Software Components:
Integration and Collaboration
Friday, June 20, 1997
This one-day post-conference workshop will focus on issues surrounding the rapid integration and dynamic collaboration of prefabricated components. The workshop topics include, but are not limited to, experiences and analyses of the following:
- Innovative applications of component software
- Strategies for component evolution and versioning
- Security and reliability issues of component collaboration
- Fault tolerance and recovery of components
- Tools for selecting and assembling components
- Usage of specific technologies such as Java Beans, OpenDoc, ActiveX, and LiveConnect
Attendance is limited to conference attendees and based on acceptance of a position paper. Potential workshop attendees are invited to submit a position paper of at most three ASCII pages via electronic mail to Rajendra K. Raj no later than May 1, 1997. Acceptance notices to all participants will be issued by May 20, 1997. Position papers should briefly describe experiences, interests, works in progress, and/or ongoing research and development. A representative subset of authors of position papers may be invited to make informal presentations at the workshop. The workshop submissions will also be circulated in advance so that the majority of the workshop time is spent on discussing relevant issues.