The USENIX Notes section of ;login: keeps members informed of upcoming elections, changes in membership benefits, and other topics of interest. It also serves as a venue for bringing important and sometimes controversial issues to the attention of ;login: readers and to mark important milestones in USENIX history.

2012 Election for the USENIX Board of Directors; USENIX Remembers Dennis Ritchie (1941–2011); USA Team Wins Big at International Programming Competition; Thanks to Our Volunteers
Nominating Committee for USENIX Board of Directors; USENIX Association Financial Statements for 2010
Have You Seen the Latest USENIX Short Topics in Sysadmin Books?

Thanks to Our Volunteers
USA Wins World High School Programming
Championships—Snaps Extended China
Winning Streak
USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award;
STUG Award;
USENIX Association Financial Statements for 2009
Notice of Annual Meeting;
Results of the Election for the USENIX
Board of Directors, 2010–2012
In Memoriam: Lewis A. Law, 1932–2010;
Calling All Bloggers
Nominating Committee Report, 2010
Election for the USENIX Board of Directors;
Thanks to Our Volunteers;
Corrigendum to Mark Burgess's "The Cloud Minders"

2010 Election for the USENIX Board of
USACO Teams Shine
Nominating Committee for 2010 USENIX Board of Directors;
Summary of USENIX Board of Directors Actions
AUGUST: 2009 USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award; 2009 STUG Award; USENIX Association Financial Report for 2008
JUNE: USENIX Goes Greener;
Notice of Annual Meeting
APRIL: Tribute to Jay Lepreau, 1952–2008
FEBRUARY: The International Olympiad on Informatics; Got a Minute?; USENIX Discussion List and New Videos Available!

Thanks to Our Volunteers
Report on USACO;
Update on SAGE
AUGUST: Flame and STUG Awards; USENIX Association Financial Report for 2007
JUNE: Election Results;
Notice of Annual Meeting
APRIL: Open Public Access to All USENIX Conference Proceedings
FEBRUARY: 2008 USENIX Nominating Committee Report; Summary of USENIX Board of Directors Meetings and Actions; New on the USENIX Web Site: The Multimedia Page

FEBRUARY: USENIX Board of Directors Meetings and Actions; SAGE Update; John Lions Fund Wrap-Up
JUNE: Notice of Annual Meeting; In Memoriam: John W. Backus, 1924–2007
AUGUST: Summary of USENIX Board of Directors
Meetings and Actions; Flame and STUG Awards; USACO Update; USENIX Association Financial Report for 2006
OCTOBER: Creating the EVT Workshop; 2008 USENIX Nominating Committee; Letters to the Editor
DECEMBER: 2008 Election of the USENIX Board of Directors; Thanks to Our Volunteers; USACO Update

FEBRUARY: 2006 USENIX Nominating Committee Report; "Say Hello, Gracie." "Hello, Gracie."; Summary of USENIX Board of Directors Meetings and Actions
APRIL: Letter to the Editor; Fund to Establish the John Lions Chair
in Operating Systems at the University of New South Wales
AUGUST: Letter to the Editor; The USENIX Association Financial Report for 2005; USENIX Board of Directors Meetings and Actions; 2006 Flame and STUG Awards
OCTOBER: USACO News; SAGE Update; Writing for ;login;
DECEMBER: Letters to the Editor; Addendum to Annual Tech '06 Summaries; Thanks to Our Volunteers; SAGE Update; John Lions Fund—Last Call

FEBRUARY: 20 Years Ago . . . and More;
USENIX Board of Directors Actions
APRIL: Years and Years Ago;
Short Topics Booklets;
Thirtieth Anniversary, USENIX Association
JUNE: Vale, Rob, atque Ave, Rik;
USENIX Board of Directors Actions;
Annual Awards;
Years and Years Ago
AUGUST: 20 Years Ago in ;login:; SAGE Update; New Membership Benefits
OCTOBER: 25 Years Ago; SAGE Update; USACO, the USA Computing Olympiad; The USENIX Association Financial Report for 2004; 2006 USENIX Nominating Committee
DECEMBER: 2006 Election for Board of Directors; Getting It Wrong; USACO Team Brings Home the Gold; Thanks to Our Volunteers; Summary of USENIX
Board of Directors Meetings
2004: February
| April
| June
| August
| October
| December (Security)
2003: February
| April
| August
| October
| December (Security)
2002: February
| April
| June
| August
| October
| December (Security)
2001: February
| April
| June
| July
| August
| October
| November (Security)
| December
2000: February
| April
| June
| July
| August
| October
| November (Security)
| December
1999: February
| April
| June
| August
| October
| December