Technical Sessions
November 21, 2002
9:00 am9:30
Opening Remarks,
Best Paper Awards
Welcome to CARDIS 02
Peter Honeyman, Vice-chair, IFIP WG 8.8 and Program Chair
The State of WG 8.8
Pieter Hartel, Chair, IFIP WG 8.8
Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Vice-chair, IFIP WG 8.8
9:30 am10:30
Keynote Address
From the Smart Card to the Smart Assistant
Vincent Cordonnier, LIFL
Since the first smart card prototype emerged, we have seen three
generations of cards appear, each providing increasingly sophisticated
and powerful features. Development of the next generation will be driven by a few demands:
- The ability to take advantage of new hardware and software technologies
- The flexibility to conform to changing environments
- Provision of extended security
- Complementarity with other mobile devices
- Satisfaction of requirements from emerging markets
- The capability of importing new concepts from any IT context
From an examination of these points it becomes obvious that smart cards
will remain a useful technology for many mass applications,
but they must increase their capacity to offer new services and
facilities in a rapidly changing environment.
10:30 am11:00
am Break
11:00 am12:00
Digital Signatures
Implementing Group Signature Schemes with Smart Cards
Sébastien Canard
and Marc Girault, France Telecom
Smart Cards in Interaction: Towards Trustworthy Digital Signatures
Kilian-Kehr and Joachim Posegga, SAP AG Corporate Research
12:00 pm2:00
pm Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm3:30
Secure Systems
Security Analysis of Smartcard to Card Reader Communications for Biometric
Cardholder Authentication
Luciano Rila and Chris J. Mitchell, University of
Secure Method Invocation in JASON
Richard Brinkman, University of Twente, and Jaap-Henk Hoepman,
University of Nijmegen
Provably Secure Chipcard Personalization, or, How to Fool Malicious Insiders
Helena Handschuh, David Naccache, Pascal Paillier, and Christophe Tymen, Gemplus Card International
3:30 pm4:00
pm Break
4:00 pm5:30
Work in Progress and Other Outrageous Opinions
Session Chair: Peter Honeyman, Vice-chair, IFIP WG 8.8 and Program Chair
Short, pithy, and fun, Work-in-Progress Reports introduce interesting new or ongoing work, and the USENIX audience provides valuable discussion and feedback.
If you have work you would like to share or a cool idea that's not quite ready for publication, send a one- or two-paragraph summary to We are particularly interested in presenting students' work. A schedule of presentations will be posted at the conference, and the speakers will be notified in advance. Work-in-Progress reports are five-minute presentations; the time limit will be strictly enforced.
View the current list of Work-in-Progress Reports |
6:00 pm7:30
pm Conference Reception
8:00 pm10:00
RESET Meeting
Pieter Hartel, Chair, IFIP WG 8.8
The RESET project aims at elaborating a road map for smart card R&D that
is relevant for the orientation of European Commission work programmes
in the years 2003 to 2010. RESET will create a common view of the main
areas for R&D required to address key security challenges corresponding
to forthcoming information society needs through a collaboration of
major stakeholders in industry (suppliers and users) and research in
Europe. The specific purpose of the RESET meeting at CARDIS is to obtain
views and feedback on the future of smart card R&D from an International
audience. For further details, please visit
November 22, 2002
9:00 am10:30
Panel Session
Session Chair: Boris Balacheff, Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol
Trusted Computing: Who's in Control?
10:30 am11:00
am Break
11:00 am12:30
Side-channel Attacks
Automatic Code Recognition for Smartcards Using a Kohonen Neural Network
Jean-Jacques Quisquater and David Samyde, Université catholique de Louvain
Breaking the Liardet-Smart Randomized Exponentiation Algorithm
Colin D.
Walter, Comodo Research Laboratory
A Protected Division Algorithm
Marc Joye and Karine Villegas, Gemplus Card International
12:30 pm2:00
pm Conference Luncheon
2:00 pm3:30
Formal Methods
A Java Reference Model of Transacted Memory for Smart Cards
Erik Poll,
University of Nijmegen; Pieter Hartel, University of Twente; and Eduard de Jong,
Sun Microsystems
Model Checking of Multi-Applet JavaCard Applications
Gennady Chugunov and
Lars-Åke Fredlund, SICS; and Dilian Gurov, KTH
Secure Object Flow Analysis for Java Card
Marc Eluard and Thomas Jensen,
3:30 pm4:00
pm Break
4:00 pm5:30
Applications of Tamper-Resistant Hardware
Extending Tamper-Proof Hardware Security to Untrusted Execution
Sergio Loureiro, Laurent Bussard, and Yves Roudier, Institut Eurecom
MICROCAST: Smart Card Based (Micro)Pay-per-View for Multicast Services
Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Antoni Martínez-Ballesté, and Francesc Sebé, Universitat
Rovira i Virgili
On the Implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard on a Public-key
Antonio Valverde Garcia and Jean-Pierre Seifert, Infineon
Technologies AG
5:30 pm
Closing Session
Session Chair: Peter Honeyman, Vice-chair, IFIP WG 8.8 and
Program Chair