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The Access Control Database

The Access Control Database contains a section for each system call kept under control. For instance, the working prototype maintains a setuid_acd data structure to check the access to the setuid system call, and an execve_acd data structure to check the access to the execve system call. The layout of execve_acd data structure is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1: The layout of the execve_acd data structure
\begin{figure}\footnotesize {
\begin{tex2html_preform}\begin{verbatim}/* execve_...
...exe in the list */
} eflst_t;\end{verbatim}\end{tex2html_preform}}\end{figure}

The execve_acd is composed by two arrays of eflst_t structures:

an executable file F has an entry in this structure if, at least, one privileged program needs to execute F via an execve. The information stored in the entry is the list of all privileged programs which may invoke F.

this list keeps a log of the unauthorized attempts (that is, not explicitly allowed by the admitted data structure) of invoking execve by any setuid process.

Figure 2: The layout of the admitted data structure
{\special{psfile=list.eps hscale = 50 vscale = 50}}

Figure 2 shows the admitted data structure which is an array where each element refers to an executable file and points to a list of setuid programs that can execute that file.

Each element of the admitted data structure contains these fields:

identifies the executable file F. The information stored in efid are:
device that is the device number of the file system to which file F belongs;
inode that is the inode number of file F;
size that is the length in byte of file F;
modif which keeps the last modification time of file F.
The pair of information device and inode identifies file F in a unique way within the system whereas the information size and modif allow to detect unauthorized modifications of the file contents.
is a pointer to the list of privileged programs which can execute file F.

We have introduced a new system call sys_setuid_aclm for reading and modifying the information kept in the ACD.

This system call can be invoked only by interactive root processes with EUID=0 and UID=0. These constraints are required to prevent a subverted setuid or root daemon from tampering the ACD.

The system administrator (root user) can manage the ACD resorting to the sys_setuid_aclm system call through a new command, named aclmng which offers the following options:

lists the contents of the Access Control Database kept in kernel space;
loads in kernel space the Access Control Database from file /etc/bop/acd, mostly used during booting;
writes the Access Control Database from kernel space into file /etc/bop/acd, mostly used during system shutdown;
with no options, -l is assumed.

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