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In this section, we present the lessons we learned from this implementation. In particular, we discuss the potential and limitations of the current VIA specification and implementations, for software DSM.

Low-latency Communication. VIA provides low latency communication which is critical for the performance of a DSM system. Figure 3 presents the percentage distribution of the message sizes for four of the applications. For all four applications, small messages (less than 256 bytes in size) constitute more than 75% of the total number of messages.

Figure 3: Message size distribution
\epsfxsize=4.5in \epsfbox{msg_size.eps}

Copy Avoidance. Copies can be avoided in data transfers but VIA requires both the send and receive buffers to be registered in advance. The cost of memory registration (Table 2) prevents us from doing it at the time of transfer. On the other hand, any VIA implementation imposes a limit on the amount of memory that can be registered. As a result, for large problem sizes, copies cannot be avoided. However, from the results presented in Section 5, we can see that performing copies as part of data transfer doesn't adversely affect application performance except in the case of FFT, where we observed a degradation of roughly 15%.

Scatter-Gather. A scatter-gather mechanism would have been ideal to implement direct diffs without incurring the penalty of multiple message latencies. In the absence of scatter-gather, preliminary calculations indicate that direct diff solutions win over the diff copy solution only when the chunks of consecutive updates are large enough to offset the latency of sending multiple messages using VIA.

To understand the impact of writing diffs directly, avoiding copies but without scatter-gather, we looked at two of the applications, viz., Radix and Barnes which generate a substantial amount of diff traffic. When diffs are written directly, a message is generated for every contiguous dirty segment in the page. Radix achieves an improvement in performance by writing diffs directly, whereas the performance of Barnes degrades. On a careful look at the granularity of the writes and the number of dirty segments per modified page, we realized that Radix resulted in only one contiguous dirty segment per page, whereas Barnes resulted in about 21 dirty segments per page. For Barnes, the overhead of sending multiple dirty segments per page outweighs the improvement achieved by avoiding the copy.

What VIA provides as scatter-gather support is however insufficient for the implementation of direct diffs with one message per page. VIA allows the source of an RDMA Write to be specified as a list of gather buffers. However, this gather mechanism doesn't allow us to specify multiple addresses on the destination node. In software DSM, transfer of diffs for any page involves transfer of multiple contiguous dirty segments contained within the page.

We try to estimate the potential performance improvement with scatter-gather support from VIA. We can calculate this by subtracting the time to apply the diff from the handler time. Knowing the total diff size that was transferred and approximating the diff application time with the memory copy time, for all seven applications we studied, we got a gain of no more than 5%. This is consistent with what other people have shown  [2].

Remote Read. RDMA Read is a VIA feature that allows fetching of data without interrupting the processor on the remote node. Although present in the VIA specification, the VIA implementation that we used in our experiments does not support RDMA Read. We try to make a rough approximation of the impact of RDMA Read on the performance results.

Using RDMA Read, we can potentially eliminate the handling time for remote requests (since they can be performed by the NIC as an RDMA Read), assuming that RDMA Reads do not require servicing by the CPU. Even though not all remote requests are remote fetches, we look at an upper bound by assuming that the entire handling time is eliminated. For all the applications that we studied, this component (handling incoming messages as a server) of the execution time is not larger than 5%. The elimination of the remote handling time, would also reduce the communication latency experienced by the clients, by the same amount. This brings the total contribution of the remote read to no more than 10%, not counting the side-effect on synchronization due to critical section dilation [2]. Bilas et al  [2] have shown that the remote read facility can help reduce the page fetch times by about 20% for most applications.

Broadcast Support. VIA doesn't specify any primitive or mechanism for broadcast. Broadcast can be really useful in the context of a software DSM system. With support for inexpensive broadcast, we can adopt an eager selective update mechanism using broadcast, instead of sending write notices for invalidation. This will help us save unnecessary page requests generated at nodes accessing heavily accessed pages, and in reducing the contention and protocol overhead of serving these pages at the home nodes. We can also broadcast the invalidations sent at the time of barriers. Previous studies  [30] have revealed that a gain of up to 13% could be achieved over 8 nodes, with selective use of broadcast for data used by multiple consumers. They present simulation studies to speculate that a performance improvement of even 50% is possible with 32 nodes.

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Murali Rangarajan 2000-08-09