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Testing Different Feature Construction Schemes

The outline of the log-ranking process is as follows:
  1. Generating a representation of the original dataset of system logs, using a feature construction scheme;
  2. Using k-means clustering to divide the computer systems in the dataset into distinct sets;
  3. Estimating $ P$, the vector of cumulative distribution functions, for each cluster, using the empirical distribution in this cluster;
  4. Given a system log to rank, identifying the cluster it belongs to and ranking its messages by the score calculated from $ \hat{P}$ of that cluster.
We implemented this process with the new Spearman-based feature-set, and compared it to two simpler feature-sets with the same number of dimensions. We did not experiment with Kendall's tau because of the computational load associated with it. For each feature-set, we used k-means clustering to generate each of two to five clusters. In total we tested the following three feature-sets:
  1. The Spearman-based feature-set;
  2. A Pearson-based feature-set: The dataset is represented using the Pearson Sample Correlation matrix.
  3. A Frequent-Message (FM) feature-set: Let $ m_1, \ldots, m_k$ be the $ k$ message types that appear in the largest number of logs in the dataset. System log $ i$ is represented by $ (c_i\!\left[m_1\right],\ldots, c_i\!\left[m_k\right])$.
Since we do not have an external indication for the `right' ranking of messages, we use several statistical analysis techniques to analyze the clustering results. One way of determining whether a given dataset contains clusters is by looking at the pairwise distances between the data samples[3]. If the dataset contains clusters, we expect a bi-modal distribution of the pairwise distances, where one mode represents the inter-cluster distances and the other the intra-cluster distances. Figure [*] shows the histogram of pairwise distances in each of the three representations we tested. It is easy to see that the Spearman-based representation arranges the data in a bimodal way, much more so than the other two representations do.
Figure: of the pairwise distances between samples: (a) Spearman correlation, (b) Pearson, (c) FM.
Image hist_pdist_spearman.png Image hist_pdist_linear_corr.png

Image hist_pdist_no_corr.png
Another way to visualize the spatial structure of the samples in the two first feature-sets is to plot the two largest eigenvectors of the resulting correlation matrices on the plane, giving the first two Principal Components of the sample points. In Figure [*], this plot is shown for the Spearman-based and for the Pearson-based feature-sets.4 Much more structure is revealed in the Spearman-based feature-set. The division into two clusters by the k-means algorithm is also depicted in the plot. Note that since this plot is only a two dimensional projection of the high dimensional space, the partition of the data into clusters may appear as if it were sub-optimal in this plot.

Image spearman2clusters.jpgImage linear2clusters.jpg To investigate how well the clusters found for each test represent real use-model properties of the computer systems in the sample, we used external information on each computer system in our sample, that included specifications of installed hardware and software components and their configuration parameters. The information was represented as binary features of the computer systems. For each cluster in each test, we searched for the binary feature that had the highest mutual information with the property of belonging to the cluster. In Figure [*] we list the highest mutual information found in each test. The clusters in the Spearman feature-set are consistently more correlated with actual properties of the computer systems. Since there are usually several such features and their interpretation is highly technical, we do not list here the actual features for each cluster. The cluster with the highest mutual information coefficient in all our tests is one found in the Spearman test conducted with three clusters. It has mutual information of 0.9 with the best-correlated features of the systems; it was therefore easiest to find its `meaning'. The features that were most highly correlated with this cluster indicated that several services related to IBM Director are installed on the computer systems in this cluster, but not on computer systems that are not in this cluster. IBM Director is a suite of tools for managing computer systems that affects the behavior of many components in the system. It is therefore reasonable that it would significantly affect the log behavior of systems. An interesting addition to our log ranking tool would be the ability to automatically generate and display a meaningful description of the cluster to which the inspected system belongs.
Figure: The maximal mutual information between a cluster and a binary feature found in each of the clustering tests.
If the clusters truly represent sets of systems that are more homogeneous in terms of their log behavior as compared to the entire set of computer systems, then we expect the average score of messages in a ranked log to be lower when the score is computed using the $ \hat{P}$ of the cluster, compared to the average score computed using the $ \hat{P}$ of the entire population. Figure [*] compares, for each of the clustering tests, the average difference in the average score of all the system logs in our dataset, between the cluster-based scoring and the non-cluster-based scoring. The Spearman-based clustering achieved the largest lowering of the score. We calculated the statistical significance of the results using a paired T-test, with resulting p-values of 0 in all cases.
Figure: The change in the mean score (in a scale of 0-100) of messages in all machines, when calculated by the cluster the machine belongs to instead of the entire set of machines.
No single message was found to have a high level of mutual information with the clusters that were found in any of the tests. This is expected, as most messages appear in only a small fraction of the logs. Nonetheless, to visualize the way different messages are manifested in different clusters, we plot for each cluster the probability of each message appearing in the cluster versus its probability of appearing in the entire dataset. For a cluster that is highly distinctive among messages, a relatively large number of messages would appear far from the diagonal.
Figure: The probability of each message in the cluster versus its probability in the entire sample, with 3 clusters. Each row depicts the three clusters of one feature-set.
Plot [*] shows the case of three clusters. The Spearman-based approach yields the most distinctive clusters. To numerically estimate this difference, Table [*] shows the mean ratio between the probability of a message appearing in a cluster and its probability within the entire sample set, averaged over all the clusters in each test.

Table: The mean of the ratio between the probability of each message in each cluster and its probability in the general population. For ratios higher than $ 1$ their inverse is taken. A smaller mean ratio implies a more distinctive clustering.
Clusters Spearman Pearson FM
2 0.65 0.77 0.82
3 0.62 0.77 0.77
4 0.57 0.74 0.78
5 0.57 0.75 0.76

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