Check out the new USENIX Web site. LISA '97 Conference
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T10AM   Good Ideas: Presenting Technical Information   NEW!
Maurita Plouff, Expert Innovations

Who should attend: People who make presentations. People who need to make simple presentations on complex subjects. People who hate making presentations but have to anyway. If you know it all but can't present it clearly, this course is for you.

Some technical people would rather have a tooth pulled than have to speak in public. Presenting technical information is even more difficult. You will learn tips for making clear and enjoyable presentations.

Topics include:

- Introduction
- Secrets of good presentations
- Refining your message and tuning it for the audience
- Expressing your ideas with numbers, graphs, artwork, and photos
- Graphics that get attention
- Presentation mechanics--media choices, formats, and tips for handling handouts
- Environmental decisions
- Your pre-presentation checklist
- Delivering the message: No snoozing!
- Conquering that nervous feeling
- When things go wrong
- Suggestions for typical situations

PlouffMaurita Plouff is a technologist, manager, and teacher, and has been translating between technical and non-technical audiences since her first post in 1972 as a physics laboratory research assistant. She started her consulting business, Expert Innovations, to solve business problems through creative application of technology and common-sense management. An accomplished speaker, she is known for her ability to avoid inducing the "glassy-eyed stare".

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