Dear Colleague: System administrators are faced with the deployment of Windows NT across complex networks comprised of hundreds or even thousands of individual Windows NT systems. They are expected to maintain these systems with the same quality of service they deliver for their better-understood UNIX systems. They are expected to provide integration services between legacy platforms and Windows NT as well, but very little information exists which would aid in the management of these large-scale Windows NT installations. In this workshop, sponsored by USENIX and SAGE, you will learn about real-life experiences of system administrators who have wrestled with these problems and are building solutions today which will scale into tomorrow. During the workshop, there will be lots of opportunities for interaction during panels, a Work-In-Progress Session, and luncheons. You will participate in discussions on topics such as large scale administration, integration, tools, and security. There will also be breakout sessions where you can share information with your peers. To help us focus the breakouts, we encourage you to submit a brief description of the work you are doing with Windows NT. See Position Papers for details. This workshop will be an exciting experience for anyone involved in the management of large Windows NT networks. It is an opportunity for the discussion of real-life experiences and the solutions to real-world problems. We look forward to your participation. Very truly yours,
PS: Remember to register by July 28 - you'll save $50. Also see the information about the Attendee Site Survey.
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