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Porting a User-Level Communication Architecture to NT:
Experiences and Performance

Yuqun Chen, Stefanos N. Damianakis, Sanjeev Kumar, Xiang Yu, and Kai Li
Department of Computer Science
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ-08544
{yuqun, snd, skumar, xyu, li}


This paper describes our experiences in porting the VMMC user-level communication architecture from Linux to Windows NT. The original Linux implementation required no operating system changes and was done entirely using device drivers and user-level libraries. Porting the Linux implementation to NT was fairly straightforward and required no kernel modifications. Our measurements show that the performance of both platforms is fairly similar for the common data transfer operations because they bypass the OS. But Linux performs better than NT on operations that require OS support.

Yuqun (Michael) Chen
Wed Jun 2 19:35:36 EDT 1999

This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Windows NT Symposium, July 12-15, 1999, Seattle, Washington, USA

Last changed: 26 Ju1. 1999 mc

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