer of LPRng, a LPD-compatible print spooler that was created to solve problems with existing LPD implementations. He is active in the IETF Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) working group, which is developing new standards for network printing.
Marcus J. Ranum
is CEO of Network Flight Recorder, Inc. He is the principal author of several major Internet firewall products, including the DEC SEAL, the TIS Gauntlet, and the TIS Internet Firewall Toolkit. Marcus has been managing UNIX systems and network security for over 13 years, including configuring and managing whitehouse.gov. He is a co-author of the Web Security Sourcebook.
Andrew Rieger
is vice president of Equities UNIX Support at Lehman Brothers, managing support of over 900 UNIX hosts, 120 dataservers, and 2500 batches. Prior to Lehman, Andrew worked as a senior systems consultant for Computer Science Corp, Bell Atlantic, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Jon Rochlis
is a senior consultant for SystemExperts Corp. He provides high-level advice on network security, distri buted systems design and management, high-availa bility, and electronic commerce. Before joining SystemExperts, he was engineering manager with BBN Planet.
Alphabetical Listing of Tutorial Instructors:
Allman-Buus | Christiansen-Farrow | Galvin-Lirov | Sample-Vixie