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Fixed Modem Pool Size, Variable Threshold Results.

Figure 5 shows how the numbers of hard faults and busy signals vary for different values of the threshold tex2html_wrap_inline490 . The modem pool sizes simulated are 52 modems for the AT&T Labs trace, and 1,936 and 2,721 modems for the Telesys July and November traces, respectively. These modem pool sizes are 90% of the maximum number of modems needed simultaneously for the Telesys traces. For all three traces, the modem pool size is such that few busy signals are incurred for a 600 second threshold. Thus, the sizes are such that they could very well be used in practice to handle these workloads.



Figure 5: Plots of hard faults (linear scale) and busy signals (log scale) for all traces under variable threshold tex2html_wrap_inline490 (and tex2html_wrap_inline492 ). The number of modems for each workload is fixed to a value that yields few busy signals for a 10 minute threshold (for the Telesys workloads, this is 90% of the maximum number of simultaneously connected users in the trace). The baseline in the busy signal plots is the number of busy signals incurred with no disconnection policy in place. For the busy signal plots, often all three curves for RANDOM, LRU, and CIRG coincide and cannot be distinguished.

For the AT&T Labs trace, the values of tex2html_wrap_inline490 examined are between 300 and 900 seconds (5 and 15 minutes, respectively). Since the environment where the trace was collected had a 15 minute inactivity timeout, these values seem reasonable. The values are certainly more aggressive than what would be expected from a typical ISP, but since the setup uses static IP addresses, the cost of a disconnection is small (i.e., only the reconnection delay and not the termination of open sessions). For the Telesys traces, we experimented with threshold values ranging from 600 seconds (10 minutes) to 2700 seconds (45 minutes). These are more realistic settings for a general purpose ISP where disconnections are more costly due to the dynamic IP address assignment.

As we observe in Figure 5, the number of hard faults may increase for higher threshold values, but not dramatically. LRU and CIRG remain the best predictors of future idle time, with CIRG performing slightly better. RANDOM performs significantly worse than both for all settings that incur a tolerable number of busy signals (e.g., below 1,000 for the Telesys traces). The number of busy signals incurred by all policies increases, expectedly, for higher threshold values. By increasing the minimum inactivity threshold for disconnections ( tex2html_wrap_inline490 ), the number of users who can potentially be disconnected decreases rapidly (as seen in the histograms of Figure 2).

We can see from Figure 5 that with 10% fewer modems than the maximum needed simultaneously, we can get a low number of busy signals and hard faults, for high threshold values--over half an hour for the July Telesys trace. The November Telesys trace has worse locality and quickly incurs many busy signals for threshold values above 20 minutes. This is to be expected: users of Telesys who stay idle long, are likely to have dedicated phone lines for modem connections. Nevertheless, the increase of Telesys usage between the Summer and Fall trace is mainly due to students. The percentage of students who can afford dedicated phone lines is lower than the corresponding percentage of faculty and staff. Thus, it is natural to have proportionally fewer users who are idle for long in the November trace. We believe that the July trace is more representative of typical ISP subscribers' behavior than the November trace, but have taken no steps towards verifying this.

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Yannis Smaragdakis
Tue Apr 25 15:09:47 EDT 2000