Alphabetical Listing of Tutorial Instructors:
Allman-Buus | Galvin-Lirov | Nemeth-Rieger | Sample-Vixie
Tom Christiansen is a consultant specializing in Perl applications, optimizations, and training. He is a frequent instructor at USENIX conferences.
Michele Crabb
is a senior computer security analyst at Cisco Systems where she manages security and provides support for corporate security functions such as the firewalls and remote access security servers. Prior to Cisco, Michele managed security at NASA Ames Research. She has been actively involved in teaching and presenting at technical conferences for the last six years. Michele is also a co-author of the SAGE pamphlet, System Security - A Management Perspective.
Tina Darmohray
is a consultant in the area of Internet firewalls and network connections. She has over a decade of experience managing and networking UNIX systems. Previously, she was the lead for the UNIX Systems Admin is tra tion team at a large national laboratory. She was a founding board member of SAGE and edits the SAGE section of ;login:.
Ed DeHart
is a founder and former member of the CERT Coordination Center. CERT was formed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to serve as a focal point for the computer security concerns of Internet users. Today, Ed is the president of Pittsburgh OnLine, Inc.
Barb Dijker
is a system and network consultant with her own company, Labyrinth Computer Services. She is also the current saver of USENIX faces, the executive director and co-founder of the Colorado Internet Cooperative Association, and principal manager of an ISP called NeTrack.
Jim Duncan
is manager of network and information systems and principal system administrator for Pennsyl vania State University's Applied Research Laboratory. He is a contributor to RFC 1244, the Site Security Policy Handbook, and has developed numerous policies, guidelines, and presentations on systems and network administration, computer security, incident handling, and ethics. Jim is an active member of the Penn State CERT team and has primary responsibility for incident handling at the Applied Research Lab.
Rik Farrow
provides UNIX and Internet security consulting and training. He has been working with UNIX system security since 1984, and with TCP/IP networks since 1988. He has taught at the IRS, Department of Justice, NSA, US West, Canadian RCMP, Swedish Navy, and for many US and European user groups. He is the author of UNIX System Security and System Administrator's Guide to System V. Farrow writes two columns for ;login:, and a network security column for Network magazine.
Alphabetical Listing of Tutorial Instructors:
Allman-Buus | Galvin-Lirov | Nemeth-Rieger | Sample-Vixie