Figure 9 presents, in OMG IDLscript, the use of lookup proxy presented in the previous section. The first line instantiates the lookup proxy class. The second line invokes the query operation to find color printers faster than two pages per minute. This operation realizes the same search processing as the one presented in Figure 4. Simplicity brought up by TORBA becomes clear. The application developer does not bother with the trader technicity, he/she can focus on the use of the trading contract only. Moreover, the operation execution cannot fail as types have been checked by the TDL compiler. It can only return an empty sequence if no offer matches the search. The third line illustrates the option of using a search operation not defined in the trading contract: Searching offers related to B&W printers faster than ten pages per minute, for a cost less than five cents a page. Nevertheless, even if the use of this operation is provided, software engineering quality is improved when all the search requests are defined in the trading contract.