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2 Design Philosophy


The Ninja Jukebox application was originally conceived of to ``scratch the itch'' of several graduate students: to be able to harness the large number of unused CD-ROM drives in the 100+ node Berkeley network of workstations (NOW) [3] and present a single, unified view of all music in all drives. Over time, the Jukebox has vastly evolved in complexity and richness. It now transparently supports both raw audio CDs in CD-ROM drives and MP3 files in local filesystems, and it performs authentication and access control in order to adhere to copyright laws. It exports both a programmatic interface and an HTML interface for backwards compatibility with browsers; its programmatic interface includes a collaborative filtering service that deduces users' song preferences, and allows one to construct song playlists based on simple boolean combinations of other users' preferences.

The Ninja Jukebox was designed with several specific goals in mind. The first goal was that the Jukebox should be a communal, collaborative service. Individuals should be able to add or retract their personal collection of music from the Jukebox as they please, without requiring special intervention from a centralized administrator. This implies that contributors should be given as flexible as possible of a ``service contract''--they must be allowed to retain control over their own contributions, while still ensuring that the overall Ninja Jukebox service maintains as stable as possible of a view to the rest of its users. The Jukebox service therefore must be able to adapt to changing group membership by gracefully masking unpredicted failures or disappearances.

Another goal was for the Jukebox service to retain flexibility, extensibility, and the facility for rapid evolution. As the evolution of the Jukebox has explicitly demonstrated, applications are not cast in stone, and services should not remain immutable once they have been released and are in use by applications and users. We therefore wanted our infrastructure to admit the evolution of its services, and we wanted to design the Jukebox service in such a way as to most easily allow it to be extended in unforeseen ways.

2.1 Design Implications

In order to meet the above goals, we made the following three explicit design decisions: the adoption of a distributed component architecture to decompose the Jukebox service into a small number of carefully chosen, functionally decoupled pieces, the imposition of a rich, strongly typed interface on these components (including carefully chosen data structures that precisely describe the contents of the Jukebox), and the use of soft state to achieve eventual consistency in the Jukebox.

Disciplined use of a distributed component architecture: as exemplified by Sun's Jini [21] and Corba [20], distributed component architectures advocate the use of an object-oriented language to decompose applications into smaller, self-contained objects, and the distribution of those objects across machine boundaries, relying on mechanisms such as RPC to perform inter-object communication. Component architectures make it simpler to begin with and maintain a clean design throughout the service's lifetime: the separation into objects allows for a separation of concerns, a tenet of good software engineering.

In the Ninja Jukebox, we decomposed our service into three major components, each respectively responsible for: (1) managing local collections of music (independent of physical and logical format), (2) the integration of many such collections of music and the maintenance of metadata about the music (such as users' song preferences), and (3) the client-side retrieval and playing of music from the service. This deliberate decomposition is what ultimately allowed the Jukebox to evolve so painlessly--each component's functionality is well encapsulated and isolated from other components, meaning that these components can internally evolve without affecting the rest of the system, and that new components can be added that compose with existing pieces to enhance the overall service. For example, the component responsible for managing local collections of music encapsulates information and access mechanisms particular to a music format, and thus the transition supporting only audio CDs in CD-ROM drives and also supporting MP3 files stored in a file system merely involved introducing a subclass of that component. Similarly, we could envision adding subsequent subclasses that would contain all music available from popular music web sites (such as, or would serve as a gateway to receive music broadcasts (such as MBONE vat sessions).

Strongly-typed interfaces: in our opinion, the use of a distributed component architecture is only a partial step towards a properly decomposed service: the careful design of the interfaces between those components is a second, crucial step. An interface to a component is a declaration of both syntax and semantics, and as such is a contract that binds the component author to maintain those semantics even when the component is enhanced or extended through subclassing. Furthermore, the API to the service ultimately dictates the expressive power that clients of that service have available to them. We believe that an infrastructure service is defined by its interface and a declared set of guarantees about its performance and availability.

In the Jukebox, our APIs include data structures that richly describe content. These structures enable intelligent applications such as clients that group music on arbitrary terms, or that allow users to construct playlists based on either explicit declarations or inferred preferences gleaned from the service's observation of their listening history. This focus on strongly-typed interfaces helps remove barriers to rapid service evolution by forcing service authors to carefully design and explicitly declare each of their components' interfaces, and therefore their implied service contracts.

Use of soft state to achieve eventual consistency: as a side-effect of making the Jukebox collaborative, we could not rely on any particular person's contributions to remain available. We thus designed the infrastructure so that a contributor periodically announces the presence of his/her music to a common master repository in order to add music to the overall Jukebox. The act of a person adding music to the Jukebox is therefore treated as a hint rather than a promise: components cannot rely on that music being there, and they must gracefully handle the case in which a particular song abruptly becomes unavailable. We also treat entries in the master repository as a lease, and expire them if the periodic announcements stop. The master repository correspondingly contains an approximate view of all available music; this view continually approaches the correct view over time. This leased approach is also used in our authentication mechanisms: when a client requests a song from the Jukebox, it must first authenticate itself, the result of which is a capability that is good for a single use or for thirty seconds: the Jukebox components lazily time out these capabilities as necessary.

Not all state in the Jukebox is soft-state: users' song preferences, for example, are stored as hard state by dedicated, highly-available infrastrucure in what we call a ``base''[10]. A base is composed of everything needed to build an available compute cluster, including system administration, a secure machine room, redundant networks, UPS, etc., and as such is an ideal environment in which to protect hard state.

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The Ninja Jukebox, available from