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Electronic Commerce, - August 31- September 3, 1998, - The
Tremont Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts
Tutorial Program   Monday, August 31, AM Session

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M1am   Smart Cards   half day program
Scott Guthery, CertCo

Who should attend: Software application developers, strategic planners, electronic commerce system designers, engineering managers, distributed system architects, computer security experts, customer relations specialists and others considering using this portable, personal trusted computer in their IT infrastructures or market development programs.

This tutorial will cover both smart card hardware and software. Since technical information about smart cards is not included in typical computer science curricula, it will assume no prior knowledge. At the conclusion of the tutorial, attendees will be sufficiently familiar with the capabilities of smart cards. They will understand what role smart cards might play in their IT systems and how to develop applications using them.

Topics to be covered include:

-    Smart card hardware: CPU and memory systems
-    Smart card standards: ISO-7816 etc.
-    Smart card commands
-    Smart card security: PINs and keys
-    Smart card software frameworks: PC/SC, OpenCard, etc.

All attendees will receive a fully-functional smart card to jump start their smart card application.


Scott Guthery   leads the cryptographic device project at CertCo. He has a PhD in Probability and Statistics from Michigan State University and worked at Bell Laboratories and Schlumberger before joining CertCo. At Schlumberger he received two patents for his contributions to Schlumberger's well logging system and lead the team that invented the Java Card, a smart card that runs Java. He has published articles in number theory, programming languages and network protocols and is a co-author with Tim Jurgensen of the recently published book, Smart Card Developer's Kit (MacMillan).

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