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Challenge 1: A valid model anytime

What should the metrics of ``validity'' be, given the challenges of determining the ground truth (required to evaluate the model) under the less-than-ideal conditions of a production environment? How do we know that the training data is sufficiently representative of the data seen during production operations--an implicit assumption of most of these approaches? Any realistic long-term resolution of these issues must provide a methodology as well as algorithms and procedures for managing the lifecycle of models, including testing and ensuring their applicability and updating their parameters.

This challenge is not inherent in machine learning itself; indeed, that literature is rife with methods for evaluating and estimating1the accuracy of models, and with metrics and scoring functions to compare different models against a dataset [16,5,22]. Moreover, statistics textbooks [32] provide algorithms for iterative loops comprising the steps and statistical tests for model evaluation, model diagnosis, and selection of remedial measures to repair the model (if possible). Model diagnosis involves checking whether the assumptions embedded in the models (e.g., linearity of the data, Gaussian noise) correspond to the data at hand; remedial measures may include enhancing the models with additional elements (e.g., metrics), or changing the type of model used (e.g., sets of linear regressions, or nonlinear elements).

Such procedures, while rigorous and well-defined, generally require human intervention to (sometimes visually) check the results of certain steps, adjust parameters and make decisions. The challenge is to automate this process as much as possible by taking advantage of our specific problem domain. A central aspect of this challenge in our domain stems from the complexity and dynamic behavior of the systems we deploy: changes in the system can occur frequently and at unpredictable times. Consequently, the machine learning procedures described above require online implementations so that models can be constantly updated to adapt to the changes in the system. Evidence of this need has been established in [12,27] with different models and conditions.

Various possible strategies to the model-validity problem might be considered:

Build an omniscient model capable of capturing all relevant behaviors. This goal may be unrealistic except in restrictive and benevolent environments. It assumes that at training time we would have access to enough data capturing all relevant behaviors.
Build a model with an identifiable set of parameters that can adapt to new data. Besides identifying the parameters themselves, this requires mechanisms for identifying the need for adaptation, executing the adaptation (i.e. adjusting the parameters), and data aging.
Rely on an ensemble of models. Different models in the ensemble are used in different situations. This requires mechanisms to select which model(s) to use in a given situation, decide when a new model must be added to the ensemble, merge inferences from different models, and discard obsolete models. One example of this approach is described in [41].

There is considerable work in machine learning, computational learning theory (COLT), and data mining addressing these issues (e.g. [9,29,4,20]. The challenge is to adapt these approaches and enrich them with the particulars of our domain.

Another validity-related challenge involves estimating the amount of data required to build accurate models. Despite existing theoretical bounds and much recent progress [14,25], results for representations such as Bayesian networks don't come easily [21] and researchers often resort to empirical estimation procedures. Although progress on this front has also been made in specific situations (e.g. [41]), we still lack well-engineered general approaches valid in the system domain.

Finally, validation of these models and techniques continues to be a major hurdle. In controlled settings, we may check some of the results by, e.g, injecting specific system conditions and verifying that they are correctly identified/diagnosed by the model. But in production systems, more often than not this ``ground truth'' will be unavailable, incomplete, or noisy. For example, an operator may suspect that some problem was being manifested in the system during some time period, but be unable to determine conclusively that a particular problem occurred at a particular point in time, or lack sufficient forensic data to reconstruct a problem and diagnose its true root cause (as was reported, e.g., in [7]). To make matters worse, more and more businesses may be willing to provide production data, but either unwilling or unable to provide the ground truth underlying that data, which is required to objectively measure the success of a method. In other communities, such as computer vision and bioinformatics, standard datasets have been collected and often manually analyzed, providing the means to objectively test and compare different machine learning methods. Such standard datasets are still missing in the system domain. We and our colleagues have called for the creation of an ``open source''-like database of real annotated (but sanitized) datasets against which future research in this area could be tested [18], which could do for this line of applied research what the UC Irvine repository did to advance Machine Learning research [6].

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Armando Fox 2005-07-26