NSDI '06 Abstract
Pp. 281296 of the Proceedings
Distributed Quota Enforcement for Spam Control
Michael Walfish, J.D. Zamfirescu, Hari Balakrishnan, and David Karger, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; Scott Shenker, University of California, Berkeley, and ICSI
Spam, by overwhelming inboxes, has made email a less reliable
medium than it was just a few years ago. Spam filters are
undeniably useful but unfortunately can flag non-spam as spam. To
restore email's reliability, a recent spam control approach grants
quotas of stamps to senders and has the receiver communicate with a
well-known quota enforcer to verify that the stamp on the email is fresh
and to cancel the stamp to prevent reuse. The literature has several
proposals based on this general idea but no complete system design and
implementation that: scales to today's email load (which requires the
enforcer to be distributed over many hosts and to tolerate faults in
them), imposes minimal trust assumptions, resists attack, and upholds
today's email privacy. This paper describes the design,
implementation, analysis, and experimental evaluation of DQE, a spam
control system that meets these challenges. DQE's enforcer occupies a
point in the design spectrum notable for simplicity: mutually untrusting
nodes implement a storage abstraction but avoid neighbor maintenance,
replica maintenance, and heavyweight cryptography.
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