Alphabetical Listing of Tutorial Instructors:
Christiansen-Farrow | Galvin-Lirov | Nemeth-Rieger | Sample-Vixie
Eric Allman was the original author of Sendmail. He was the chief programmer on the INGRES database management project and an early contributor to the UNIX effort at Berkeley. He is on the USENIX Board of Directors and a frequent speaker at USENIX events.
Karl Anderson
is a founder of SystemExperts, a consulting company with architectural, implementation, and deployment expertise. Karl has worked extensively with major Wall Street firms, commercial and industrial manufacturing companies, and leading on-line service providers helping them to design and implement manageable and secure open systems.
Dan Appelman,
an expert on legal issues in on-line and Internet commerce, practices computer and telecommunications law at Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe where he represents many high-tech and Internet-related companies. In addition to his law degree, he has a PhD in telecommunications policy.
Bryan C. Andregg
is a system and network administrator at Red Hat Software. Before joining Red Hat, Bryan was with Internet Direct of Kansas, a 5-state ISP with 5000+ customers, running a server farm of Linux x86 machines.
Chris Aranosian
is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Microsoft Certified Trainer. A Senior Systems Administrator at Lehman Brothers, Chris is a member of the Desktop Integration team, which has designed and implemented the Windows NT desktop management and software distribution systems used globally by Lehman Brothers. He has been involved in providing systems support and training on a variety of platforms since 1987.
James Brister
is one of the maintainers of INN, and the author of the innfeed transfer utility. James has been a senior UNIX system programmer and administrator for more than 10 years, and is currently a senior software engineer at the Internet Software Consortium.
Bryan Buus
is the manager of XOR Network Engineering's Web services group. Before joining XOR, Bryan kickstarted O'Reilly & Associates' online efforts. He is a co-author of Managing Internet Information Services and has given seminars on managing Web services for CERFnet, the SANS Conference, and Hewlett-Packard's consulting division.
Alphabetical Listing of Tutorial Instructors:
Christiansen-Farrow | Galvin-Lirov | Nemeth-Rieger | Sample-Vixie