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Secure Whiteboard

A whiteboard for posting group messages is implemented on top of secure multicast. This board is a shared object in the sense that every message sent to the board appears on all whiteboards maintained by the group members, and messages sent by the same member do not arrive out of order. No other constraint is placed on the board. For example, a member can clear his board when it becomes full, and this clear operation does not affect other whiteboards.

In the example shown in Figure 4, a user is composing a draft response to a comment posted to the group whiteboard by a fellow group member.

Figure 4: Composing a message for the whiteboard

The whiteboard serves as the communication medium in the absence of (or in addition to) voice and video connections between group members. The content of the board can also be saved to a system log for auditing purposes.

Li Gong
Fri May 17 15:07:56 PDT 1996
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