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T13PM   Advanced Topics in NNTP and INN
James Brister and David Lawrence, Internet Software Consortium

Who should attend: Administrators of INN servers who want a deeper understanding of the NNTP protocol of the INN software system. Participants should already have experience running at least one INN server host.

What you will learn: How to diagnose serious but less-obvious configuration or utilization problems, and be able to make informed decisions about complex enterprise-wide netnews topology.

This tutorial will generally survey the NNTP and NNRP protocols, with special attention to reader vs. transport verbs and to the performance implications of offline news servers and Netscape Navigator. Obscure INN performance tuning issues will be covered, as will advanced troubleshooting and debugging techniques.

Topics include:

- Falling behind your provider's feed
- Downstream sites falling behind your feed
- Web browsers vs. nnrpd and fork
- NNTP streaming vs. innfeed parallelism
- getactive and what to do about it
- Mail <=> news gateways
- Advanced expire topics
- Upcoming INN enhancements

BristerJames Brister is one of the maintainers of INN, and the author of the innfeed transfer utility. James has been a senior UNIX system programmer and administrator for more than 10 years, and is currently a senior software engineer at the Internet Software Consortium.

Lawrence_DavidDavid Lawrence is one of the current maintainers of INN and has been a highly visible member of the Usenet community for over a decade. His contributions include involvement in many news software projects and service as the moderator of news.announce newgroups for the past six years. Co-author of the recently released book, Managing Usenet, David is a member of the technical staff at Vixie Laboratories and the Internet Software Consortium.

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