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3.2 dgemm and block LU factorization

dgemm is a level 3 operation which performs a matrix matrix product $C = \alpha.A.B + \beta.C$ where A, B, C are respectively m x k, k x n and m x n matrices. The ASCI Red implementation and ATLAS use a block method to perform matrix matrix multiply and achieve good performances As we see in figure [*] end figure [*] performances and acceleration are very good and remain as the size of matrices increase. Performances for dgemm are important because it's a building block for block LU factorization. We know outline a block LU factorization method, the reader may refer to [5] for an in-deep analysis and algorithms, and discuss how multi-threaded version can be realized.

Figure: dgemm performances with 1 and 2 processors
\epsfig{file=dgemm_ext.eps,width=7cm} \end{center} \end{figure}

Figure: dgemm acceleration for 2 processors
\epsfig{file=dgemm_ext_acc.eps,width=7cm} \end{center} \end{figure}

LU factorization is used to solve linear system like A.X=B by factorize A into L.U where L is a lower triangular unit matrix and U is an upper triangular matrix. Efficient LU methods rely on matrix matrix product and we outline such method in the following. For simplicity we suppose that the block size nb divide n which is the size of the square matrix A and set N = n/nb. Each block of A is numbered $A_{i,j}\mbox{ }i,j=1..N$. The block LU performs as follow:

set k=1,
compute Ak,k=L.U and overwrite Ak,k with L and U using a non blocked LU factorization,
apply row interchange in Ak,k+1:N and in Ak,1:k-1
solve L.X=Ak,k+1:N and overwrite Ak,k+1:N with the solution,
solve X.U=Ak+1:N,k and overwrite Ak+1:N,k with the solution,
update Ak+1:N,k+1:N with Ak+1:N,k+1:N = Ak+1:N,k+1:N - Ak+1:N,k.Ak,k+1:N,
if k<N set k=k+1 and go to step 2.

Step 2 uses subroutine dgetf2 from LAPACK, row interchange is done using dlaswp, step 3 and 4 use dtrsm (triangular solve with multiple right hand side) and step 5 uses dgemm. It is important to note that most computation is done in steps 4 and 5 which use level 3 BLAS and represent 1-1/N2 of the floating point operations issued (see[5]). Figure [*] presents task dependencies in block LU for step k, it outlines a graph dependency for a parallel implementation. At this point we have two choices for multi-threaded version:

Figure: LU factorization scheme for the step k

The first solution requires to construct the dependency graph and more complex synchronization scheme but always based on synchronization variable. Construct the graph and searching for ready task may be a serious overhead thus limiting acceleration. The second solution let the LU task be a sequential bottleneck and use parallelism only on level 3 operations.

For implementation we choose the second solution because it's simple and LU bottleneck is in fact very small since it represents only 1/N2 of the overall job. Results for our block LU factorization are presented figure [*] and figure [*]: we use dgetrf from ATLAS as a reference code for our sequential block LU. Acceleration figure presents two curves; one presents acceleration obtained by the multi-threaded block LU, the other (ideal acceleration) is computed using the sequential code by looking for time spent in dgetf2 and in level 3 operation:

acc_{ideal} = \frac{1}{t_{dgetf2} + t_{level3}/2}

For $n \geq 1000$ acceleration is relatively closed to ideal acceleration but smaller case acceleration is far from ideal due to synchronization cost.

Figure: block LU performances with 1 and 2 processors
\epsfig{file=blu_ext.eps,width=7cm} \end{center} \end{figure}

Figure: block LU acceleration with 1 and 2 processors
\epsfig{file=blu_acc_ext.eps,width=7cm} \end{center} \end{figure}

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Thomas Guignon