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Domain and Type Enforcement for Linux

Serge E. Hallyn
College of William and Mary,

Phil Kearns
College of William and Mary,


Access control in Linux is currently very limited. This paper details the implementation of Domain and Type Enforcement (DTE) in Linux, which gives the system administrator a significant advantage in securing his systems. We control access from domains to types, domain transitions, and signal access between domains, based on a policy which is read at boot time.


Access control in Linux currently consists of traditional Unix permissions and POSIX capabilities[Caps-faq]. Domain and Type Enforcement (DTE) has been presented [DTE95,DTE96] as a useful method for enhancing access control. DTE groups processes into domains, and files into types, and restricts access from domains to types as well as from domains to other domains. Type access can be any of read, write, execute, create, and directory descend. Domain access refers the right to send signals as well as that to transition to a new domain. A process belongs to exactly one domain at any particular time. A process transitions to a new domain by executing a file which has been defined as an entry point to that domain. The three types of domain transitions are auto, exec, or none. If Domain A has auto access to domain B, and a process in domain A executes an entry point for domain B, then the process will be automatically switched to domain B. If domain A has exec access to domain B, then a process running under domain A can choose whether to switch to domain B on execution of one of B's entry points.

DTE can be considered an abbreviated form of classical capabilities[Dennis66]. In a system based upon classical capabilities, a process carries with itself a set of access rights to particular objects. At any point, a process can give up, or reclaim (if permitted) some of its capabilities. POSIX capabilities work similarly, but these capabilities are limited to a predefined subset of superuser access rights such as the ability to nice a process, boot the system or open a privileged ($< 1024$) port. In DTE, a process carries with itself only an indicator of the domain in which it runs, and this determines the process' access rights. A process can enter a new domain (and hence change its access rights) only upon file execution.

Trusted Information Systems has used DTE in its proprietary firewalls, but details of its implementation were not publicly available, and TIS appears to have stopped using DTE altogether. A group at SAIC has recently begun a DTE for Linux implementation[SAIC-DTE]. Jonathon Tidswell and John Potter[Tidswell97] submitted theoretical work on extending DTE to allow safe dynamic policy changes, but have attempted no implementation.

Presented here is our prototype implementation of DTE for Linux version 2.3.


We have implemented a DTE prototype in the 2.3.28 Linux kernel. Our implementation of DTE attaches type information to VFS inodes and domain information to process descriptors (task structs). A DTE policy is read at boot time from the text file /etc/dte.conf.

Traditional UNIX permissions are still enforced. There are several reason for this, such as user and system administrator familiarity with traditional UNIX protection. Most importantly, however, DTE is designed to provide mandatory access control to protect a system from subverted superuser processes. A DTE policy to replace traditional UNIX access control would be very large and complex. However, one could completely void traditional access control by simply giving all users full access to all files. Similarly, one can bypass DTE by creating a DTE policy with only one type and one domain, and full access from the sole domain to the sole type.

Data Management

At boot time, we build a structure for each domain as specified in the DTE policy file. This structure contains information regarding permitted access to types, permitted transitions and signal access to other domains, and entry points. Every process' task structure will contain a pointer to the structure for the domain to which it currently belongs.

At this time we also create an array containing the names of all types. Types are then compared by the offset of the type name in this array. Every inode contains three pointers which either are NULL or point into this array. The three pointers represent the etype, rtype and utype values. The etype value is the type of this particular file or directory. The rtype represents the value of this directory and its children, whereas the utype represents only the type of its children.

The type of a file is determined in one of three ways. First, if we have previously determined the type, then the inode's etype will be set and we simply use it. If this is the first time we are looking up this file, and a rule exists assigning it a type, then that rule is used. Finally, if a rule does not exist assigning a type to the file, then the values are inherited from the parent's utype1. The etype of an inode is always set. If there is no rule specifying the etype for the file, then the etype is set to the parent's utype. The utype of an inode must therefore also exist. It is set, in order of preference, to the assigned utype, the assigned rtype, or the parent's utype. The rtype of an inode is set only if a rule assigns an rtype to the inode's path.

Since type information always comes from either the DTE policy or from an inode's ancestors in the filesystem tree, no information needs to be added to the filesystem on disk. The type assignment rules are represented in memory by a tree of map nodes which is constructed at boot time from the type assignment rules in the policy. A sample tree for a particular set of rules is shown in Figure 1, along with the type information in corresponding inodes. The map nodes are only used to determine whether a rule exists binding a path to a type. Once an inode's type is set, subsequent lookups will not cause us to check the map nodes again.

Figure 1: Sample DTE assign rules and corresponding map nodes
\epsfig{file=mapnodes.eps, width=14cm}\end{center}\end{figure*}

Type Access Enforcement

When a process performs an open system call, the modified kernel checks for DTE permission before checking the standard UNIX permissions. We use the domain structure pointed to by the current task structure to check whether the current domain has the requested access to the type to which the file being opened belongs. If this access is granted, then we proceed to perform the normal UNIX checks. A check for DTE execute permission is delayed until the actual call to execve. If the execution causes an allowed domain transition, then this transition should occur before the check for execute access, since the new domain may be the only one allowed to execute the entry point.

Domain to type access information is kept in a set of hash tables. Each domain structure has a hash table keyed by the type name, and each entry lists the domain's access rights to the particular type. A type access check, therefore, consists of simply calculating the hash value of the type name to find the appropriate domain to type access entry for the current domain, and comparing the requested access to the permitted access. This is done regardless of username, so that the superuser is not exempt from the DTE policy.

Domain Access Enforcement

Our DTE implementation enforces restrictions on signals between processes in different domains. Each domain structure contains a linked list of dte_signal_access structures, which contain the signal number and a pointer to the domain to which it may be sent. One of these structures exists for every signal which may be sent to another domain. However, for the sake of abbreviation, setting the domain to null allows the specified signal to be sent to all domains, and setting the signal to 0 allows all signals to be sent to the specified domain.

Domain Transition Enforcement

Three types of domain transition are possible each time a file is executed. The first is an auto, or mandatory, domain transition. Since this must be automatic, it means that each time a process calls execve, we must check whether the file being executed is an entry point into a domain to which the current domain has auto access. The second type of transition is an exec, or user-requested, transition. This is facilitated by a new system call, sys_dte_execve, which takes an additional argument over execve containing the name of the requested domain. The third and default type of transition is the NULL transition, wherein the domain is not changed.

Domain transition information is kept in two types of structures, both linked from the domain structure. Since auto transitions must be checked for on every execve system call, the search for a particular pathname must be very quick. Therefore, each domain structure contains a hash table of the pathnames whose execution lead to auto domain transitions, along with the domain to be switched to.

The domain structure also has a linked list of structures representing allowed exec transitions. Since a dte_exec is a relatively rare, and user-requested, event, efficiency is not so critical, and we can elect for a more memory-efficient representation. Therefore we do not keep a hash table of every file which may cause an exec transition, but simply point to the domains to which a voluntary (exec) transition is allowed. To check for exec access to a domain, we must first check for an exec entry for the desired domain, then check whether the file being executed is an entry point for that domain.


Administering DTE consists of editing the policy, which is defined in the file /etc/dte.conf. The system must be rebooted to effect the changes2.

The DTE policy file consists of several sections. We first enumerate the types and domains. Next we specify the default type for the filesystem root ("/") and its children, and the domain in which to run the first process (init). Following is the detailed definition of all domains. For each domain we specify the entry points, permitted type access, permitted domain transitions and permitted signals to processes in other domains. Finally we list the type assignment rules.

A sample policy file is in Figure 2. First we specify that there will be two types, root_t and log_t, and two domains, common_d and log_d. We set the default root rtype, hence the default type for the entire filesystem, to root_t. Next we set the type of the first process to common_d. We specify that the log_d domain will have one entry point, /sbin/syslogd, and should have read, execute and directory descend access to files of type root_t and read, write, execute, create and directory descend access to files of type log_t. For the domain common_d, we specify read, write, execute, create and directory descend access to files of type root_t, but only read access to files of type log_t. This domain also receives auto transition access to domain log_t, meaning that, on execution of /sbin/syslogd, a process in domain common_d will automatically be switched to domain log_d. Finally, the last statement assigns the type log_t to the directory /var/adm/log and all files thereunder.

Figure 2: A sample DTE configuration file


Three additional system calls are provided to allow software to interact with DTE. The sys_dte_exec call was discussed earlier. A user may invoke sys_dte_gettype to learn the type associated with a file. Similarly, sys_dte_getdomain may be called to learn the domain associated with a process.


We measured the performance of both a DTE-enabled and a DTE-free 2.3.28 kernel for the execve and lookup_dentry system calls, the overhead imposed by the DTE-specific sys_dte_exec and dte_auto_switch system calls, and a full kernel compile. The following tests were run on a 400Mhz Pentium II ($397.31$ bogomips) with 512K L2 cache and 384M ram. Each test was run on a kernel compiled without DTE and one with DTE using the simple policy shown in Figure 3. We used the Pentium cycle clock for timing. All confidence intervals are 95%.

Figure 3: DTE policy used for performance tests
{\small\begin{verbatim}types root_t login_t user...
assign -e /dte_test_dir/aha user_t\end{verbatim}}


The fs/namei.c:permission kernel function is used before any file operations to check whether the user is authorized to perform the requested action. The code to check for domain to type access rights is located at the top of this function, so that DTE permissions are checked before standard UNIX permissions. As mentioned above, each domain has a hash table, keyed by type name, listing the domain's access rights to types. The DTE permission check is therefore very quick and constant time with respect to the number of types. Of course, it is linear with respect to the length of the pathname, as we need to first find the pathname and then hash it.

The first time it is called on a particular file or directory, however, the etype may not yet have been set. In this case, we must check for a type assignment rule or, if such a rule does not exist, set the type from the parent directory. Furthermore, if the parent directory does not exist then we must first do the same for it, and so on until a directory is associated with a type assignment rules or has its type set.3. The DTE type assignment rules are kept in a tree format analogous to the filesystem tree, as shown in Figure 1. The children are currently not sorted, so that a large number of assignment rules for files under a single parent directory could impact performance. However, for normal cases this lookup should be reasonably quick.

We timed the upper part of the kernel function fs/namei.c:permission, where the DTE code is located. Over the course of a boot sequence, several repeats of the lookup test above, some general milling around, and a shutdown, the DTE code added $1578 \pm 400$ clock cycles to each permission call.


The time required to look up a given pathname greatly affects the subjective performance of the system. The function fs/namei.c:lookup_dentry, which performs this task in the Linux kernel, is affected by DTE in two places. First, for each subdirectory in a pathname, lookup_dentry calls permission to check for execute access. Second, if the types for the deepest path element being looked up have not been set, then we must set them, using the same function we use above in permission.

We timed lookup_dentry on a set of pathnames ranging in depth from 1 to 9 components, both for fully existing and fully nonexistent pathnames. For the first execution, each component of each pathname was uncached. On subsequent executions, all path components and their corresponding DTE type information were (naturally) cached.

Figure 4: existing file lookup, first runs
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert cr\vert}
...9841 & 19853653 $\pm$\ 4192949 \\

Figure 5: existing file lookup, cached runs
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert cr\vert r\vert}
...254 & 18602 $\pm$\ 186 & $89$\ \\

Figure 6: non-existent file lookup, first runs
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert cr\vert}
\char...$\ 275 &12336 $\pm$\ 543 \\

Figure 7: non-existent file lookup, cached runs
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert cr\vert r\vert}
... 106 & 8240 $\pm$\ 154 & $87$\ \\

The results can be seen in figures 4, 5, 6 and 7. For the case of a lookup for uncached filenames, results appear to be rather unpredictable. If this appears to be more true for existing file lookup than for nonexistent files, this is a result we should have predicted by our method of testing. We tested the lookup for each set of pathnames, then rebooted, and repeated the test, eleven times in all. However, for the nonexistent filename lookup, a part of the pathname was legitimate. This piece was looked up uncached only for our first test after reboot, which was for the first table entry in figure 6. Since the DTE kernel was faster than the plain kernel more often than it was slower, it appears safe to say that disk i/o completely overshadows any time spent setting DTE types from map rules and parents.

For cached lookups, the DTE kernel appears to do slightly better than twice as long as the plain kernel.

auto Domain Transitions

Upon file execution, we must check whether the requested execution should cause a mandatory domain switch. This is done using kernel/dte.c:dte_auto_switch. As previously mentioned, this function must be fast as it is called with every file execution. Therefore, it simply hashes the name of the executable to check for an entry in a table of gateways, or executables which cause an automatic domain switch.

We compiled a kernel which timed the execution of dte_auto_switch. If a particular domain has no gateways, then dte_auto_switch does not bother to hash the typename, so that the dte_auto_switch call during execve takes $308 \pm 6$ clock cycles. If there are gateways, then we must search the hash tables. While we tested using domains with a variable number of permitted auto switches,4 this number does not affect the running time of dte_auto_switch, which is $6655 \pm 166$ clock cycles. Since this function does not exist in the plain Linux kernel, its running time must be considered pure overhead to file execution.

exec Domain Transitions

The least efficient of all the code added with DTE certainly sits in kernel/dte.c:sys_dte_exec. First, the user provides the name of a domain to switch to. Since domains are currently not kept hashed or in any order, the lookup for the corresponding domain structure is $O(d\times m)$, where $d$ is the number of defined domains and $m$ is the maximum length of any domain name. Next, we search another unsorted list, containing the domains to which the current domain may voluntarily switch, to check whether the domain switch is legal. Then we search a third list, containing valid entry points for the destination domain.

In order to measure the amount of time required to check for an exec domain switch, we set up 12 domains, with entry points numbering $2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20$ and $30$, where two domains had 30 entry points. Then we performed an exec domain switch into each of these domains, and measured the time between the start of sys_dte_exec and its call to sys_execve. Since entry points are stored unsorted, the 12th domain's list of entry points contained the entry point which we actually executed last, whereas all others listed it first. The results for 10 trials (excluding the first of eleven since the entry point needed to be read from disk) are shown in Figure 8.

The first 11 domains each executed the first file in the respective domains' linked list of entry points. The difference in performance is due to the analogous problem with the list of allowed exec transitions.

For domains with what we believe to be a realistic number of entry points (1-8), sys_dte_exec takes about 4 times as long as dte_auto_switch. Clearly, performance will be greatly improved when we store entry points, domains, and allowed exec transitions in a data structure which allows quicker lookups. This will be a simple but low priority improvement, since a policy must be quite large for the effects to become noticeable, and a sys_dte_exec call is a rare event.

Figure 8: Dependence of sys_dte_exec performance on number of entry points.
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert r\vert}
... point last) & 32427 $\pm$\ 259\\


To time the kernel function fs/exec.c:do_execve, we wrappered it and took a timestamp before and after the real function call. In this way we measure the full time for file execution including such details as the time to load library files. For more fine-grained measurements of specific parts of this process, we later measure the time to check for the auto domain switch, a user-requested domain switch and filename lookup.

The command

/bin/echo -n .
was executed 500 times. Execution time for the first run was an order of magnitude larger than for subsequent runs, both with and without DTE. This is to be expected since some library files as well as executable /bin/echo may not yet have been loaded from disk. The same thing occurs for later performance tests. Since this is independent of the DTE code and serves only to hide the performance impact of DTE, we will, in all subsequent tests, ignore the first execution after boot.

The DTE code introduces a $10\%$ overhead. The table in Figure 9 shows the timing results.

Figure 9: Time in clock cycles to run echo.
\begin{tabular}{\vert l\vert c\vert r\vert}
...\pm$\ 3919 & 215549 $\pm$\ 4624\\

make bzImage

Finally we turned off all micro-performance measurements and used /usr/bin/time to determine the performance on a kernel make on both DTE and non-DTE enabled kernels. The plain 2.3.28 kernel took 5 minutes and 55 seconds for the first compile, and 5:35 $\pm$ 0.384387 for 14 subsequent compiles, while the DTE-enabled kernel required 5 minutes and 56 seconds for the first compile and 5:36 $\pm$ 0.205464 for subsequent compiles.

Clearly a new access control system cannot be added without affecting performance. The above sections, in testing specifically the areas of the kernel where code was added, might make the performance impact of DTE seem more significant than it really is. This result shows that, when amortized over the course of a realistic activity, which includes heavy file opening, creation and execution as well as heavy computation and file i/o, the amount of overhead, one second for every six minutes, is negligible.

Real Attacks

To show the effectiveness of our DTE implementation, we picked a recent, high-profile vulnerability, the buffer overflow in wu-ftpd[CERT-ftpd], and showed how our implementation of DTE can prevent an attacker from obtaining a root shell. Our goal was to show that we could protect the system from the wu-ftpd vulnerability (the posted exploits as well as future or hand-crafted ones) without modifying the binary. In order for ftp to retain its full functionality, it would need to be made DTE-aware so that it could, like login, allow ftp to transition into the domain associated with a user being authenticated5. We did not do this, but set protections such that users can retrieve files from, if not deposit files onto, the server. Anonymous ftp is fully functional.

The policy shown in Figure 10 prevents domain ftpd_d from executing any system binaries other than /usr/sbin/in.ftpd and binaries located under ~ftp/bin/ (lines 19-21). These files are defined to be of the type ftpd_xt (lines 29 and 30), which the domain ftpd_d may execute but not write (line 20). Only ftpd_d may execute this type (lines 9-21), and root_d automatically switches to ftpd_d on execution of /usr/sbin/in.ftpd (line 12), since that is an entry point to ftpd_d (line 19). The exploits to be found on the internet to take advantage of this vulnerability will therefore fail, as they expect to be allowed to run /bin/sh. Nor can a script be written to upload and run a Trojan horse, since the only types which ftpd_d is allowed to write may not be executed by anyone.

Figure 10: A DTE policy to protect from wu-ftpd, with line numbers added.
{\small\begin{verbatim}01  ...

The script which we tested was wuftpd2600, which can be found at It connected to our test machine, and exploited the buffer overflow. However, the DTE-enabled kernel refused to allow the ftpd_d domain to execute /bin/sh. The script therefore hung, and the system was not compromised. The error messages in Figure 11 were sent to syslog. In contrast, the plain 2.3.28 kernel happily provided a root shell.

Figure 11: Error messages resulting from attempted wu-ftpd exploit.
{\small\begin{verbatim}Aug 4 13:12:03 wicked ker...
...el: do_exec: domain ftpd_d type root_t.\end{verbatim}}

Status and Future Work

Our implementation of DTE for Linux is functional. It reads a policy file at boot time and enforces domain to type access as well as domain transitions. We have not implemented DTE for networking.


First, we must extend our policy parser to allow easier and abbreviated entry of more complicated policies. Next, we plan to create tools to help a system administrator graphically create and view DTE policies and detect possible security risks. Examples of such risks might include a domain which is permitted to enter another domain as well as write one of the other domain's entry points, or a domain which has auto access to two domains which share an entry point.


Badger et al.[DTE95] suggest dynamically changing the DTE policy as certain events occur. For example, a particular file (/var/adm/topsecretlog) might be tightly protected by a particular type. If this file is then moved to /tmp, then Badger et al. suggest that a rule should be added to keep the file under its original type. Alternatively, they suggest that renames across type boundaries could be forbidden.

We currently go the lazy route. If a domain has permission to two types, and a process running in that domain chooses to move a file from a directory belonging to one type to that belonging to another, then the file's type simply changes. Since the person (or process) moving the file had the permission to do so, we trust it to understand the implications.

The more dangerous problem lies with hard links. Since hard links provide no notion of one name being superior to another, the type of an inode with multiple corresponding filenames is currently determined based upon the name first looked up.6 We can prevent creation of hard links across type boundaries, however a change in policy can thwart this defense quite easily. We will, in future versions, allow the system to add its own type assignment rules (which will be necessary for several other desirable features), and plan to use this capability to implement a better resolution of the problem with hard links.

Filesystem-Defined Policies

When a partition is mounted into the filesystem tree, it fits into the tree defined by type rules depending on where it is mounted. For example, mounting a partition under /tmp instead of /mnt might completely change access permissions to the partition. It seems helpful to allow the filesystem on a partition to specify certain type assignment rules which apply only to the partition. Badger et al[DTE96] also added a DTE configuration section allowing a DTE administrator to limit mount points for partitions, which should be trivial for us to add as well.


DTE for Linux is freely available as a patch to 2.3.28 at


R. Sandhu, Access Control: The Neglected Frontier, First Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 1996.

Alexander Kjeldaas, Linux Capability FAQ v0.1,
, (1998).

Cert Advisory CA-2000-13:
Two Input Validation Problems in FTPD

Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn,
Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations, Communications of the ACM, March 1966, pp. 143-155.

Lee Badger, Daniel F. Sterne, David L. Sherman, Kenneth M. Walker and Sheila A. Haghighat, A Domain and Type Enforcement UNIX Prototype, Fifth USENIX UNIX Security Symposium Proceedings, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 1995.

Kenneth M. Walker, Daniel F. Sterne, M. Lee Badger, Michael J. Petkac, David L Shermann, Karen A. Oostendorp, Confining Root Programs with Domain and Type Enforcement(DTE), Sixth USENIX UNIX Security Symposium, 1996.

Domain and Type Enforcement,

Jonathon Tidswell and John Potter, An Approach to Dynamic Domain and Type Enforcement, 2nd Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 1997.

About this document ...

Domain and Type Enforcement for Linux

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The translation was initiated by Serge E. Hallyn on 2000-08-24


The type of the root of the filesystem is set explicitly in the DTE policy.
... changes2
Allowing the safe run-time changing of access control rules is a topic of some ongoing research[Tidswell97]
... set.3
As must eventually be true since the filesystem root has a defined type
... switches,4
Mainly to test for a bad implementation of poor hash function.
... authenticated5
Of course, to do this on a system which we are attempting to make secure, we would begin by using a version of ftp which does not send plaintext passwords.
... up.6
Note there is no analogous problem with soft links, since these do provide a notion of a single correct pathname.

Serge E. Hallyn 2000-08-24