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M3   Topics in Solaris System Administration
Marc Staveley, Consultant CLASS FULL!

Who should attend: System administrators who need to know the differences between SunOS 4.x and Solaris 2.x system administration. Portions of this course will be useful from a BSD to Sys V.4 perspective. It will be most meaningful to sys admins with some exper i ence setting up and maintaining a network of SunOS 4.x workstations and servers.

What you will learn: New features in the Solaris operating system (e.g., the CacheFS file system). New methods for accomplishing similar tasks in SunOS (e.g., the new NFS administration commands).

Topics include:

- Installation (packages, jumpstart, etc.)
- Booting and halting
- Kernel enhancements (dynamic loading, multi-threading, layout on disk, and /etc/system)
- Networking (NFS, AutoFS Automounter, and PPP)
- AutoFS and CacheFS (including cache-only clients)
- NIS+ vs. NIS (YP)
- Service Access Facility (a getty replacement and much more)
- Printing (lpd vs. lpsched, SunSoft print client)

StaveleyMarc Staveley has 14 years of experience in UNIX appli cation development and administration. An independent consultant, Marc has previously held positions at NCR Corp or ation, Princeton University, and the University of Waterloo. Among his current projects, Marc is working with the Sun Microsystems Developer Support Centre assisting their cus tomers in migrating from SunOS to Solaris. He is a frequent speaker on the topics of standards-based develop ment, multi-threaded programming and system administration.

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