Check out the new USENIX Web site. LISA '97 Conference
Table of Contents
M14PM   Developing Computing Policies   NEW!
Barb Dijker, Labyrinth Computer Services

Who should attend: Computing professionals who may become involved in setting, reviewing, or enforcing computing policies.

What you will learn: How to establish computing policies.

Everyone knows they should have com puting policies--but where do you start? This tutorial will give you the jump start that you need. The system administrator is usually in the position of enforcing computing policies, but often also ends up drafting or recommending policy. Come prepared to draft or revamp policies for your site. Conducted in work shop style, the discus sion will cover everything from getting started to management approval. We will focus on the the pros and cons and practical enforceability of different aspects of and approaches to computing policies.

- What should and should not be included in policies
- Informal vs. formal policies
- Policies vs. procedures
- Core policies: Authorization and acceptable use
- Pros and cons of specific policies and approaches
- Effect and enforceability
- Organization and distribution
- Management support and implementation

DijkerBarb Dijker is a system and network consultant with her own company, Labyrinth Computer Services. She is also the current saver of USENIX faces, the executive director and co-founder of the Colorado Internet Cooperative Association, and principal manager of an ISP called NeTrack.

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