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The complexity of today's deployed software systems is staggering, as is the rate of growth of that complexity. In terms of lines of code, in the last ten years Linux has grown by a factor of 30 and Cisco IOS by a factor of 10 while Apache has grown by a factor of five in the last five years. The result is that more than 90% of a typical corporate IT budget is devoted to administration and maintenance of existing systems [11] whose complexity surpasses human operators' ability to diagnose and respond to problems rapidly and correctly [17,26].

Fortunately, promising initial results have been reported in using automatically-induced probabilistic and machine-learning-based models for problem localization [10], performance debugging [2,1], capacity planning, system tuning [38], detecting non-failstop failures [27], and attributing performance problems to specific low-level metrics [12], among others. These efforts differ in the specific techniques, models, and assumptions (we list some representative examples later), but the general approach may be summarized as follows: Collect raw data from the running system; automatically induce a model over this data; use the model to make inferences. We believe this general direction is extremely encouraging because the automatic construction of models from data brings the promise of rapid adaptation to system changes or to unanticipated conditions. Despite the differences among approaches, we expect that there will arise fundamental challenges that any effort utilizing statistical methods will have to confront. Given the successes so far, we detail in this paper three such challenges in hopes of guiding this line of research towards realizing its full potential.

Our challenges may be summarized as: Can we design effective procedures and algorithms that continuously and automatically test the validity of models against a dynamic environment? How can model findings be interpreted by the human operators of the system, e.g. identifying false positives, converting model findings to actionable information, and possibly accepting feedback from experts? How can we maintain a long term, indexable, and searchable history of system issues, annotated in some cases with diagnosis/repair action, to leverage past diagnosis efforts and enable use of similarity-based search techniques in order to identify recurring problems and group similar problem incidents into common ``syndromes''?

To understand how these challenges arose, it is useful to review some concrete approaches, including their assumptions and methods (Section 2); we then explore each challenge in detail (Sections 3-5) and give an example of how the challenges is addressed in the context of a specific approach. We make concluding remarks in Section 6.

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Armando Fox 2005-07-26