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... access.1
Those disk operations incurred by paging are also implicit.
... proceeding.2
Or, in some cases (e.g., Janus [GWTB96]), to modify the request into a compliant form prior to allowing it to proceed.
... threshold.3
For clarity of description, we restrict our attention in this paper to synchronous communication operations and also assume that the data transmission rate in the network is not the bottleneck. The approach needs to be refined slightly to handle situations where communication operations are asynchronous.
... 2.4
Hog runs at a very low priority and executes only when no other normal applications are active, ensuring that even when CPU resources are available, each application does not receive more than its prescribed share.
... DLLs.5
To compare, a ``Hello, world'' program consumes about 500KB memory and one that creates a TCP socket consumes 1MB memory.
Fangzhe Chang, Ayal Itzkovitz, and Vijay Karamcheti