Look, Ma, no hands! Coping with Repetitive Strain Injury


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Table of Contents

Look, Ma, no hands! Coping with Repetitive Strain Injury

A disclaimer

Myth #1

Myth #1

Myth #2

Myth #2

Myth #3

Myth #3

Myth #4

Myth #4

Myth #5

Myth #5

Myth #6

Myth #6

My story

A week of terror

I’m going to fix this!

Down and dirty with dictation

A demonstration

Troubles in voice-land

A disturbing prognosis

A friend steps in

What is RSI?

What does RSI affect?

What does RSI feel like?

Warning signs of RSI

Causes of RSI

RSI isn’t a fracture

Types of RSI

Muscle & tendon disorders


Cervical radiculopathy

Epicondylitis & ganglion cysts

Tunnel syndromes & CTS

CTS is rare

Radial and ulnar tunnel syndromes

Nerve & circulatory disorders

Other associated disorders

I take control

The traditional medical team

The alternative medical team




Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Alternative therapies

What not to do

Your recovery

First step: stop hurting yourself

But is it really that serious?



Living and coping

I learn to live


Dealing with flare-ups

Ergonomics 101

Ergonomics 101

The keyboard

Ergonomic keyboards

Ergonomic keyboards

Ergonomic keyboards

The mouse

Alternate pointing devices

An example of bad ergonomics

What about laptops?

Ergonomic furniture 101

The table

The chair

The keyboard tray

The ideal ergonomic setup (IMHO)

Random ergonomic nostrums

Web sites for more info


Author: Trey Harris

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