Thank you for your interest in OSDI '08. We are sorry but online pre-registration is now closed. We invite you to register on-site at the Paradise Point Resort, Paradise Foyer, at the following dates and times:
Sunday, December 7
7:30 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Monday, December 8
7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 9
7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 10
7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Technical Sessions Registration
Every OSDI '08 technical sessions registration includes:
Admission to all technical sessions
Copy of Symposium Proceedings (in print or on CD-ROM)
Admission to the Reception and Poster Session
Wireless connectivity in conference session area
Multiple Employee Discount
We offer discounts for organizations sending 5 or more employees to OSDI '08.
Please contact the Conference Dept. for more details.

The group discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts and cannot be applied retroactivelythat is, refunds will not be issued to those meeting the discount requirement after they have already registered.
Press Registration and Information
Please contact Wendy Grubow for a press-only complimentary registration code: Wendy Grubow, River Meadow Communications,
Speakers and Program Committee members,
please contact the Conference Dept. for registration information.
Traveling to OSDI '08 from Outside the U.S.A.?
See detailed advice from the National Academies about visiting the United States.
Going to HotDep '08, WASL '08, HotPower '08, Diversity '08, WIOV '08, or SysML08?
Registration for HotDep '08, WASL '08, HotPower '08, Diversity '08, WIOV '08, and SysML08 is separate from registration for OSDI '08. Please see the HotDep '08 Web site, the WASL '08 Web site, the HotPower '08 Web site, the Diversity '08 Web site, the WIOV '08 Web site, or the SysML08 Web site for information about how to participate.
Early Bird Registration Deadline: November 17, 2008
USENIX is pleased to offer an Early Bird Registration Discount of $150 to those who register for OSDI '08 by Monday, November 17, 2008. After November 17, registration fees increase. Attention, students! Your pricing information is here.
Registration Fees
Before November 17 |
After November 17 |
Technical Sessions
$725 |
$875 |
If you are not a member of USENIX, ACM SIGOPS, EurOpen.SE, or NUUG, add $120 to your technical sessions fees.
Registration Fees for Full-Time Students
USENIX offers full-time students special low registration fees for OSDI '08 that are available at any time. Find out more about student offers here.
Registration Fees for Full-Time Students
Technical Sessions
$350 |
Students who are not members of USENIX, add $45 to your technical sessions fees.
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008

All refund requests must be emailed to by Monday, December 1, 2008.
You may substitute another in your place. |
USENIX Conference Department
2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215,
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: 510.528.8649
Fax: 510.548.5738