Complete process mediation requires that each IPC be authorized by a monitor. We prefer that monitoring be triggered automatically. Otherwise, it may be possible to a programmer to forget to call the monitor (and lose complete mediation). Therefore, there must be a mechanism for redirecting IPCs to the monitor. Then, the monitor must be able determine what permissions are to be authorized. These permissions are authorized by the monitor, and if successful, the requested is forwarded to the destination.
Process mediation requires that the following tasks be accomplished:
Each IPC must be intercepted for complete mediation. Therefore, it is necessary to place a monitor on each IPC path. Typically, monitoring is associated either with the server (which enforces access control on its clients) or on the client (limits access of the client). There are limitations to both approaches. In client monitoring, monitors can, in theory, enforce arbitrary security policy, but in practice they have limited knowledge about the servers to which they are controlling access. On the other hand, servers are typically trusted to enforce security requirements on clients, but they may not understand the security requirements that the monitor is trying to enforce.
We choose a security model that enables both kinds of control, but erlies more heavily on client-side monitoring. Each process may have a monitor that can enforce both its incoming and outgoing IPCs. Therefore, a process that is both a client and a server in different interactions can have its operations to servers authorized and can restrict the operations that it perform for its clients. We do emphasize the client-side control of the monitor by enabling it to place tighter restrictions on the operations it can perform that server monitors may. An additional benefit that results from this model is that monitors themselves can be restricted to different domains because they are different processes. We overcome the problem of server security requirements for processes, by enabling the servers to delegate permissions to content and providing authorization semantics of server operations to the monitors (see below and Section 4.3).
A result of this decision is that an IPC from one controlled task to
another requires an additional IPC between the two monitors. However,
Lava Nucleus IPC and operation authorization should be fast (< 1.5
s for small IPCs), so the benefit can be gained at low cost.
It is unclear yet whether the cost is worth the added security,
The authorization semantics of a server's interface is defined by operation authorization objects (see Section 4.3). These objects are used to transform operations into the set of permissions that must be authorized before the operation can be run. These are useful for enforcing least privilege with good performance (we have found the cost of processing these is low).
The monitor obtains authorization operation from the server definition (e.g., via an IDL extension). When a server is loaded, its operation authorization objects are stored in a place accessible to all monitors. The semantics of these operations must be well-understood. Therefore, monitors control client operations (based on the current and maximal permissions) to any server that they are permitted to access.
Our architecture for using monitors and servers to control processes is shown in Figure 2. In this model, a monitor is assigned to each controlled process. When a process makes an IPC, its monitor intercepts the IPC automatically via a kernel-provided mechanism. After the operation authorization semantics have determined the operations that need to be authorized, the monitor uses its process's permissions to authorize the operation. The operation must be within the content's current permissions and maximal permissions to be authorized. Since the content's current permissions may expand and the content's maximal permissions may be restricted, an operation at a certain time may need to be checked against both.
Figure 2: Monitor Architecture