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CANS: Composable, Adaptive Network Services Infrastructure

Xiaodong Fu, Weisong Shi, Anatoly Akkerman, and Vijay Karamcheti
Department of Computer Science
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University


Ubiquitous access to sophisticated internet services from diverse end devices across heterogeneous networks requires the injection of additional functionality into the network to handle protocol conversion, data transcoding, and in general bridge disparate network portions. Several researchers have proposed infrastructures for injecting such functionality; however, many challenges remain before these can be widely deployed. CANS is an application-level infrastructure for injecting application-specific components into the network that focuses on three such challenges: (a) efficient and dynamic composition of individual components; (b) distributed adaptation of injected components in response to system conditions; and (c) support for legacy applications and services. The CANS network view comprises applications, stateful services, and data paths built from mobile soft-state objects called drivers. Both services and data paths can be dynamically created and reconfigured: a planning and event propagation model assists in distributed adaptation, and a flexible type-based composition model dictates how new services and drivers are integrated with existing components. Legacy components plug into CANS using an interception layer that virtualizes network bindings and a delegation model. This paper describes the CANS architecture, and a case study involving a shrink-wrapped client application in a dynamically changing network environment where CANS improves overall user experience.

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Weisong Shi 2001-01-08