We highlight some recent specific successes of recent approaches that automatically induce models and correlate data from a running networked system. These approaches concentrate on transforming data into information that can be used to make decisions. Our intent is not to present a complete survey, but to outline the ways in which the different approaches map to real systems problems, the assumptions underlying this mapping, the consequences of violating those assumptions, and the similarities among the approaches that will motivate our fundamental challenges.
One set of approaches relies on modeling normal behavior and
then identifying sufficiently large deviations as a possible
indication of undesirable behavior. For example, the technique
in [27] identifies rarely-occurring paths at
runtime by using probabilistic grammars to model the
distribution of normal paths of program execution at the
software-module level. The assumption is that a sufficiently anomalous
path may indicate a possible failure. When this assumption is
violated, e.g. because a rare but legitimate code path is
traversed, an automatic repair system might mistakenly take a
repair action. The work discusses options for low-cost repair
techniques that cause no harm if invoked by mistake, to mitigate
such inevitable ``false positives.'' In controlled experiments
with realistic workloads, this technique detected 15% more failures
than existing generic techniques; localization of these faults exhibits
a classic recall/precision tradeoff, with false positive rates
) approaching 20% for high values of recall,
emphasizing the importance of dealing with false positives.
A second approach [12,41] explicitly defines abnormal vs. normal behavior in terms of a directly measurable high-level objective, such as a threshold on response time or throughput and uses Bayesian network based classifiers [19] to capture the relationship between these objectives and low-level system metrics. When the high-level objectives are violated, the models determine which low-level metrics are correlated with the violation and which are not; this information can be used to identify likely causes of the performance problem. The assumption is that the Bayesian network classifiers do a good job of capturing patterns of low-level metrics that correlate well with violations of objectives; the approach provides a way of scoring its models so it can be determined when this assumption does not hold. Experiments with this approach, both on an experimental testbed and using data from a geographically distributed Enterprise production environment, showed that using a handful of inter-correlated metrics (between 3-8) is often enough to capture between 90-95% of the patterns of normal and abnormal behavior, and generally pointed towards a correct diagnosis/repair action of a performance problem.
A third approach, exemplified by [1], proposes algorithms to reconstruct the causal paths followed by transactions through the system, and then identifies path sites corresponding to high time consumption (i.e. possible performance bottlenecks). The assumption is that these causal paths can be reconstructed (in a statistical sense) using time precedence and regularities in the times between the different subtransactions. Note that in this case, there is no consideration of normal or abnormal system behavior. The intent is to provide visibility of the locations where time is spent in the different stages of the transactions. Preliminary results based on different types of traces provide evidence that the algorithms presented in [1] do produce useful and accurate results.
Finally, the work in [38] uses Influence Diagrams to model and tune the parameters for the Berkeley DB embedded database system. Results indicate that the proposed methodology is able to recommend optimal or near optimal tunings for a varied set of workloads including workloads that are not encountered during the model training phase.
Although the above approaches have shown promising initial results, they face some common challenges that are generally not addressed within the scope of the work so far. Even if the most general forms of some of these challenges remain open problems in machine learning, computational learning theory, or data mining, the obstacles may be surmountable for specific applications of these approaches to real systems problem with robust engineering solutions.