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T7   Building a Successful Security Infrastructure   NEW!
Michele Crabb, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Who should attend: UNIX system administrators and data processing or MIS management who have an interest in developing or designing an overall security plan or infrastructure for their site.

What you will learn: Step-by-step guidelines for evaluating your site's security needs and deciding upon the elements of a successful security framework.

Building and maintaining a successful security framework entails performing a detailed analysis of your security needs and examining your current security controls. You will also need to know what security tools are needed, and the right things to keep the framework in place and operational. Overlooking any one of these pieces can mean an unreliable security framework.

The class is not about how to implement UNIX security, but provides an overall picture of how to implement a successful security infra structure. The class bridges the gap between the technical and the administrative issues of system security.

Topics include:

- Why do we need security and what are some motivating factors?
- The risk assessment process
- Policies and procedures
- Building your infrastructure
- Maintaining your infrastructure
- The security toolbox

Crabb Michele Crabb is a senior computer security analyst at Cisco Systems where she manages security and provides support for corporate security functions such as the firewalls and remote access security servers. Prior to Cisco, Michele managed security at NASA Ames Research. She has been actively involved in teaching and presenting at technical conferences for the last six years. Michele is also a co-author of the SAGE pamphlet, System Security - A Management Perspective.

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