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T4PM   Building Distributed CORBA Applications in C++
Steve Vinoski, IONA Technologies, Inc.

Who should attend: Experienced C++ developers who want to understand the fundamentals of CORBA-based programming in C++ to develop practical distributed object systems. A good understanding of C++ is required, but no CORBA experience is necessary.

What you will learn: The basics that developers need to begin writing industrial-strength systems based on CORBA technology.

The course presents a significant amount of real, working C++ code, with detailed handouts that can serve as a CORBA C++ programming reference.

This course first describes the basics of the Object Management Group's (OMG) Object Management Architecture (OMA), and then focuses on the fundamentals of the CORBA component of the OMA. C++ examples are first used to show how to develop simple clients and servers based on static stubs and skeletons. All server examples are based on the new Portable Object Adapter (POA) recently added to CORBA. Then, details concerning use of the Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) and the Interface Repository are provided.

The second half of the course introduces a number of CORBA services, including Naming, Events, and Trading, and through the use of more C++ examples, shows how they can be used in real applications. The course concludes with a brief overview of other services such as Transactions and Security, followed by a description of some of the other work currently in progress within the OMG.

Steve Vinoski is a senior architect for IONA Technologies, Inc., makers of the Orbix Object Request Broker. A frequent speaker at technical conferences, Steve has been giving CORBA tutorials around the world since 1993. He has also helped put together several important OMG specifications, including CORBA 2.0, the OMG IDL C++ Language Mapping, and the ORB Portability Specification. In 1996 he served on the OMG Architecture Board. Together with Doug Schmidt, he writes the "Object Interconnections" column for the C++ Report.

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