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CARDIS '02 Paper    [CARDIS '02 Tech Program Index]

Pp. 125-134 of the Proceedings

MICROCAST: Smart Card Based (Micro)pay-per-view for Multicast Services

Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Antoni Martınez-Ballesté and Francesc Sebé
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Dept. of Computer Engineering and Maths
Av. Paısos Catalans 26, E-43007 Tarragona, Catalonia
e-mail {jdomingo,anmartin,fsebe}


With the increased availability of broadband fixed and mobile communications, multicast content delivery can be expected to become a very important market. Especially for wireless multicast delivery, it is important that payment collection be fine-grain: the customer should pay only for the content that she actually consumes. This can be achieved by using pay-per-view based on micropayments. This paper proposes the first method for enabling pay-as-you-watch services in a multicast content delivery environment. On the customer's side, micropayment generation is implemented in a smart card which can be plugged into the customer's receiving device (computer, digital video receiver, PDA, mobile phone, etc.). Micropayment collection and verification are distributed among multicast routers, which avoids bottlenecks inherent to many-to-one payment transmission.

Keywords: Multicast delivery, Pay-per-view, Pay-as-you-watch, Micropayments, Smart cards in the Internet.


Communication technologies have been evolving in many important aspects over the last few years. On one hand, broadband communications such as city-wide WLANs, ADSL, cable networks and UMTS are becoming widespread. On the other hand, audio and video compression codecs such as DivX, Realmedia, etc. improve the use of the available bandwidth. Finally, the appearance of mobile phones with high-resolution color display and Internet-enabled PDA's will bring brand new multimedia services to everybody, everywhere. There are great opportunities to create a huge market for multimedia content delivery, featuring news broadcasting, videoconferencing, movie channels, on-line gambling, etc. Consequently, it seems natural to use mobile communications and portable devices, along with traditional desktop PC's, as new privileged outlets for digital content delivery in pay-per-view mode. Smart card based micropayments stand out as one of the most promising solutions to obtain a fine-grain fee collection service: the customer uses her smart card to perform micropayments as content is being received.

Most multimedia delivery services operate in multicast mode to send content over the Internet. By using multicast, one single data stream can reach hundreds, thousands and even millions of target media players.

Contribution and plan of this paper

This paper describes a method for enabling pay-per-view services in a multicast content delivery environment. On the customer's side, micropayment generation is implemented in a smartcard which can be plugged into the customer's receiving device (computer, digital video receiver, PDA, mobile phone, etc.). Micropayment collection and verification are distributed among multicast routers, which avoids bottlenecks inherent to many-to-one payment transmission.

Section 2 gives some background on multicast communication; the use of pay-per-view and micropayments in multicast is also approached. Section 3 describes the architecture of MICROCAST, a system for pay-per-view multicast content delivery. The MICROCAST micropayment protocol suite is fully described in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 contains some conclusions and suggestions for future work.

Multicast communication

Depending on the number of receivers, three types of communication can be distinguished:

  • Unicast communication: one source and one receiver.
  • Broadcast communication: one source node and all remaining nodes acting as receivers. As an example, consider video broadcast in a LAN: the same data are streamed from the source to the entire network by using the broadcast IP address.
  • Multicast communication: one source and a group of receivers. As an example, consider a local digital cable TV network, where a particular piece of video content is to be distributed only to subscribers who are paying for it (rather than to the entire neighborhood).

Multicast group management

If a source is to communicate with $n$ receivers, one could naively think of using $n$ unicast communications (which results in the source being an output bottleneck) or one broadcast channel (which results in the entire network being flooded). Both solutions are wasteful in terms of bandwidth. It should be noted that the Internet is nowadays already full of millions of IP packets only controlled by their time-to-live or by the TCP protocol.

A better option to avoid increasing network congestion is for receivers to join a multicast group and have the content sent to them by using their multicast group IP address [5,14]. A multicast group $G$ is a set of receivers that are interested in receiving a particular kind of information.

Efficient multicast design and implementation is currently an open issue. The multicast task is carried out by multicast routers, which join previously established multicast groups identified by a multicast IP address1. These routers are capable of sending the data flow to multicast group $G$.

The basic tasks to be performed in multicast communication are: advertise the multicast session, manage group enrollment by the customers who want to receive the stream and, concurrently to group enrollment, build the multicast routing tree. Several multicast protocols have been proposed in the literature, such as MOSPF[6], PIM-DM[3], PIM-SM[2].

Pay-per-view and pay-as-you-watch

The name ``pay-per-view'' is certainly misleading. In current digital TV platforms, a fixed monthly fee is paid to subscribe to a basic package of channels and services. It is also possible to view some special ``pay-per-view events'' (e.g. movies, football matches) by paying in advance the price corresponding to the event. This form of pay-per-view means that the content is viewed after the customer has paid. There are at least two problems with the fee collection scheme just described. One problem is that the customer pays for a basic offer that is usually expensive for her. The other problem is that, in pay-per-view events, the customer pays for the whole piece of content: if she wants to stop watching anytime, she is losing a part of her money. Pay-per-view as contents are being streamed from the server to the customer (pay-as-you-watch) seems an option that fits better the customer needs. Successive payments can be performed every minute, for example. If a customer switches her player off, she only has paid for the minutes viewed so far. Of course, these frequent payment will be small ones, so credit card transactions or electronic payment systems like SET are too expensive, too complicated or both [7].


The operating costs of standard electronic payment systems are unaffordable for small amounts and can be split into communication and computation costs, the latter being caused by the use of complex cryptographic techniques such as digital signatures. Micropayments are electronic payment methods specifically designed to keep operating costs very low. In most micropayment systems in the literature, computational costs are dramatically reduced by replacing digital signatures with hash functions[11]. For example, this is the case of PayWord and Micromint[9], where the security of coin minting rests on one-way hash functions.

The main barrier to using traditional micropayment schemes for fee collection in multicast environments is their lack of scalability: a large number of receiving subscribers eventually overload the source with payment implosion. The MICROCAST protocol achieves scalability by distributing the effort of micropayment collection and verification among multicast routers. Unlike traditional micropayment schemes, MICROCAST does not concentrate on minimizing computation for micropayment generation and verification. By requiring micropayments to be less frequent (say every few minutes) and verification to be distributed, MICROCAST can still use short-exponent discrete exponentiations and provide the content source with a proof that every customer has paid.

More specifically, the scalability of our system is based on the following properties not fulfilled by conventional micropayment schemes (which are inherently unicast):

Payments collected by routers at one level of the multicast tree can be aggregated and forwarded to the next upper level towards the source. Each aggregation only requires one product and one addition.
Single-step verification
Verifying an aggregated payment can be done in a single step. There is no need to verify each individual payment included in the aggregation, which would imply non-scalability. Payment verification requires one short-exponent exponentiation, but this is no problem, since verification is performed only once per micropayment period by each tree node (regardless of the number of its child nodes).

Note 1   As it can be seen in Section 4.4 below, using the discrete exponentiation as a one-way function is justified by its homomorphic properties, which allow payment aggregation and single-step verification and are not shared by the (faster) one-way hash functions.


Multicast routers form a group that receives a multicast data stream. The router will possibly send the info to a hub that floods all its output connections, thus making the information reach every node in the subLAN, including nodes whose customers have not paid for the content. Cryptography should be used to prevent cheaters from being able to view the content by using packet sniffers. Customers in the multicast group have a decoding key to be able to decode the content they receive.

Hence, legitimate customers are those who pay every multicast period $t$ (a multicast period typically lasts a few minutes). When a customer does not pay, she will be considered non-legitimate; in this case, a rekeying procedure will start which consists of distributing a new decoding key to every remaining legitimate customer. As a result, the removal of a group member will involve as many unicast transmissions as legitimate customers remain in the group. Fortunately, rekeying reaches a maximum cost of $O(\log n)$ when using tree structure controls[12,1]. Even if rekeying is an important multicast issue, the reader of this paper only needs to keep in mind that it is the procedure started when a customer in a multicast group is removed due to lack of valid payment or when a new customer joins the group.

MICROCAST architecture

As it was pointed out in Section 1, MICROCAST is a pay-as-you-watch system for multicast content delivery. A typical application for MICROCAST could the pay-as-you-watch video distribution to thousands of customers. By using her smart card plugged into her video receiver, a customer can join a multicast group when she is interested in watching an event. After joining a group, the customer makes a micropayment every period $t$ to keep watching the event.

In a conventional micropayment system, a bottleneck would arise at the video source as a result of micropayment collection, because thousands of coins arrive every period2. RFC 3170[8] on multicast applications recommends that multicast protocols should be able to use the multicast router link to provide bidirectional communications instead of using unicast channels to communicate receivers with the source. The MICROCAST architecture follows that design principle: multicast routers handle customers and coins, which results in a dramatical reduction of the amount of payment data sent to the content source.

The MICROCAST system consists of a source, a set of multicast routers, the customer smart cards and receivers, a rekeying system and a bank (see Figure 1). Each component is described next:

  • Source. The source is the provider of the multicast content. Typical sources can be a movie channel, a news service, a music station, a sports service, etc. The source sells the content to thousands, even millions, of potential customers. As content is being delivered, the source expects some kind of payment from customers or at least something that certifies whether each particular customer is currently paying.
  • Multicast router. The router in the multicast tree also acts as a micropayment subcollector. It requests micropayment from its customers and, after a timeout, it collects and verifies customer micropayments. Then, the router forwards valid payments to his parent router in the multicast tree, in order for payment information to reach the source (or the main micropayment collector, depending on the business model).

    Figure 1: System architecture for MICROCAST

  • Customer device. The customer receiving device (say a digital video receiver) is smart card enabled. Firstly, the smart card certifies through some easy calculations (see Section 4) that a payment is done by the customer. Thus, the role of the smart card is twofold: 1) authenticate payment origin; 2) help enforcing subscription certificate revocation when the customer is not backed by enough money in her bank account.
  • Rekeying system. The rekeying system maintains a structure of legitimate customers (those who pay) and generates and distributes a new decoding key whenever any router of the system informs that some customer has failed to pay.
  • Bank. The bank's role is to act as certification authority for customers. If a customer has enough funds in her account, the bank gives her a kind of public key (see Section 4).

The MICROCAST protocol suite

The MICROCAST protocol suite consists of protocols for bank setup, customer subscription, multicast session join, micropayment, customer removal, coin redemption and subscriber certificate revocation.

Bank Setup

As can be inferred from the previous section, the bank is a trusted party. It has a public/private key pair which is used to issue customer subscription certificates. The bank setup protocol works as follows:

Protocol 1 (Bank setup)   The bank does:
  1. Choose a random prime $q$ such that $2^{159} < q < 2^{160}$. All exponents in the remaining protocols will be modulo $q$, so we take a relatively small $q$, like it is done in the Digital Signature Standard (DSS,[15]).
  2. Choose two large RSA primes $p_1$ and $p_2$, such that $2^{511} < p_1,p_2 < 2^{512}$ and $q$ divides $p_1-1$. Compute an RSA modulus $n=p_1 p_2$ [10].
  3. Randomly choose an RSA public exponent $e$ and compute the corresponding private exponent $d$, so that $ed=1 \bmod \phi(n)$
  4. Compute a generator $g$ of a cyclic subgroup of ${\Bbb Z}^{*}_{n}$ having order $q$. See the DSS key generation algorithm [15] on how to find a generator of a subgroup with a specified order.
  5. Publish $n$, $q$, $e$ and $g$ in a publicly available directory.

We next show that publication of $q$ does not turn factoring $n$ into an easy problem. After Protocol 1, an intruder knows $q$, which is a divisor of $p_1-1$. Equivalently, $r$ exists such that $q r + 1=p_1$. Note that the intruder does not know $p_1$. Therefore, the only strategy to find $r$ is by brute search until an $r$ is found such that $q r +1$ is a divisor of $n$. Now, according to Protocol 1, $2^{159} < q < 2^{160}$ and $2^{511} < p_1 < 2^{512}$; therefore, the intruder only knows that $2^{351} < r < 2^{353}$, so brute search of $r$ is computationally infeasible.

Customer subscription

In order to be able to use the system, a customer needs a subscription certificate. Through this certificate, the bank certifies that the customer has a bank account which backs the customer's payments. Subscription certificates are only valid for a period $T$ (e.g. one day) and are generated using the protocol below. Short certificate validity periods allow implicit revocation to be used in the way explained in [4]. The duration of period $T$ is a trade-off between the cost of key generation and the risk of revoked keys being re-used as described in [4].

Protocol 2 (Customer subscription)    
  1. Customer $U$ is assigned a unique system identifier $Id_U$.
  2. Customer $U$'s Smart Card $SC_U$ holds a symmetric encryption key $k_U$ and generates a batch of public/private key pairs which are certified using the asynchronous certification technique based on certificate verification trees (CVTs) described in [4]. Specifically, each key pair in the batch corresponds to a different certificate validity period $T$ (e.g. a key pair per day) and is computed as follows:
    1. $SC_U$ generates a random private key $\alpha_U^T$ such that $0 < \alpha_U^T < q$.
    2. The corresponding public key is computed as $P_U^T=g^{\alpha_U^T} \bmod n$.
    3. $SC_U$ encrypts $\alpha_U^T$ using $k_U$ and sends $(P_U^T,E_{k_U}(\alpha_U^T))$ to the bank.
  3. For each public key received, the bank generates a certificate statement $C_U^T$ containing the following data: customer identifier $Id_U$, public key $P_U^T$ corresponding to period $T$, certificate expiration date (end of period $T$).
  4. Following [4], all newly generated certificates in the batch are added to the publicly available certificate verification tree in the next CVT update. The root of the updated CVT is RSA signed with the private key $d$ of the bank.

The security of the private keys $\alpha^T_U$ generated in Protocol 2 is based on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms in the subgroup of size $q$ generated by $g$. This problem is similar to the modulo $q$ discrete logarithm problem used in [15].

Multicast session join

Let us assume that, at micropayment period $t$ and at public key validity period $T$, a set of customers wish to join a multicast session $S$ (see Section 3 for an explanation of what a micropayment period is). To keep the discussion simple and without loss of generality, we assume that a session starts and ends within the same public key validity period $T$. The following joining protocol is used:

Protocol 3 (Session join)    
  1. For each customer $U$ in the set of new customers do:
    1. $U$ sends to the micropayment collector (typically the content source) her certificate $C_U^T$ for the current public key validity period $T$. The certificate is obtained by $U$ from the $CVT$ and the corresponding encrypted private key is obtained from the bank ([4]). $SC_U$ decrypts $E_{k_U}(\alpha^T_U)$ and obtains $\alpha^T_U$.
    2. The micropayment collector verifies the validity of $C_U^T$.
    3. If $C_U^T$ is valid and authentic, the micropayment collector responds with a message containing the following data: session identifier $Id_S$, session start date and time $(Date_S, Time_S)$, and value $Value_S$ of each micropayment.
  2. The micropayment collector (or the content source) includes in the multicast distribution tree all new customers $U$ whose certificates $C_U^T$ have been successfully validated. The tree reflects the location of routers and subscribers (customers).
  3. The micropayment collector sends to each router $R$ in the tree the following information:
    • For every new subscriber $U$ that is a child of $R$ in the tree, the current valid subscriber's public key $P_U^T$.
    • For every router $R_i$ that is a child of $R$ in the tree, the aggregated key of all descendant subscribers of $R_i$ in the tree, computed as

      \begin{displaymath}P^t_{R_i}:=P^{t-1}_{R_i}(\prod_{U\in desc(R_i,t)} P_U^T) \bmod n \end{displaymath}

      where $desc(R_i,t)$ is the subset of new customers being placed under $R_i$ during micropayment period $t$. (If the multicast session starts at micropayment period $t$, we take $P^{t-1}:=1$). Note that

      \begin{displaymath}P^t_{R_i}=P^{t-1}_{R_i} g^{\sum\limits_{U\in desc(R_i,t)}\alpha_U^T} \bmod n \end{displaymath}

Micropayment protocols

Every time a period $t$ finishes, a customer must perform a micropayment to keep receiving the content during the next period. The micropayment collector (i.e. the router in charge of a group of customers) asks all customers in his group to perform the next payment as follows:

Protocol 4 (Micropayment request)   The micropayment collector does:
  1. Compute $x_t:=\mathcal{H}(Id_S,Date_S,Time_S,Value_S,t)$ where $\mathcal{H}(\cdot)$ is a one-way hash function.
  2. Generate the micropayment request message for period $t$ as $\left(x_t,t\right)$ and multicast it to all customers in the group.

Customers in a group react to micropayment request by generating a coin using the protocol below:

Protocol 5 (Coin generation)   The smart card of each customer $U$ in a group does:
  1. Upon receiving the micropayment request for period $t$, check

    \begin{displaymath}x_t\stackrel{?}{=} \mathcal{H}(Id_S,Date_S,Time_S,Value_S,t) \end{displaymath}

  2. Generate a random $a_U^{t} \in \{1,\cdots,q-1\}$ and compute $A_U^{t}:=g^{a_U^{t}} \bmod n$
  3. Compute $p_U^{t}:=\alpha_U^T + x_t \cdot a_U^t \bmod q$
  4. The coin for the micropayment corresponding to period $t$ is the tuple $coin_U^t:=\left(Id_U, A_U^t, p_U^t, x_t \right)$
  5. Send $coin_U^t$ up to the parent router.

Coins are generated by customers that correspond to the multicast tree leaves. In the last step of Protocol 5, coins are sent by customers to parent routers. Such routers check the validity of the received coins and aggregate valid coins. Aggregation uses the homomorphic property of the discrete exponentiation (namely that $g^x \cdot g^y = g^{x+y}$), which is one strong argument in favor of using the discrete exponentiation as one-way function (see Note 1). The aggregated coin is then forwarded by the verifying router to his parent router and so on up to the tree root (micropayment collector). Thus, depending on its level, a router can receive two kinds of coin:

  • A single coin from a customer leaf node directly connected to the router.
  • An aggregated coin from a direct child router (see Protocol 6 below for a description of how coins are aggregated).

The protocol to aggregate coins by an intermediate router is as follows:

Protocol 6 (Coin aggregation)    
  1. Initialize the new aggregated coin as


\left(list^t_R, A^t_R, p^t_R, x_t \right)

:=\left(\{\},1,0,x_t \right)\end{displaymath}

  2. For each single coin received from customer $U_i$, that is, $coin_{U_i}^t=\left(Id_{U_i}, A_{U_i}^t, p_{U_i}^t, x_t \right)$, do

    \begin{displaymath}coin_{R}^t:=\left(list^t_R \cup \{Id_{U_i}\}, \right. \end{displaymath}

    \begin{displaymath}\left. (A^t_R \cdot A_{U_i}^t) \bmod n,

(p^t_R + p_{U_i}^t) \bmod q, x_t \right)\end{displaymath}

  3. For each aggregated coin received from router $R_i$, that is, $coin_{R_i}^t=\left(list^t_{R_i}, A_{R_i}^t, p_{R_i}^t, x_t \right)$, do

    \begin{displaymath}coin_{R}^t:=\left(list^t_R \cup list^t_{R_i}, \right. \end{displaymath}

    \begin{displaymath}\left. (A^t_R \cdot A_{R_i}^t)\bmod n,

(p^t_R + p_{R_i}^t)\bmod q, x_t \right)\end{displaymath}

  4. Send the aggregated coin $coin_{R}^t$ up to the parent router.

The protocol to check coin validity is:

Protocol 7 (Coin validity check)    
  1. If a single coin is received from customer $U_i$, the following check is performed:

P^T_{U_i} \cdot {(A_{U_i}^t)}^{x_t} \stackrel{?}{\equiv} g^{p_{U_i}^t} \pmod n

\end{displaymath} (1)

    Note that Check (1) is consistent with the structure of coins constructed by Protocol 5.
  2. If an aggregated coin is received from a child router $R_i$, the following check is performed:

P^t_{R_i} \cdot {(A_{R_i}^t)}^{x_t} \stackrel{?}{\equiv} g^{p_{R_i}^t}

\pmod n

\end{displaymath} (2)

Lemma 1   Assuming that the discrete logarithm problem as sketched in Protocol 1 and the RSA problem are difficult, coin forgery by an intruder is infeasible.

Proof: To impersonate customer $U$ and mint a single coin belonging to $U$ at public key validity period $T$, an intruder knows $P^T_U, x_t, g$ and $n$ and must find $A^t_U$ and $p^t_U$ such that Equation (1) is satisfied. There are two ways to proceed:

  1. Follow Protocol 5. In that case, the intruder must know the legitimate customer's private key $\alpha^T_U$ (which is protected by the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem over the subgroup generated by $g$).
  2. Generate a random $p^t_U$ and compute $A^t_U$ as

    \begin{displaymath}A^t_U := (g^{p_U^t} {P^T_U}^{-1} \bmod n)^{x_t^{-1} \bmod \phi(n)} \bmod n \end{displaymath}

    Now, given $x_t$, computing $x_t^{-1} \bmod \phi(n)$ without knowing the factorization of $n$ is the RSA problem.
Forging an aggregate coin that satisfies Equation 2 is analogous. $\Box$

Lemma 2   The security of a customer's private key does not decrease as the number of coins she mints increases.

Proof: Without loss of generality, compare the situation where one coin has been minted with the situation where two coins have been minted. Assume one coin has been generated during micropayment period $t_1$ and public key validity period $T$. Then the following equation holds:

\begin{displaymath}p^{t_1}_U \equiv \alpha^T_U + x_{t_1} a^{t_1}_U \pmod{q} \end{displaymath}

where, only $p^{t_1}_U$ and $x_{t_1}$ are known to possible intruders (such quantities are part of the coin). Thus, there is one equation and two unknowns $\alpha^T_U$ and $a^{t_1}_U$, so $\alpha^T_U$ cannot be determined. If a second coin is generated during micropayment period

\begin{displaymath}p^{t_2}_U \equiv \alpha^T_U + x_{t_2} a^{t_2}_U \pmod{q} \end{displaymath}

the number of equations increases to two, but there are now three unknowns $\alpha^T_U$, $a^{t_1}_U$ and $a^{t_2}_U$. In general, it can be seen that generation of $m$ coins results in $m$ equations with $m+1$ unknowns, one of which is the customer's private key $\alpha^T_U$. $\Box$.

Customer removal

Customer removal from a group is caused by lack of valid payment. There may be two situations behind the lack of valid payment: 1) a customer does not send any coin to her parent router; 2) a customer sends an invalid coin to her parent router. Both situations are handled by the following protocol:

Protocol 8 (Customer removal)    
  1. [Routers with child customers] When a router $R$ in the level previous to customers receives and forwards the micropayment request to its child customers, $R$ starts a timer. Upon timer expiration, all child customers $U$ of $R$ not having sent valid coins are supposed to have left the group. Only valid coins will be aggregated by $R$ and sent up to its parent router. Child customers $U$ having failed to provide valid coins will have their public keys $P^T_U$ removed from $R$'s memory.
  2. [Routers with child routers] Each intermediate route $R$ in the path to the root of the multicast tree aggregates valid coins received from child routers $R_i$ and forwards the aggregated coin to its parent router. In order to check the validity of coins using Equation (2), the intermediate router $R$ needs to update the public key of each child router $R_i$ as follows:
    1. If $list^t_{R_i}$ in $coin^t_{R_i}$ is the same as $list^{t-1}_{R_i}$ in $coin^{t-1}_{R_i}$, then $P^t_{R_i}:=P^{t-1}_{R_i}$.
    2. If $list^t_{R_i} \neq list^{t-1}_{R_i}$, then obtain $P^t_{R_i}:=P^{t-1}_{R_i} \cdot (P^T_{U_i})^{-1} \bmod n$ for all customers $U_i$ who were in $list^{t-1}_{R_i}$ but are not in $list^t_{R_i}$. (Only removed customers are dealt with by this protocol, new customers being handled by Protocol 3).
  3. [Root node] When the last aggregated coin reaches the root node (micropayment collector), the computations performed are the same described for intermediate nodes. In addition, the root node starts a multicast rekeying procedure if $list^t_{Root} \neq list^{t-1}_{Root}$, i.e. if customers need to be removed.

Coin redemption

During a multicast session, the micropayment collector stores the final aggregated coin for each performed micropayment. This coin contains a list including the identifiers of all customers that performed a payment. When the number of collected coins is large enough, the micropayment collector contacts the bank in order to redeem them.

Protocol 9 (Coin redemption)    
  1. When the aggregated coin corresponding to period $t$ has to be redeemed, the micropayment collector sends to the bank the session identifier $Id_S$, the session start date and time $(Date_S, Time_S)$, the value $Value_S$ of individual coins in that session, the micropayment period $t$, and the final aggregated coin


=\left(list_{Root}^t, A_{Root}^t, p_{Root}^t, x_t \right)\end{displaymath}

  2. The bank does:
    1. If this is the first coin redemption of the current multicast session then check that the public key of all customers in the list field is correctly certified and compute $P^t_{Root}:=(\prod\limits_{U_i \in list^t_{Root}}P^T_{U_i}) \bmod n$.
    2. If this is not the first coin redemption of the session, then
      1. If $list^t_{Root}$ in $coin^t_{Root}$ is the same as $list^{t-1}_{Root}$ in $coin^{t-1}_{Root}$, then $P^t_{Root}:=P^{t-1}_{Root}$.
      2. If $list^t_{Root} \neq list^{t-1}_{Root}$, then obtain $P^t_{Root}$ as the modulo $n$ product of $P^{t-1}_{Root}$ times the public keys of the new customers times the multiplicative inverses of the public keys of the removed customers.
    3. Compute


    4. Check $P^t_{Root} \cdot {(A_{Root}^t)}^{x_{t}}

\stackrel{?}{\equiv} g^{p_{Root}^{t}} \pmod n$
    5. If all checks are correct, transfer the appropriate amounts from each customer account to the account of the micropayment collector (or directly to the account of the multicast content source, depending on the business model). In order to avoid performing microtransfers from each customer, a better strategy is to cluster several successive micropayments and perform a larger transfer from each customer.

Subscription certificate revocation

It is possible for a customer to run out of funds before all of her certificates expire. In this situation, it would be possible for her to perform micropayments not backed by enough funds in her bank account. This situation is detected by the bank during coin redemption. In this case, the bank would revoke all her subscription certificates for future time intervals. The implicit revocation mechanism described in [4] is used: the bank does not supply any more encrypted private keys to the customer's smart card for joining the session in subsequent periods (Protocol 3).

Conclusions and future work

A micropayment protocol suite for multicast pay-per-view content delivery has been presented. The customer is represented by her smart card in all protocols in the suite. The proposed scheme has been simulated and works well as long as synchronization between customers is maintained. The main goal of the protocol is to to distribute micropayment collection so as eliminate the bottleneck associated to Mto1 applications. Future work will be directed to scenarios where synchronization within a multicast group has been lost. A second line of work is to speed up coin generation by the customer smart card and coin validity check by routers: this would require replacing the discrete exponentiation with a faster homomorphic one-way function.


This work has been partly supported by the European Commission under project IST-2001-32012 ``Co-Orthogonal Codes'' and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the European FEDER Fund under project TIC2001-0633-C03-01 ``STREAMOBILE''.


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MICROCAST: Smart Card Based (Micro)pay-per-view for Multicast Services

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... address1
Multicast addresses are IP numbers in the range between and
... period2
A coin can be a 200-bit vector, and period $t$ is short enough to keep payment fine grain, i.e. for content reception and payment to progress nearly concurrently.

Antoni Martinez 2002-09-19

This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the Fifth Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, November 21–22, 2002, San Jose, CA, USA
Last changed: 11 Oct. 2002 aw
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