NSDI '06 Paper
[NSDI '06 Technical Program]
Distributed Quota Enforcement for Spam Control
Michael Walfish, J.D. Zamfirescu,
Hari Balakrishnan, David Karger | | Scott
Shenker |
MIT Computer Science and AI Lab | | UC Berkeley and ICSI |
Spam, by overwhelming inboxes, has made email a less reliable
medium than it was just a few years ago. Spam filters are
undeniably useful but unfortunately can flag non-spam as spam. To
restore email's reliability, a recent spam control approach grants
quotas of stamps to senders and has the receiver communicate with a
well-known quota enforcer to verify that the stamp on the email is fresh
and to cancel the stamp to prevent reuse. The literature has several
proposals based on this general idea but no complete system design and
implementation that: scales to today's email load (which requires the
enforcer to be distributed over many hosts and to tolerate faults in
them), imposes minimal trust assumptions, resists attack, and upholds
today's email privacy. This paper describes the design,
implementation, analysis, and experimental evaluation of DQE, a spam
control system that meets these challenges. DQE's enforcer occupies a
point in the design spectrum notable for simplicity: mutually untrusting
nodes implement a storage abstraction but avoid neighbor maintenance,
replica maintenance, and heavyweight cryptography.
1 Introduction
Email is a less reliable communication medium than it was just a few years
ago. The culprit is spam (defined as unsolicited bulk email), which
drowned inboxes, making it hard for users to see the email they cared about.
Unfortunately, spam filters, which offer inboxes much-needed relief, have not
restored reliability to email: false positives from filters are now a
dominant mode of email failure. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the rate of
false positives is 1% [46,11], with some estimating their economic damage at
hundreds of millions of dollars annually [19,12].
While we have no way to verify these numbers, we can
vouch for the personal inconvenience caused by false positives. And while
our purpose here is not to cast aspersions on spam filters (indeed, we
personally rely on them), we have nonetheless been vexed by what
seems to be the inherent unreliability of content-based spam control.
Instead, we turn to an approach using quotas or bankable
postage, where the goal is to limit the number of messages sent, not
divine their intent. Several such schemes have been proposed
before [1,36,5]. In general, these systems
give every sender a quota of stamps. How this quota is
determined varies among proposals; options include proof of CPU or
memory cycles [1,47], annual
payment [5], having an email account with an
ISP [36], having a driver's license, etc. The sending host or
its email server attaches a stamp to each email message, and the
receiving host or its email server tests the incoming stamp by
asking a quota enforcer whether the enforcer has seen the stamp
before. If not, the receiving host infers that the stamp is "fresh"
and then cancels it by asking the enforcer to store a record of
the stamp. The receiving host delivers only messages with fresh stamps
to the human user; messages with used stamps are assumed to be spam.
The hope is that allocating reasonable quotas to everyone and then
enforcing those quotas would cripple spammers, who need huge volumes to
be profitable, while leaving legitimate users largely unaffected; see
§8.2 for a basic economic analysis.1
Of course, many defenses against spam have been proposed, each with
advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this paper is not to claim
that ours is superior to all others or that its adoption will be easy.
Rather, the purpose is to prove that many
technical hurdles in quota-based systems, described below, can be overcome.
To that end, this
paper describes the design, implementation, analysis, and experimental
evaluation of DQE (Distributed Quota Enforcement), a quota-based spam
control system.
To be viable, DQE must meet two sets of design goals (see §2). The first set
concerns the protocol between receivers and the enforcer. The
protocol must never flag messages with fresh stamps as spam, must
preserve the privacy of sender-receiver communication, and must not
require that email servers and clients trust the enforcer. The second
set applies to the enforcer: it must scale to current and future
email volumes, requiring distribution over many machines, perhaps
across several organizations; it must allow faults without letting much
spam through; and it must resist attacks. Also, the enforcer
should tolerate mutual mistrust among its constituent hosts (which is
separate from the requirement, stated above, that the enforcer not be
trusted by its clients).
Finally, the enforcer should achieve high throughput to minimize
management and hardware costs. Previous proposals do not meet these
requirements (see §7.1).
Our main focus in this paper is the quota enforcer, which serves as a
"clearing house" for canceled stamps.
The enforcer stores billions of key-value pairs (canceled stamps)
over a set of
mutually untrusting nodes and tolerates Byzantine and crash faults.
It relies on just one trust assumption, common in distributed
systems: that the constituent hosts are determined by a trusted entity
The enforcer uses a replication protocol
in which churn generates no extra work but which
gives tight guarantees on the average number of reuses per stamp
Each node uses an optimized internal
key-value map that balances storage and
speed (§4.2), and nodes shed load with a technique
that avoids "distributed livelock" (§4.3).
Apart from these techniques, what is most
interesting to us about the enforcer is its simplicity.
By tailoring our solution to the semantics of quota
enforcement (specifically, that the effect of lost data is only that
spammers' effective quotas increase), we can meet the
various design challenges with an infrastructure in which the nodes need
neither keep track of other nodes, nor perform replica
maintenance, nor use heavyweight cryptography.
In part because of this simplicity, the enforcer is practical. We have a
deployed (though lightly used) system, and our experimental results suggest
that our implementation can handle the world's email volume-over 80 billion
messages daily [30,50]-with a few thousand dedicated
high-end PCs (§6).
This work is preceded by a workshop paper [5].
That paper argued, and this paper concurs, that quota allocation
and enforcement should be separate. That paper proposed a
receiver-enforcer protocol that DQE incorporates, but it sketched a
very different (and more complex) enforcer design based on
distributed hash tables (DHTs).
2 Requirements and Challenges
In this section we discuss general requirements for DQE and specific
challenges for the enforcer. These requirements all concern quota
enforcement; indeed, in this paper we address quota allocation only
briefly (see §8). The reason for this focus is that these
two are different concerns: the former is a purely technical matter while the
latter involves social, economic, and policy factors.
2.1 Protocol Requirements
No false positives Our high-level goal is reliable email.
We assume reused stamps indicate spam. Thus, a fresh stamp must never
appear to have been used before.
Untrusted enforcer We do not know the
likely economic model of the enforcer, whether monolithic (i.e., owned
and operated by a single entity) or federated (i.e., many organizations with
an interest in spam control donate resources to a distributed system).
No matter what model is adopted, it would be wise to design the system
so that clients place minimal trust in the infrastructure.
Privacy To reduce (already
daunting) deployment hurdles, we seek to preserve the current "semantics"
of email. In particular, queries of the quota enforcer should not identify
email senders (otherwise, the enforcer knows which senders are
communicating with which receivers, violating email's privacy model), and
a receiver should not be able to use a stamp to prove to a third party that
a sender communicated with it.
2.2 Challenges for the Enforcer
Scalability The enforcer must scale to current and future
email volumes. Studies estimate that 80-90 billion emails will be sent daily
this year [30,50]. (We admit that we have no way to
verify these claims.) We set an initial target of 100 billion daily messages
(an average of about 1.2 million stamp checks per second) and strive to keep
pace with future growth. To cope with these rates, the enforcer must be
composed of many hosts.
Fault-tolerance Given the required number of hosts, it is
highly likely that some subset will experience crash faults (e.g., be
down) or Byzantine faults (e.g., become subverted). The enforcer
should be robust to these faults. In particular, it should guarantee no
more than a small amount of stamp reuse, despite such failures.
High throughput To control management and hardware costs, we
wish to minimize the required number of machines, which requires maximizing
Attack-resilience Spammers will have a strong incentive to
cripple the enforcer; it should thus resist denial-of-service (DoS) and resource
exhaustion attacks.
Mutually untrusting nodes In both federated and monolithic
enforcer organizations, nodes could be compromised. In the federated case,
even when the nodes are uncompromised, they may not trust each other.
Thus, in either case, besides being untrusted (by clients), nodes
should also be untrusting (of other nodes), even as they do
storage operations for each other.
We now show how the above requirements are met, first discussing the
general architecture in §3 and then, in §4,
focusing on the detailed design of the enforcer.
3 DQE Architecture
The architecture is depicted in Figure 1. This section
describes the format and allocation of stamps (§3.1), how
stamps are checked and canceled (§3.2), and how that
process satisfies the requirements in
We also give an overview of the enforcer
(§3.3) and describe attackers and
vulnerabilities (§3.4). Although we will refer to
"sender" and "receiver", we expect those will be, for ease of
deployment, the sender's and receiver's respective email servers.
Fig. 1: DQE architecture.
3.1 Stamp Allocation and Creation
The quota allocation policy is the purview of a few globally
trusted quota allocators (QAs), each with distinct public/private key pair
(QApub,QApriv); the QApub are well known. A participant
S constructs public/private key pair (Spub,Spriv) and presents
Spub to a QA. The QA determines a quota for S and returns to S a
signed certificate (the notation {A}B means that string A is signed
with key B):
CS={ Spub,expirationtime,quota}QApriv. |
Anyone knowing QApub can verify, by
inspecting CS, that S has been allocated a quota.
expiration time is when the certificate expires (in our
implementation, certificates are
valid for one year), and quota specifies the maximum number of stamps
that S can use within a well-known epoch (in our implementation,
each day is an epoch). Epochs free the enforcer from having to
store canceled stamps for long time periods.
Obtaining a certificate is the only interaction participants have with
a QA, and it happens on, e.g., yearly time scales, so the QA can
allocate quotas with great care.
Participants use the quota attribute of their certificates
to create up to quota stamps in any epoch. A participant
with a certificate may give its stamps to other email senders, which
may be a practical way for an organization to acquire a large quota and
then dole it out to individual users.
Each stamp has the form {CS, {i, t}Spriv}. Each i in [1,quota] is supposed to be used no more than once in the
current epoch. t is a unique identifier of the current epoch. Because
email can be delayed en route to a recipient, receivers accept stamps
from the current epoch and the one just previous.
An alternative to senders creating their own stamps would be QAs
distributing stamps to senders. We reject this approach because it would
require a massive computational effort by the QAs.
3.2 Stamp Cancellation Protocol
Fig. 2: Stamp cancellation protocol followed by sender (S), receiver
(R), and the enforcer (Enf.). The protocol upholds the design goals in
§2.1: it gives no false positives, preserves privacy,
and does not trust the enforcer.
This section describes the protocol followed by senders, receivers, and
the enforcer. Figure 2 depicts the protocol.
For a given stamp attached to an email from sender S, the receiver R must
check that the stamp is unused and must prevent reuse of the
stamp in the current epoch. To this end, R checks that the value of
i in the stamp is less than S's quota, that t identifies the
current or just previous epoch, and that the signatures are valid. If
the stamp passes these tests, R communicates with the enforcer
using two UDP-based Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs): TEST and SET.
R first calls TEST to check whether the enforcer has seen a
fingerprint of the stamp; if the response is "not found", R then
calls SET, presenting the fingerprint to be stored.3 The
fingerprint of the stamp is HASH(STAMP), where HASH is a
one-way hash function that is hard to invert.
Note that an adversary cannot cancel a victim's stamp before the victim
has actually created it: the stamp contains a signature, so guessing
HASH(STAMP) requires either finding a collision in HASH
or forging a signature.
We now return to the design goals in §2.1. First, false
positives are impossible:
because HASH is one-way, a reply of
the fingerprint- hash(STAMP)-in response to
a TEST of the postmark- HASH(HASH(STAMP))-proves that the
enforcer has seen the (postmark, fingerprint) pair.
Thus, the
enforcer cannot falsely cause an email with a novel stamp to be
labeled spam. (The enforcer can, however, allow a reused stamp to be
labeled novel; see §4.) Second, receivers do not trust
the enforcer: they demand proof of reuse (i.e., the fingerprint).
Third, the protocol upholds current email privacy semantics: the
enforcer sees hashes of stamps and not stamps themselves, so it
doesn't know who sent the message. More details about this protocol's
privacy properties are in [5].
3.3 The Enforcer
The enforcer stores the fingerprints of stamps canceled (i.e.,
SET) in the current and previous epochs. It comprises
thousands of untrusted storage nodes (which we often call just
"nodes"), with the list of approved nodes published by a trusted
authority. The nodes might come either from a single organization that
operates the enforcer for profit (perhaps paid by organizations with
an interest in spam control) or else from multiple contributing
Clients, typically incoming email servers, interact with the
enforcer by calling its interface, TEST and SET. These two RPCs are
implemented by every storage node. For a given TEST or SET, the
node receiving the client's request is called the portal for that
request. Clients discover a nearby portal either via hard-coding or via
3.4 Attackers and Remaining Vulnerabilities
Attackers will likely be spammers (we include in this term both
authors and distributors of spam). Attackers may control armies of
hundreds of thousands of bots that can send spam and mount attacks.
As discussed in §3.2, attackers cannot forge stamps,
cancel stamps they have not seen, or induce false positives. DQE's
remaining vulnerabilities are in two categories: unauthorized stamp
use (i.e., theft) and stamp re-use. We discuss the first category
below. Since the purpose of the enforcer is to prevent reuse, we
address the second one when describing the enforcer's design in
A spammer may be able to steal stamps from its "botted" hosts.
However, such theft by a single spammer is unlikely to increase spam
much: a botnet with 100,000 hosts and a daily quota of 100 stamps per
machine leads to 10 million extra spams, a small fraction of the tens of
billions of daily spams today. Moreover, out-of-band contact between the
email provider and the customer could thwart such theft, in analogy
with credit card companies contacting customers to verify anomalous
A related attack is to compromise an email relay and appropriate the
fresh stamps on legitimate email. The attacker could then send more
spam (but not much more-one relay is unlikely to carry much of the
world's email). More seriously, the emails that were robbed now
look like spam and might not be read. But, though the attack has greater
appeal under DQE, the vulnerability is not new: even without stamps, an
attacker controlling a compromised email relay can drop email arriving at
the relay. In any case, encrypting emails could prevent stamp theft.
4 Detailed Design of the Enforcer
The enforcer, depicted in Figure 3, is a
high-throughput storage service that replicates immutable key-value
pairs over a group of mutually untrusting, infrequently changing nodes.
It tolerates Byzantine faults in these nodes. We assume a trusted
bunker, an entity that communicates the system membership to the
enforcer nodes. The bunker assigns random identifiers-whose
purpose we describe below-to each node and infrequently (e.g., daily)
distributes to each node an in-list, a digitally signed,
authoritative list of the members' identifiers and IP addresses.
Fig. 3: Enforcer design. A TEST causes multiple GETs; a SET
causes one PUT. Here, A is the portal. The ids are in a circular
identifier space with the identifiers determined by the bunker.
Given the required size of the system-thousands of nodes
(§6.5)-we believe the bunker is a reasonable
assumption. If a single organization operates the enforcer, the
bunker can be simply the human who deploys the machines. If the
enforcer is federated, a small number of neutral people can implement
the bunker. Managing a list of several thousand relatively reliable
machines that are donated by various organizations is a "human scale" job, and
the vetting of machines can be light since the enforcer is robust to
adversarial nodes. Of course, the bunker is a single point of
vulnerability, but observe that humans, not computers, execute
most of its functions. Nevertheless, to guard against a
compromised bunker, nodes accept only limited daily changes to the
Clients' queries-e.g., TEST(HASH(HASH(stamp)))-are interpreted by
the enforcer as queries on key-value pairs, i.e., as TEST(k) or
SET(k,v), where k = HASH(v). (Throughout, we use k and v to
mean keys and values.)
Portals implement TEST and SET by invoking
at other nodes a UDP-based RPC interface, internal to the enforcer,
of GET(k) and PUT(k,v). (Although the enforcer uses consistent
hashing [33] to assign key-value pairs to nodes,
which is reminiscent of DHTs, the enforcer and DHTs have different
structures and different goals; see §7.2.) To ensure that
GET and PUT are invoked only by other nodes, the in-list can
include nodes' public keys, which nodes can use to establish pairwise
shared secrets for lightweight packet authentication (e.g.,
HMAC [35]).
The rest of this section describes the detailed design of the
enforcer. We first specify TEST and SET and show that even with
crash failures (i.e., down or unreachable nodes), the enforcer
guarantees little stamp reuse. We then show how nodes achieve high
throughput with an efficient implementation of PUT and GET
(§4.2) and a way to avoid degrading under load
(§4.3). We then consider attacks on nodes
(§4.4) and attacks by nodes, and we argue that a
Byzantine failure reduces to a crash failure in our context
(§4.5). Our design decisions are driven by the
challenges in §2.2, but the map between them
is not clean: multiple challenges are relevant to each design decision,
and vice versa.
4.1 TEST, SET, and Fault-Tolerance
Each key k presented to a portal in TEST or SET has r
assigned nodes that could store it; these nodes are a "random"
subset (determined by k) of enforcer nodes. We say below how to
determine r. To implement TEST(k), a portal invokes GET(k) at
k's r assigned nodes in turn. The portal stops when either a node
replies with a v such that k= HASH(v), in which case the portal
returns v to its client, or else when it has tried all r nodes
without such a reply, in which case the portal returns "not found". To
implement SET(k,v), the portal chooses one of the r assigned
nodes uniformly at random and invokes PUT(k,v) there. Pseudo-code
for TEST and SET is shown in Figure 4. The
purpose of 1 PUT and r GETs-as opposed to the usual r
PUTs and 1 GET-is to conserve storage.
A key's assigned nodes are determined by consistent
hashing [33] in a circular identifier space using
r hash functions. The bunker-given identifier mentioned above is a
random choice from this space. To achieve near-uniform per-node storage
with high probability, each node actually has multiple
identifiers [61] deterministically derived from its
bunker-given one.
Fig. 4: Pseudo-code for TEST and SET in terms of GET and
Churn Churn generates no extra work for the system. To
handle intra-day churn (i.e., nodes going down and coming up
between daily distributions of the in-list), portals do not track which
nodes are up; instead they apply to each PUT or GET request a
timeout of several seconds with no retry, and interpret a timed-out
GET as simply a "not found". (A few seconds of latency is not
problematic for the portal's client-an incoming email server-because
sender-receiver latency in email is often seconds and sometimes
minutes.) Moreover, when a node fails, other nodes do not "take over"
the failed node's data: the invariant "every (k,v) pair must always
exist at r locations" is not needed for our application.
To handle inter-day churn (i.e., in-list changes), the assigned
nodes for most (k,v) pairs must not change; otherwise, queries on
previously SET stamps (e.g., "yesterday's" stamps) would fail. This
requirement is satisfied because the bunker makes only minor in-list
changes from day-to-day and because, from consistent hashing, these
minor membership changes lead to proportionately minor changes in the
assigned nodes [33].
We now show how to set r to prevent significant stamp reuse. We will
assume that nodes, even subverted ones, do not abuse their portal
role; we revisit this assumption in §4.5.
Our analysis depends on a parameter p, the fraction of the n total
machines that fail during a 2-day period (recall that an epoch is a day
and that nodes store stamps' fingerprints for the current and previous
epochs). We will consider only a stamp's expected reuse. A Chernoff
bound (proof elided) can show that there is unlikely to be a set of pn
nodes whose failure would result in much more than the expected stamp
We don't distinguish the causes of failures-some machines may be
subverted, while others may simply crash. To keep the analysis simple,
we also do not characterize machines as reliable for some fraction of
the time-we simply count in p any machine that fails to operate
perfectly over the 2-day period. Nodes that do operate perfectly (i.e.,
remain up and follow the protocol) during this period are called
good. We believe that carefully chosen nodes can usually be good
so that p = 0.1, for example, might be a reasonably conservative
estimate. Nevertheless, observe that this model is very pessimistic:
a node that is offline for a few minutes is no longer good, yet such an
outage would scarcely increase total spam.
For a given stamp, portals can detect attempted reuses once the stamp's
fingerprint is PUT on a good node. When most nodes are good, this
event happens quickly. As shown in the appendix, the expected number of
times a stamp is used before this event happens is less than
[1/(1−2p)] + pr n. The second term reflects the possibility
(probability pr) that none of the r assigned nodes is good. In
this case, an adversary can reuse the stamp once for each of the n
portals. (The "local PUT" in the first line of SET in
Figure 4 prevents infinite reuse.) These "lucky"
stamps do not worry us: our goal is to keep small the total number of
reuses across all stamps. If we set r = 1+log1/p n and take p=0.1,
then a stamp's expected number of uses is less than [1/(1−2p)]+ p ≈ 1 + 3p = 1.3, close to the ideal of 1 use per stamp.
The above assumes that the network never loses RPCs. To handle packet
loss, clients and portals can retry RPCs, thereby lowering the effective
drop rate and making the false negatives from dropped packets a
negligible contribution to total spam. Investigating whether such
retries are necessary is future work.
4.2 Implementation of GET and PUT
In our early implementation, nodes stored their internal key-value maps
in memory, which let them give fast "found" and "not found" answers
to GETs. However, we realized that the total number of stamps
that the enforcer must store makes RAM scarce. Thus, nodes
need a way to store keys and values that conserves RAM yet, as much as
possible, allows high PUT and GET throughput.
This section describes the nodes' key-value stores, the properties of
which are: PUTs are fast; after a crash, nodes can recover most
previously canceled stamps; each key-value pair costs 5.2 bytes rather
than 40 bytes of RAM; "not found" answers to GETs are almost always
fast; and "found" answers to GETs require a disk seek. We justify
these properties below.
Fig. 5: Pseudo-code for GET and PUT. A node switches between
batches of writes and reads; that asynchrony is not shown.
As in previous systems [54,39,49], nodes write incoming
data-key-value pairs here-to a disk log sequentially and keep an
index that maps keys to locations in the log. In our system, the index
lives in memory and maps keys to log blocks, each of which
contains multiple key-value pairs. Also, our index can return false
locations: it occasionally "claims" that a given key is on the disk
even though the node has never stored the key.
When a node looks up a key k, the index returns either "not stored"
or a block b. In the latter case, the node reads b from the on-disk
log and scans the keys in b to see if k is indeed stored.
Pseudo-code describing how GETs and PUTs interact with the index
is shown in Figure 5.
We now describe the structure of the index, depicted in
Figure 6. The index has two components. First is a
modified open addressing hash table, the entries of which are divided
into an 8-bit checksum and a 24-bit pointer to a block (of size, e.g., 4
KBytes). A key k, like in standard open addressing as described by Knuth,
"determines a `probe sequence,' namely a sequence of table positions that
are to be inspected whenever k is inserted or looked
up" [34], with insertion happening in the first empty
position. When insertion happens, the node stores an 8-bit
checksum of k as well as a pointer to the block that holds k. (The
checksum and probe sequence should be unpredictable to an adversary.) A
false location happens when a lookup on key k finds an entry for which
the top 8 bits are k's checksum while the bottom bits point to a block
that does not hold k. This case is handled by the index's second
component, an overflow table storing those (k,v) pairs for which
k wrongly appears to be in the hash table. INDEX.LOOKUP(), in
Figure 5, checks this table.
Fig. 6: In-RAM index mapping from k to log block that holds (k,v).
We now return to the properties claimed above. PUTs are fast because
the node, rather than interleaving reads and writes, does each in
batches, yielding sequential disk writes. For crash recovery: on
booting, a node scans its log to rebuild the index. For the RAM cost:
the value of the hash table's load factor (i.e., ratio of non-empty
entries to total entries) that is space-minimizing is ≈ 0.87
(see Claim 1 in [66]); the corresponding RAM cost is 1.3x entries
(see Claim 2 in [66]), where x is the number of (k,v) pairs
stored by the node. The 1.3x entries with 4 bytes per entry gives the
5.2 bytes claimed above. For negative GET(k) requests (i.e., k
not found), nodes inspect an average of 8 entries in the probe
sequence (see Claim 3 in [66]), and the rare false location incurs
a disk seek. For affirmative GETs (i.e., reused stamps), the
node visits an average of 8 entries to look up the block, b, that
holds v; the node then does a disk seek to get b.
These seeks are one of the enforcer's principal bottlenecks, as shown
in §6.3. To ease this bottleneck, nodes cache
recently retrieved (k,v) pairs in RAM.
Nodes use the block device interface rather than the file system. With
the file system, the kernel would, on retrieving a (k,v) pair from
disk, put in its buffer cache the entire disk block holding
(k,v). However, most of that cached block would be a
waste of space: nodes' disk reads exhibit no reference locality.
4.3 Avoiding "Distributed Livelock"
The enforcer must not degrade under high load. Such load could be
from heavy legitimate use or from attackers' spurious requests, as in
§4.4. In fact, our implementation's capacity, measured
by total correct TEST responses, did originally worsen under load.
This section describes our change to avoid this behavior. See
§6.6 for experimental evidence of the technique's
Observe that the packets causing nodes to do work are UDP RPC requests
or responses and that these packets separate into three classes. The
classes are: (1) TEST or SET requests from clients; (2) GET or
PUT requests from other enforcer nodes; and (3) GET or PUT
responses. To achieve the enforcer's throughput goal, which is
to maximize the number of successful PUTs and GETs, we have the
individual nodes prioritize these packet classes. The highest
priority class is (3), the lowest (1).
When nodes did not prioritize and instead served these classes
round-robin, overload-defined as the CPU being unable to do the
work induced by all arriving packets-caused two problems. First, each
packet class experienced drops, so many GETs and PUTs were
unsuccessful since either the request or the response was dropped.
Second, the system admitted too many TESTs and SETs, i.e.,
it overcommitted to clients. The combination was distributed
livelock: nodes spent cycles on TESTs and SETs and meanwhile
dropped GET and PUT requests and responses from other
Prioritizing the three classes, in contrast to round-robin, improves
throughput and implements admission control: a node, in its role as
portal, commits to handling a TEST or SET only if it has no other
pending work in its role as node. We can view the work induced by a TEST or
SET as a distributed pipeline; each stage is the arrival at
any node of a packet related to the request.
In this view, a GET or PUT response means the enforcer as a
whole has done most of the work for the underlying
request; dropping such a packet contradicts the throughput goal.
To implement the priorities, each of the three packet classes goes to
its own UDP destination port and thus its own queue (socket) on the
node. The node reads from the highest priority queue (socket) with data.
If the node cannot keep up with a packet class, the associated socket
buffer fills, and the kernel drops packets in that class.
A different way to avoid distributed livelock might be for a node to
maintain a window of outstanding RPCs to every other node. This approach
will not work well in general because it is hard to set the size of the
window. We also note that avoiding distributed livelock and coping with
network congestion are separate concerns; we briefly address the latter
in §4.6.
The general approach described in this section-which does nothing more
than apply the principle that, under load, one should drop from the
beginning of a pipeline to maximize throughput-could be useful for
other distributed systems. There is certainly much work addressing
overload: see, e.g., SEDA [69,68], LRP [15], and
Defensive Programming [48] and their
bibliographies; these proposals use fine-grained resource allocation to
protect servers from overload. Other work (see, e.g.,
Neptune [57] and its bibliography) focuses on clusters of
equivalent servers, with the goal of proper allocation of requests to
servers. All of this research concerns requests of single hosts and is
orthogonal to the simple priority scheme described here, which concerns
logical requests happening on several hosts.
4.4 Resource Exhaustion Attacks
Two years ago, a popular DNS-based block list (DNSBL) was forced
offline [27], and a few months later another such service was
attacked [63], suggesting that effective anti-spam services
with open interfaces are targets for various denial-of-service (DoS)
attacks. If successful, DQE would be a major threat to spammers, so we
must ensure that the enforcer resists attack. We do not focus on
packet floods, in which zombies [56,51] exhaust
the enforcer's bandwidth with packets that are not well-formed
requests. These attacks can be handled using various commercial (e.g.,
upstream firewalls) and academic (see [44] for a
survey) solutions. We thus assume that enforcer nodes see only
well-formed RPC requests.
A resource exhaustion attack is a flood of spurious RPCs
(e.g., by zombies). Such floods would waste nodes' resources,
specifically: disk seeks on affirmative GETs, entries in the RAM
index (which is exhausted long before the disk fills) for
PUTs, and CPU cycles to process RPCs. These attacks are difficult
because one cannot differentiate "good" from "bad": requests are
TEST(k) and SET(HASH(v),v) where k,v are any 20-byte values.
Absent further mechanism, handling such an attack requires
the enforcer to be provisioned for the legitimate load plus as many
TESTs and SETs as the attacker can send.
Before we describe the defense, observe that attackers have some
bandwidth limit. Let us make the assumption-which we revisit
shortly-that attackers are sending as much spam as they can,
and, specifically, that they are limited by bandwidth. This limit
reflects either a constraint like the bots' access links or some
threshold above which the attacker fears detection by the human owner of
the compromised machine.
Observe, also, that the enforcer is indifferent between the attacker
sending (1) a spurious TEST and (2) a single spam message, thereby
inducing a legitimate TEST (and, rarely, a SET); the resources
consumed by the enforcer are the same in (1) and (2). Now, under the
assumption above, we can neutralize resource exhaustion attacks by
arranging for a TEST or SET to require the same amount of
bandwidth as sending a spam. For if attackers are "maxed out" and if
sending a TEST and a spam cost the same bandwidth, then attackers
cannot cause more TESTs and SETs than would be induced anyway by
current email volumes-for which the enforcer is already
provisioned. To realize this general approach (which is in the spirit
of [65,58]), enforcer nodes have several
options, such as asking for long requests or demanding many copies of
each request. This approach does not address hotspots (i.e., individual,
overloaded portals), but if any particular portal is attacked, clients
can use another one.
Of course, despite our assumption above, today's attackers are unlikely
to be "maxed out". However, they have some bandwidth limit. If
this limit and current spam volumes are the same order of magnitude,
then the approach described here reduces the enforcer's required
over-provisioning to a small constant factor. Moreover, this
over-provisioning is an upper bound: the most damaging
spurious request is a TEST that causes a disk seek by asking a node
for an existing stamp
fingerprint (§6.3), yet nodes cache key-value pairs
(§4.2). If, for example, half of spurious TESTs
generate cache hits, the required provisioning halves.
4.5 Adversarial Nodes
We now argue that for the protocol described in §4.1, a
Byzantine failure reduces to a crash failure. Nodes do not route
requests for each other. A node cannot lie in response to GET(k)
because for a false v, HASH(v) would not be k (so a node cannot
make a fresh stamp look reused). A node's only attack is to cause a
stamp to be reused by ignoring PUT and GET requests, but doing so
is indistinguishable from a crash failure. Thus, the analysis in
§4.1, which applies to crash failures, captures the
effect of adversarial nodes. Of course, depending on the deployment
(federated or monolithic), one might have to assume a higher or lower
However, the analysis does not cover a node that abuses its portal role
and endlessly gives its clients false negative answers, letting much
spam through. Note, though, that if adversarial portals are rare, then
a random choice is unlikely to find an adversarial one. Furthermore, if
a client receives much spam with apparently fresh stamps, it may become
suspicious and switch portals, or it can query multiple portals.
Another attack for an adversarial node is to execute spurious PUTs
and GETs at other nodes, exhausting their resources. In defense,
nodes maintain "put quotas" and "get quotas" for each other, which
relies on the fact that the assignment of (k,v) pairs to nodes is
balanced. Deciding how to set these quotas is future work.
4.6 Limitations
The enforcer may be either clustered or wide-area. Because our
present concern is throughput, our implementation and evaluation are
geared only to the clustered case. We plan to address the wide-area case
in future work and briefly consider it now. If the nodes are separated
by low capacity links, distributed livelock avoidance (§4.3) is
not needed, but congestion control is. Options include long-lived
pairwise DCCP connections or a scheme like STP in
Dhash++ [14].
5 Implementation
We describe our implementation of the enforcer nodes and DQE client
software; the latter runs at email senders and receivers and has been
handling the inbound and outbound email of several users for over six
5.1 Enforcer Node Software
The enforcer is a 5000-line event-driven C++ program that exposes its
interfaces via XDR RPC over UDP. It uses libasync [42] and
its asynchronous I/O daemon [39]. We modified libasync slightly
to implement distributed livelock avoidance (§4.3). We have
successfully tested the enforcer on Linux 2.6 and FreeBSD 5.3. We
play the bunker role ourselves by configuring the enforcer nodes with
an in-list that specifies random identifiers. We have not yet
implemented per-portal quotas to defend against resource exhaustion by
adversarial nodes (§4.5), a defense against
resource exhaustion by clients (§4.4), or HMAC for
inter-portal authentication (§4). The implementation is
otherwise complete.
5.2 DQE Client Software
The DQE client software is two Python modules. The sender module is
invoked by a sendmail hook;
it creates a stamp
(using a certificate signed by a virtual quota allocator) and inserts it
in a new
header in the departing message. The receiver module is invoked by
procmail; it
checks whether the email has a stamp and, if so, executes a TEST RPC
over XDR to a portal. Depending on the results (no stamp, already canceled
stamp, forged stamp, etc.), the module adds a header to the email for
processing by filter rules. To reduce client-perceived latency, the module first delivers
email to the recipient and then, for fresh stamps, asynchronously executes
the SET.
6 Evaluation of the Enforcer
The analysis (§4.1, appendix)
accurately reflects how actual failures affect observed stamp
reuse. Even with 20% of the nodes down, the average number of
reuses is under 1.5.
| §6.2 |
Microbenchmarks (§6.3) predict
the enforcer's performance exactly. The bottleneck is
disk seeks.
| §6.4 |
The enforcer can handle current email volume with
a few thousand high-end PCs.
| §6.5 |
The scheme to avoid livelock (§4.3) is effective.
| §6.6 |
Table 1: Summary of evaluation results.
In this section, we evaluate the enforcer experimentally. We first
investigate how its observed fault-tolerance-in terms of the average number
of stamp reuses as a function of the number of faulty machines-matches the
analysis in §4.1. We next investigate the capacity of a single
enforcer node, measure how this capacity scales with multiple nodes, and
then estimate the number of dedicated enforcer nodes needed to handle 100
billion emails per day (our target volume; see
§2.2). Finally, we evaluate the livelock avoidance
scheme from §4.3. Table 1 summarizes
our results.
All of our experiments use the Emulab testbed [18]. In these
experiments, between one and 64 enforcer nodes are connected to a
single LAN, modeling a clustered network service with a high-speed
access link.
6.1 Environment
Each enforcer node runs on a separate Emulab host. To simulate
clients and to test the enforcer under load, we run up to 25
instances of an open-loop tester, U (again, one per Emulab host). All
hosts run Linux FC4 (2.6 kernel) and are Emulab's "PC 3000s", which
have 3 GHz Xeon processors, 2 GBytes of RAM, 100 Mbit/s Ethernet
interfaces, and 10,000 RPM SCSI disks.
Each U follows a Poisson process to generate TESTs and selects the
portal for each TEST uniformly at random. This process models various
email servers sending TESTs to various enforcer nodes. (As
argued in [45], Poisson processes appropriately model a
collection of many random, unrelated session arrivals in the Internet.)
The proportion of reused TESTs (stamps5 previously SET by U) to fresh
TESTs (stamps never SET by U) is configurable. These two TEST
types model an email server receiving a spam or non-spam message,
respectively. In response to a "not found" reply-which happens
either if the stamp is fresh or if the enforcer lost the reused
stamp-U issues a SET to the portal it chose for the TEST.
Our reported experiments run for 12 or 30 minutes. Separately, we ran a
12-hour test to verify that the performance of the enforcer does not
degrade over time.
6.2 Fault Tolerance
We investigate whether failures in the implemented system reflect the
analysis. Recall that this analysis (in §4.1 and
the appendix) upper bounds the average number of stamp uses in terms of
p, where p is the probability a node is bad, i.e., that it is
ever down while a given stamp is relevant (two days). Below, we model
"bad" with crash faults, only (see §4.5 for the
relationship between Byzantine and crash faults).
We run two experiments in which we vary the number of bad nodes. These
experiments measure how often the enforcer-because some of its
nodes have crashed-fails to "find" stamps it has already "heard"
In the first experiment, called crashed, the bad nodes are never up. In
the second, called churning, the bad nodes repeat a 90-second cycle of
45 seconds of down time followed by 45 seconds of up time. Both experiments
run for 30 minutes. The Us issue TESTs and SETs to the up nodes,
as described in §6.1.
Half the TESTs are for fresh stamps, and the other half are for a
reuse group-843,750 reused stamps that are each queried 32
times during the experiment. This group of TESTs models an
adversary trying to reuse a stamp. The Us count the number of "not found"
replies for each stamp in the reuse group; each such reply counts as a
stamp use.
We set n = 40, and the number of bad nodes is
between 6 and 10, so p varies between 0.15 and 0.25. For
the replication factor (§4.1), we set r=3.
Fig. 7: Effect of "bad" nodes on stamp reuse for two types of
"bad". Observed uses obey the upper bound from the analysis (see
§4.1 and the appendix).
The crashed case can be analyzed exactly; the observations track
this analysis closely.
The results are depicted in Figure 7. The two "observed"
lines plot the average number of times a stamp in the "reuse group"
was used successfully. These observations obey the model's least upper
bound. This bound, from equation (1) in the appendix,
is 1 +[3/2]p + 3p2 + p3[40(1−p) − (1 +[3/2] + 3)] and is labeled "upper
bound".6 The crashed experiment is amenable to an exact expectation
The resulting expression7
is depicted by the line labeled
"crashed, analytic"; it matches the observations well.
6.3 Single-node Microbenchmarks
We now examine the performance of a single-node enforcer. We begin
with RAM and ask how it limits the number of PUTs. Each key-value
pair consumes roughly 5.2 bytes of memory in expectation
(§4.2), and each is stored for two days
(§3.3). Thus, with one GByte of RAM, a node can store slightly fewer
than 200 million key-value pairs, which, over two days, is roughly 1100
PUTs per second. A node can certainly accept a higher average rate
over any given period but must limit the total number of PUTs it
accepts each day to 100 million for every GByte of RAM. Our
implementation does not currently rate-limit inbound
Operation | Ops/sec | bottleneck |
PUT | 1,100 | RAM |
pessimistic GET | 400 | disk |
non-pessimistic GET | 38,000 | CPU |
Table 2: Single-node performance, assuming 1 GByte of RAM.
We next ask how the disk limits GETs. (The disk does not bottleneck
PUTs because writes are sequential and because disk space is ample.)
Consider a key k requested at a node d. We call a GET slow
if d stores k on disk (if so, d has an entry for k in its index) and
k is not in d's RAM cache (see §4.2).
We expect d's ability to
respond to slow GETs to be limited by disk seeks. To verify this belief, an instance of U sends
TESTs and SETs at a high rate to a single-node enforcer,
inducing local GETs and PUTs. The node runs with its cache of
key-value pairs disabled. The node responds to an average of 400 slow
GETs per second (measured over 5-second intervals, with standard
deviation less than 10% of the mean). This performance agrees with
our disk benchmark utility, which does random access reads in a tight
We next consider fast GETs, which are GETs on
keys k for which the node has k cached or is not storing k. In
either case, the node can reply quickly. For this type of GET, we
expect the bottleneck to be the CPU. To test this hypothesis, U again
sends many TESTs and SETs. Indeed, CPU usage reaches 100% (again,
measured over 5-second intervals with standard deviation as above),
after which the node can handle no more than 38,000 RPCs. A profile of
our implementation indicates that the specific CPU bottleneck is
Table 2 summarizes the above findings.
6.4 Capacity of the Enforcer
We now measure the capacity of multiple-node enforcers and seek to
explain the results using the microbenchmarks just given. We define
capacity as the maximum rate at which the system can respond
correctly to the reused requests. Knowing the capacity as a function of
the number of nodes will help us, in the next section, answer the dual
question: how many nodes the enforcer must comprise to handle a given
volume of email (assuming each email generates a TEST).
Of course, the measured capacity will depend on the workload: the ratio of
fresh to reused TESTs determines whether RAM or disk is the
bottleneck. The former TESTs consume RAM because the
SETs that follow induce PUTs, while the latter TESTs
may incur a disk seek.
Note that the resources consumed by a TEST are different in the
multiple-node case. A TEST now generates r (or r−1, if the portal
is an assigned node) GET RPCs, each of which consumes CPU cycles at
the sender and receiver. A reused TEST still incurs only one disk
seek in the entire enforcer (since the portal stops GETing once a
node replies affirmatively).
32-node experiments We first determine the capacity of a
32-node enforcer. To emulate the per-node load of a several
thousand-node deployment, we set r=5 (which we get because, from
§4.1, r = 1 + log1/p n; we take p=0.1 and
n=8000, which is the upper bound in §6.5).
We run two groups of experiments in which 20 instances of U send half
fresh and half reused TESTs at various rates to this enforcer. In
the first group, called disk, the nodes' LRU caches are disabled,
forcing a disk seek for every affirmative GET (§4.2).
In the second group, called CPU, we enable the LRU caches and set
them large enough that stamps will be stored in the cache for the
duration of the experiment. The first group of experiments is fully
pessimistic and models a disk-bound workload whereas the second is
(unrealistically) optimistic and models a workload in which RPC
processing is the bottleneck. We ignore the RAM bottleneck in these
experiments but consider it at the end of the section.
Each node reports how many reused TESTs it served over the last 5
seconds (if too many arrive, the node's kernel silently drops). Each
experiment run happens at a different TEST rate. For each run, we
produce a value by averaging together all of the nodes' 5-second
reports. Figure 8 graphs the positive response rate as a
function of the TEST rate. The left and right y-axes show,
respectively, a per-node per-second mean and a per-second mean over all
nodes; the x-axis is the aggregate sent TEST rate. (The standard
deviations are less than 9% of the means.) The graph shows that maximum
per-node capacity is 400 reused TESTs/sec when the disk is the
bottleneck and 1875 reused TESTs/sec when RPC processing is the
bottleneck; these correspond to 800 and 3750 total TESTs/sec (recall
that half of the sent TESTs are reused).
The microbenchmarks explain these numbers. The per-node disk capacity is
given by the disk benchmark. We now connect the per-node
TEST-processing rate (3750 per second) to the RPC-processing
microbenchmark (38,000 per second). Recall that a TEST generates
multiple GET requests and multiple GET responses (how many depends
on whether the TEST is fresh). Also, if the stamp was fresh, a
TEST induces a SET request, a PUT request, and a PUT
response. Taking all of these "requests" together (and counting
responses as "requests" because each response also causes the node to do
work), the average TEST generates 10.1 "requests" in this
experiment (see [66] for details).
Thus, 3750 TEST requests per node per second is 37,875 "requests"
per node per second, which is within 0.5% of the microbenchmark
from §6.3 (last row of Table 2).
One might notice that the CPU line in Figure 8 degrades
after 1875 positive responses per second per node (the enforcer's
RPC-processing capacity). The reason is as follows. Giving the
enforcer more TESTs and SETs than it can handle
causes it to drop some. Dropped SETs cause some future
reused TESTs to be seen as fresh by the enforcer-but
fresh TESTs induce more GETs (r or r−1) than reused TESTs
(roughly (r+1)/2 on average since the portal stops querying when it
gets a positive response). Thus, the degradation happens because extra
RPCs from fresh-looking TESTs consume capacity. This
degradation is not ideal, but it does not continue indefinitely.
Scaling We now measure the enforcer's capacity as a
function of the number of nodes, hypothesizing near-linear scaling. We
run the same experiments as for 32 nodes but with enforcers of 8, 16,
and 64 nodes. Figure 9 plots the maximum point from each
standard deviations are smaller than 10% of the means.) The results confirm
our hypothesis across this (limited) range of system sizes: an
additional node at the margin lets the enforcer handle, depending on
the workload, an additional 400 or 1875 TESTs/sec-the per-node
averages for the 32-node experiment.
Fig. 8: For a 32-node enforcer, mean response rate to TEST requests as function of sent
TEST rate for disk- and CPU-bound workloads. The two y-axes show the
response rate in different units: (1) per-node and (2) over the
enforcer in aggregate. Here, r=5, and
each reported sample's standard deviation is less than 9% of its mean.
Fig. 9: Enforcer capacity under two workloads as a function of number
of nodes in the enforcer.
The y-axis is the same as the right-hand y-axis in Fig. 8.
Standard deviations are smaller than 10% of the reported means.
We now view the enforcer's scaling properties in terms of its request
mix. Assume pessimistically that all reused TEST requests cost a disk
seek. Then, doubling the rate of spam (reused TEST requests) will
double the required enforcer size. However, doubling the rate of
non-spam (fresh TEST requests) will not change the required
enforcer size at first. The rate of non-spam will only affect the
required enforcer size when the ratio of the rates of reused TESTs
to fresh TESTs matches the ratio of a single node's performance
limits, namely 400 reused TESTs/sec to 1100 fresh TESTs/sec for every
GByte of RAM. The reason is that fresh TESTs are followed by
SETs, and these SETs are a bottleneck only if nodes see more than
1100 PUTs per second per GByte of RAM; see Table 2.
6.5 Estimating the Enforcer Size
100 billion | emails daily (target from §2.2) |
65% | spam [43,7] |
65 billion | disk seeks / day (pessimistic) |
400 | disk seeks/second/node (§6.3) |
86400 | seconds/day |
1881 | nodes (from three quantities above) |
Table 3: Estimate of enforcer size (based on average rates).
We now give a rough estimate of the number of dedicated enforcer
nodes required to handle current email volumes. The calculation is
summarized in Table 3. Some current estimates suggest 84
billion email messages per day [30] and a spam rate of
roughly 65% [43]. (Brightmail reported a similar figure
for the spam percentage in July 2004 [7].) We assume 100
billion messages daily and follow the lower
bound on capacity in Figure 9, i.e., every reused
TEST-each of which models a spam message-causes the enforcer
to do a disk seek. In this case, the enforcer must do 65 billion
disk seeks per day and, since the required size scales with the number
of disks (§6.4), a straightforward calculation gives
the required number of machines. For the disks in our experiments, the
number is about 2000 machines. The required network bandwidth is small,
about 3 Mbits/s per node.
So far we have considered only average request rates. We must ask how
many machines the enforcer needs to handle peak email loads while
bounding reply latency. To answer this question, we would need to
determine the peak-to-average ratio of email reception rates at
email servers (their workload induces the enforcer workload). As
one data point, we analyzed the logs of our research group's email
server, dividing a five-week period in early 2006 into 10-minute
windows. The maximum window saw 4 times the volume of the average
window. Separately, we verified with a 14-hour test that a 32-node
enforcer can handle a workload of like burstiness with worst-case
latency of 10 minutes. Thus, if global email is this bursty, the
enforcer would need 8000 machines (the peak-to-average ratio times
the 2000 machines derived above) to give the same worst-case latency.
However, global email traffic is likely far smoother than one server's
workload. And spam traffic may be smoother still: the spam
in [32]'s 2004 data exhibits-over ten minute windows, as
above-a peak-to-average ratio of 1.9:1. Also, Gomes et al. [22]
claim that spam is less variable than legitimate email. Thus, many
fewer than 8000 machines may be required. On the other hand, the
enforcer may need some over-provisioning for spurious TESTs
(§4.4). For now, we conclude that the enforcer needs
"a few thousand" machines and leave to future work a study of
email burstiness and attacker ability.
6.6 Avoiding "Distributed Livelock"
Fig. 10: Effect of livelock avoidance scheme from §4.3. As the
sent TEST rate increases, the ability of an enforcer without the
scheme to respond accurately to reused TESTs degrades.
We now briefly evaluate the scheme to avoid livelock (from
§4.3). The goal of the scheme is to maximize correct TEST
responses under high load. To verify that the scheme meets this goal, we
run the following experiment: 20 U instances send TEST requests
(half fresh, half reused) at high rates, first, to a 32-node enforcer
with the scheme and then, for comparison, to an otherwise identical
enforcer without the scheme. Here, r=5 and the nodes' caches are
enabled. Also, each stamp is used no more than twice; TESTs thus
generate multiple GETs, some of which are dropped by the enforcer
without the scheme. Figure 10 graphs the positive responses as
a function of the sent TEST rate. At high sent TEST rates, an
enforcer with the scheme gives twice as many positive
responses-that is, blocks more than twice as much spam-as an
enforcer without the scheme.
6.7 Limitations
Although we have tested the enforcer under heavy load to verify that it
does not degrade, we have not tested a flash crowd in which a single
stamp s is GETed by all (several thousand) of the enforcer
nodes. Note, however, that handling several thousand simultaneous GETs is
not difficult because after a single disk seek for s, an assigned node has
the needed key-value pair in its cache.
We have also not addressed heterogeneity. For static
heterogeneity, i.e., nodes that have unequal resources (e.g., CPU, RAM),
the bunker can adjust the load-balanced assignment of keys to values.
Dynamic heterogeneity, i.e., when certain nodes are busy, will be
handled by the enforcer's robustness to unresponsive nodes and by the
application's insensitivity to latency.
7 Related Work
We first place DQE in context with a survey of work on spam control (though
space precludes a full list) and then compare the enforcer to
related distributed systems.
7.1 Spam Control
Spam filters (e.g., [59,25]) analyze incoming email to
classify it as spam or legitimate. While these tools certainly offer
inboxes much relief, they do not achieve our top-level goal of reliable
email (see §1). Moreover, filters and spammers are in an
arms race that makes classification ever harder.
The recently-proposed Re: [21] shares our reliable email
goal. Re: uses friend-of-friend relationships to let correspondents
whitelist each other automatically. In contrast to DQE, Re: allows
some false positives (for non-whitelisted senders), but on the other
hand does not require globally trusted entities (like the quota
allocators and bunker, in our case). Templeton [62]
proposes an infrastructure formed by cooperating ISPs to handle
worldwide email; the infrastructure throttles email from untrusted
sources that send too much. Like DQE, this proposal tries to control
volumes but unlike DQE presumes the enforcement infrastructure is
trusted. Other approaches include single-purpose
addresses [31] and techniques by which email service
providers can stop outbound spam [24].
In postage proposals (e.g., [20,52]), senders
pay receivers for each email; well-behaved receivers will not collect
if the email is legitimate. This class of proposals is critiqued by
Levine [38] and Abadi et al. [1]. Levine
argues that creating a micropayment infrastructure to handle the world's
email is infeasible and that potential cheating is fatal. Abadi
et al. argue that micropayments raise difficult issues because
"protection against double spending [means] making currency
vendor-specific .... There are numerous other issues ... when
considering the use of a straight micro-commerce system. For example,
sending email from your email account at your employer to your personal
account at home would in effect steal money from your
employer" [1].
With pairwise postage, receivers charge CPU
cycles [17,8,4] or memory
cycles [2,16] (the latter being fairer because
memory bandwidths are more uniform than CPU bandwidths) by asking
senders to exhibit the solution of an appropriate puzzle. Similarly,
receivers can demand human attention (e.g., [60]) from a
sender before reading an email.
Abadi et al. pioneered bankable postage [1]. Senders get
tickets from a "Ticket Server" (TS) (perhaps by paying in memory cycles)
and attach them to emails. Receivers check tickets for freshness, cancel
them with the TS, and optionally refund them. Abadi et al. note that,
compared to pairwise schemes, this approach offers: asynchrony (senders get
tickets "off-line" without disrupting their workflow), stockpiling
(senders can get tickets from various sources, e.g., their ISPs), and
refunds (which conserve tickets when the receiver is friendly, giving a
higher effective price to spammers, whose receivers would not refund).
DQE is a bankable postage scheme, but TS differs from DQE in three ways:
first, it does not separate allocation and enforcement (see
§2); second, it relies on a trusted central server; and
third, it does not preserve sender-receiver email privacy. Another bankable
postage scheme, SHRED [36], also has a central, trusted
cancellation authority. Unlike TS and SHRED, DQE does not allow refunds
(letting it do so is future work for us), though receivers can abstain
from canceling stamps of known correspondents; see
Goodmail [23]-now used by two major email
providers [13]-resembles TS. (See also Bonded
Sender [6], which is not a postage proposal but has the
same goal as Goodmail.) Goodmail accredits bulk mailers, trying to
ensure that they send only solicited email, and tags their
email as "certified". The providers then bypass filters to deliver
such email to their customers directly. However, Goodmail does not
eliminate false positives because only "reputable bulk mailers" get
this favored treatment. Moreover, like TS, Goodmail combines allocation
and enforcement and does not preserve privacy.
7.2 Related Distributed Systems
Because the enforcer stores key-value pairs, DHTs seemed a natural
substrate, and our first design used one. However, we abandoned them
because (1) most DHTs do not handle mutually untrusting nodes and (2) in
most DHTs, nodes route requests for each other, which can decrease
throughput if request handling is a bottleneck. Castro
et al. [9] address (1) but use considerable
mechanism to handle untrusting nodes that route requests for each other.
Conversely, one-hop DHTs [28,29] eschew routing, but nodes
must trust each other to propagate membership information. In contrast,
the enforcer relies on limited scale to avoid routing and on a
trusted entity, the bunker (§4), to determine its
Such static configuration is common; it is used by distributed systems
that take the replicated state machine
approach [55] to fault tolerance (e.g., the
Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) literature [10], the
recently proposed BAR model [3], and Rosebud [53]) as
well as by Byzantine quorum solutions
(e.g., [41,40]) and by cluster-based systems with
strong semantics (e.g., [26]).
What makes the enforcer unusual compared to the work just mentioned
is that, to tolerate faults (Byzantine or otherwise), the enforcer
does not need mechanism beyond the bunker: enforcer nodes do
not need to know which other nodes are currently up (in contrast to
replicated state machine solutions), and neither enforcer nodes nor
enforcer clients try to protect data or ensure its consistency (in
contrast to the Byzantine quorum literature and cluster-based systems
with strong semantics). The reason the enforcer gets away with this
simplicity is weak semantics. It stores only immutable data, and the
entire application is robust to lost data.
8 Deployment and Economics
Though the following discussion is in the context of DQE, much of it applies
to bankable postage [1] (or quota-based) proposals in general.
8.1 Deployment, Usage, Mailing Lists
We now speculate about paths to adoption. First, large email
providers have an interest in reducing spam. A group of them could
agree on a stamp
format, allocate quotas to their users, and run the enforcer cooperatively. If each
provider ran its own, separate enforcer, our design still applies:
each enforcer must cope with a large universe of stamps. Another
possibility is organization-by-organization adoption (the incremental
benefit being that spoofed intra-organization spam no longer benefits from
a "whitelist") or even individual-by-individual (the incremental benefit
being that stamping one's email and sending to another DQE-enabled user
ensures one's email will not be caught in a spam filter). In these cases,
the deployment challenge is agreeing on a quota allocator and establishing
an enforcer. The local changes (to email servers; email clients need
not change) are less daunting.
The amount of stamped spam will be negligible (see below for a rough
argument). Thus, following the "no false positives" goal, stamped email
should always be passed to the human user. For unstamped email: before DQE
is widely deployed, this email should go through content filters (again
risking false positives), and under widespread DQE deployment, this email
can be considered spam. Conversely, DQE can incorporate whitelists, where
people agree not to cancel the stamps of their frequent correspondents.
Senders still stamp their mails to prevent spoofing, but such stamps do not
"count" against the sender's quota. Such a social protocol is similar to
TS's refunds [1].
Mailing lists
For moderated lists, senders can spend a single stamp, and the list owner
can then either sign the message or spend stamps for each receiver.
Unmoderated, open mailing lists are problematic: spammers can multiply
their effect while spending only one stamp. Partially-moderated lists
might become more common under DQE. Here, messages from new contributors
would be moderated (requiring only a glance to determine if the email is
spam), and messages from known valid senders-based on past contributions
and identified by the public key in the stamp-would be automatically sent
to the list, again using either the list owner's public key or stamps for
each recipient. In such lists, the moderation needed would be little
(proportional to the number of messages from new contributors), so more lists
could convert to this form.
8.2 Economics of Stamps
A quota allocation policy is effective whenever stamps cost a scarce
resource. However, for simplicity, we view quotas as imposing a per-email
monetary cost and do not discuss how to translate currencies like
CPU [1], identity [5] or human
attention [64] into money. Likewise, we only briefly consider
how quotas should be allocated.
Basic analysis
We give a rough argument about the effectiveness of a per-email cost.
Assume that spammers are profit-maximizing and that, today, the industry
(or individual spammers) make a maximal profit of P by sending m
spam messages. Now assume that DQE is deployed and induces a stamp cost
of c. Then, the maximum number of messages with fresh stamps that
profit-maximizing spammers can send under DQE must be less than
[P/c]: more would consume the entire maximal profit. To reduce
spam (i.e., m) by a factor f, one need only set c = f[P/m].
That is, to reduce spam by factor f, the price per message must be f
times the profit-per-message.
The preceding analysis assumes that each stamp is reused only once, but
adversaries can reuse each stamp a little more than once; see
§4.1. Nevertheless, the analysis is very pessimistic:
consider a variety of scams, each with a different profit-per-message
when sent in the optimal amount. If, as we expect, most scams yield low
profit, and few yield high profit, then setting a price c will prevent
all scams with rate-of-return less than c. For example, if each scam
sends the same amount, and if the number of scams returning more than a
given amount q exponentially decays with q, then additive price
increases in stamps result in multiplicative decreases in spam.
Pricing and allocation
From the preceding analysis, the quota allocator should set a "price"
according to a target reduction goal (f) and an estimate of spammer
profits (P).
option is for the quota allocator to monitor spam levels and find a price
adaptively (though the feedback may occur on time scales that are too
long). One problem is that, as argued by Laurie and Clayton in the context
of computational puzzles [37], no price
exists that affects spammers and not legitimate heavy users. In response,
we note first that heavy users are the ones most affected by spam and might
be willing to pay to reduce the problem. Second, the analysis
in [37] does not take into account refunds
(or uncanceled stamps, in our context), which, as Abadi et al. [1]
point out, will strongly differentiate between a spammer (whose stamps will be
canceled) and a legitimate heavy user.
A difficult policy question is: how can quota allocation give the poor fair
sending rights without allowing spammers to send? We are not experts in
this area and just mention one possibility. Perhaps a combination of
explicit allocation in poor areas of the world, bundled quotas elsewhere
(e.g., with an email account comes free stamps), and pricing for additional
usage could impose the required price while making only heavy users
9 Conclusion
The way DQE is supposed to work is that the economic mechanism of quotas
will make stamps expensive for spammers while a technical
mechanism-the enforcer-will keep stamps from "losing value"
through too much reuse. Whether the first part of this supposition is
wishful thinking is not a question we can answer, and our speculations
about various policies and the future trajectory of email should be
recognized as such. We are more confident, however, about the second
part. Based on our work, we believe an enforcer that comprises a
moderate number of dedicated, mutually untrusting hosts can handle stamp
queries at the volume of the world's email. Such an infrastructure,
together with the other technical mechanisms in DQE, meets the design
goals in §2.
The enforcer's simplicity-particularly the minimal trust
assumptions-encourages our belief in its practicality. Nevertheless, the
enforcer was not an "easy problem." Its external structure, though now
spare, is the end of a series of designs-and a
few implementations-that we tried. By accepting that the bunker is a
reasonable assumption and that lost data is not calamitous, we have arrived
at what we believe is a novel design point: a set of nodes that implement a
simple storage abstraction but avoid neighbor maintenance, replica
maintenance, and mutual trust. Moreover, the "price of distrust"
in this system-in terms of what extra mechanisms are required because of
mutual mistrust-is zero. We wonder whether this basic design would be
useful in other contexts.
Appendix: Detailed Analysis
In this appendix, we justify the upper bound from
§4.1 on the expected number of uses of a stamp.
We make a worst-case assumption that an adversary tries to reuse
each stamp an infinite number of times. Observe that each use induces a
PUT to an assigned node, and once the stamp is PUT to a
good assigned node-good is defined in
§4.1-the adversary can no longer reuse that
stamp successfully. Since PUTs are random, some will be to a node
that has already received a PUT for the stamp (in which case the
node is bad), while others are to "new" nodes. Each time a PUT
happens on a new node, there is a 1−p chance that the node is good.
Let Ii be an indicator random variable for the event that the stamp needs to be PUT to at least
i−1 distinct nodes before hitting a good one, and let Ti be the
number of PUTs, after i−1 distinct nodes have been tried, needed
to get
to the ith distinct node. As a special case, let Tr+1=n −∑j=1r Tj to reflect the fact that if all r assigned nodes are
bad, an adversary can reuse the stamp once at each portal.
E[Ii]=Pr[Ii = 1]=pi−1 and E[Ti]=r/(r−i+1) since each attempt for
the stamp has a (r−i+1)/r chance of selecting a new node. Then,
assuming adversaries try to reuse each stamp ad infinitum, the
expected number of PUTs (i.e., uses of the stamp) is
E[I1T1+I2T2+…+IrTr+Ir+1Tr+1] |
| |
| |
E[I1]E[T1]+…+E[Ir]E[Tr]+E[Ir+1]E[Tr+1] |
| |
| |
1+p |
+…+pr−1 |
+pr | [
n − |
r ∑
| ]
| |
| |
r−1 ∑
pi |
+ pr | [
n − |
r ∑
| ]
. |
| | (1) |
An upper bound for this expression is
∑i=0r−1 pi[r/(r−i)]+prn, which we can further bound by
noting that [r/(r−i)] ≤ 2i and assuming p ≤ 1/2, giving
an upper bound of
We thank: Russ Cox, Dina Katabi, Sachin Katti, Sara Su, Arvind
Thiagarajan, Mythili Vutukuru, and the anonymous reviewers, for their
comments on drafts; David Andersen, Russ Cox, Sean Rhea, and Rodrigo
Rodrigues, for useful conversations; Russ Cox, Frank Dabek, Maxwell
Krohn, and Emil Sit, for implementation suggestions; Shabsi Walfish, for
many cryptography pointers; and Michel Goraczko and
Emulab [18], for their invaluable help with experiments. This
work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants
CNS-0225660 and CNS-0520241, by an NDSEG Graduate Fellowship, and by
British Telecom.
Source code for the implementation described in §5 is
available at:
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spam control is our motivating application, and certain details are
specific to it, the general approach of issuing and canceling stamps can
apply to any computational service (as noted before in [1]).
2Most of the ideas in §3.1
and §3.2 first appeared in [5].
might wonder why receivers will SET after they have already received
"service" from the enforcer in the form of a TEST. Our answer is
that executing these requests is inexpensive, automatic, and damaging to
4Our implementation uses SHA-1, which has recently been
found to be weaker than previously thought [67]. We
don't believe this weakness significantly affects our system because DQE
stamps are valid for only two days, and, at least for the near future,
any attack on SHA-1 is likely to require more computing resources than
can be marshaled in this time. Moreover, DQE can easily move to another
hash function.
5In this
section (§6), we often use "stamp" to refer to the key-value pair
associated with the stamp.
6We take n=40(1−p) instead of n=40 because, as
mentioned above, the
Us issue TESTs and SETs only to the "up"
expression, with m = 40(1−p), is
(1−p)3(1) + 3p2(1−p)α+ 3p(1−p)2β+ p3m(1 − ([(m − 1)/m])32). α is
∑i=1m i([2/3])i−1 [1/m] (1 + [(m−i)/3]), and
β is ∑i=1m−1 i ([1/3])i−1 [(m−i)/(m(m−1))](2 + [2/3](m −(i+1))).
See [66] for a derivation.
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