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T16AM   Where Your Employer's Liability Stops and Yours Begins: Principles of Agency for the System Administrator   NEW!
Dan Appelman, Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe

Who should attend: System and network administrators interested in the legal issues surrounding the employer/employee relationship.

What you will learn: Areas of employment law as it relates to the system administrator, in cluding privacy, defamation, denial of account privileges, export liability, and obscenity/ indecency. The state of the law and practical measures to take to minimize personal liability in the workplaces.

What problems arise from the conflicting goals of autonomy and accountability in the employer/employee relationship? The right to free speech, anonymity, and privacy are central concepts in the U.S., but this right is constantly balanced by the need for accountability and the need of the employer to control the workplace.

The course will also focus on the laws and regulations that govern the employer/employee relationship, including those which limit employer and employee liability for the acts of the employee. You will receive concrete sug ges tions for ways to understand where the line is drawn and how to minimize your own personal liability.

ApplemanDan Appelman, an expert on legal issues in on-line and Internet commerce, practices computer and telecommunications law at Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe where he represents many high-tech and Internet-related companies. In addition to his law degree, he has a PhD in telecommunications policy.

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