Check out the new USENIX Web site. 3rd USENIX Workshop on
Electronic Commerce, - August 31- September 3, 1998, - The
Tremont Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts


Questions? Contact the USENIX Conference Office


Registration Information

Online registrations are no longer being accepted, you must register onsite at the Tremont Hotel in Boston. Please be advised that we cannot guarantee the onsite availability of all tutorials.

Onsite registration begins Sunday, 8/30, from 6:00pm-9:00pm, and continues Monday 8/31 - Wednesday 9/2, from 7:30am-5:00pm.


Tutorial Program Fees   (August 31, 1998)

Early registration deadline is August 10, 1998.
After August 10, add $50 to the Tutorial fee. Select one AM and one PM tutorial. Half-day registration is not available.

Registration Until August 10 After August 10
One-day Tutorial Fee$345$395
CEU credits (optional)$ 15$ 15

Tutorial fees include:
  • Admission to the tutorials you select
  • Printed and bound tutorials materials for selected classes
  • Lunch


Technical Sessions Fees    (September 1 - 3)

Early registration deadline is August 10, 1998. After August 10, add $50 to the Technical Sessions fee.

Registration Until August 10 After August 10
Current Member*$355$405
Non-Member or Renewing Member**$425$475
Full-Time Student$ 75$ 75
Full-Time Student + membership$100$100

*The member fee applies to current individual members of USENIX, EurOpen national groups, JUS and AUUG.

**Join USENIX or renew your membership. For no additional fee, attend the Electronic Commerce Workshop AND join USENIX. Just pay non-member fee and check the USENIX membership box on the registration form to renew your USENIX membership or receive a one-year individual association membership.

Student Stipends Available: The USENIX student stipend program covers travel, living expenses, and registration fees to enable full-time students to attend USENIX conferences. Detailed information about applying for a stipend will be available 6-8 weeks before the conference and can be obtained by visiting, reading or sending email to

Technical sessions fees include:
  • Admission to all Technical Sessions
  • Copy of Workshop Proceedings
  • Admission to the Workshop Reception
Last changed: July 6, 1998 jd
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