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A very simple recipe for a beowulf [beowulf] might be: Purchase $N$ more or less identical COTS computers for compute nodes. Connect them by a COTS fast private network, for example switched fast ethernet. Serve them, isolate them and access them from auxiliary nodes (which may well be a single common ``head node''). Install Linux and a small set of more or less standard parallel computation tools (typically PVM and MPI, along with several others that might or might not be present in a given installation). Voila! A beowulf supercomputer1

Although this recipe is fair enough and will yield acceptable performance (measured in terms of ``speedup'' scaling as illustrated below) in many parallelized applications, in others it will not. In many cases the performance obtained will depend on the details of the node and network design as well as the design and implementation of the parallel application itself. The critical decisions made during the design process are informed by a deep and quantitative analysis of the fundamental rates and performance features of both the nodes and the network. The understanding of the important design criteria and how they correspond to features of the parallel application is a hallmark of a well-conceived beowulf project or proposal.

In the following sections we will briefly review the essential elements of successful beowulf design. They are:

The goal of the discussion will be to convey an appreciation for some of the important design decisions to be made that is both qualitative and quantitative. The use of some mathematics is unavoidable but will be explained in the simplest possible terms.

With a general understanding of the scaling of parallel computation clusters of the general beowulf design in hand, it should be straightforward to select a successful and cost effective design for any parallelizeable problem that lies within the general range of the beowulf concept. Although it isn't a strict rule, the beowulf designs we will focus on are those appropriate for solving complex mathematical or numerical problems such as those encountered in physics, statistics, weather prediction, chemistry, and many other numerical venues.

This paper will not address clustering for purposes of failover and reliability or load balancing in e.g. a database server or webserver context. Although linux clusters are increasingly in use in these contexts, these clusters are not beowulfs.

It will also not address the more esoteric aspects of parallel program design (not intending at all to minimize the importance of a sound program design in successful beowulf operation) and indeed the mathematical treatment presented of parallel scaling may appear naive to those familiar with the entire multidimensional theory of the various algorithms that might be used to treat a given problem. We will instead be satisfied with providing references to some of the many authoritative works that address this subject far better than we would find possible in a short paper.

In the paper below, we will begin by addressing the basic theory of speedup and scaling in parallel computation. From this we will move on to a description of the important microscopic rates and measures that determine beowulf design and performance and a discussion of tools that can be used to measure them.

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Robert G. Brown 2000-08-28