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false sharing.

The Intel P6 family use a cache coherency protocol with four states usually called MESI10. This protocol is write invalidate which means that when two or more processors holds a copy of the same memory line if one of them writes in, the cache line holding the memory line is invalidated on other processors. False sharing occur when processors write to a shared cache line but not at the same location: there is no real coherency problem since processors write to different location and since the cache allocate a line when a write misses11 the protocol makes each processor invalidate the other forcing reload of a cache line at each write. This situation occurs with blasth library at the boundary of results blocks but in the case of level 1 BLAS only one cache line will be shared between 2 processors. In the case of dgemm for a m x n matrix up to max(m,n) caches lines can be shared but usual optimization of dgemm use block copy of the resulting matrix avoiding such situation. False sharing is another argument to avoid cycling split and we can see effect on daxpy in figure [*]: there is no cache effect on operand y while operand x is accessed by each thread with an increment of 2.

Figure: Effects of false sharing with daxpy on 2 processors
\epsfig{file=daxpycycle_ext.eps,width=7cm} \end{center} \end{figure}

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Thomas Guignon