Internet Access/Wireless Network USENIX is pleased to offer
free wireless Internet access for LISA '11. The wireless SSID is "usenix"; the network is open and
insecure, so attendees are encouraged to use encryption. Computers provided for registration
may be used for general Internet access after 9:00 a.m. and before 4:00 p.m. daily. A printer is
available in the registration area and can be used via the registration computers or via the IP
address listed on the front. For network assistance please visit the USENIX registration
The wireless network provided at this conference is for the use of conference attendees only,
subject to the following conditions: - The network may be monitored.
- Any illicit
or intrusive use of the network, including packet sniffing, is expressly forbidden.
- The
wireless network is open and insecure. USENIX strongly recommends that all users encrypt their
transmissions. Users are solely responsible for the security of their passwords and data.
If you have any questions or concerns about the use of the wireless network, please contact
any USENIX staff or Board member immediately. Attention, Sheraton Boston
Hotel guests! If you booked your room at the USENIX/LISA special group rate, you are entitled to
complimentary wireless access in your guest room. The wireless charges you accept will be reversed
upon check-out.
Power Outlets Power strips will be available in the
tutorial, Invited Talks, and Refereed Papers rooms on a first-come, first-served basis.
Bulletin Boards/Vendor Materials Bulletin boards in the
registration area located in the Ballroom Foyer hold messages for attendees, the latest schedule of
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and postings of job opportunities. You can pick up information on
products, services, and special offers from the literature tables in the registration area.
Stay Connected: Facebook, Twitter, USENIX Blog, and IRC
Stay on top of all the LISA '11 chatter: 
LISA '11 Technical Sessions Video In keeping with the
USENIX Open Access Policy, videos of the Invited Talks will be available to everyone shortly after
they happen.
Taking a Tutorial? Don't Forget to Fill Out a Survey! This year's tutorial surveys are online. You can find all of them at: Please take the time to fill them out. Your input
helps us shape future training programs.
USENIX Membership Booth (a.k.a. "The T-Shirt and Scavenger Hunt
Ballroom Foyer Saturday, December 3: 5:00
p.m.7:00 p.m.
SundayThursday, December 48: 7:30 a.m.5:00 p.m.
Friday, December 9: 8:00 a.m.noon
N.B. No items will be available for purchase after 10:30 a.m. on Friday. Be sure to stop by the Membership Booth this year, even if you're not
a member. Fun stuff: This is the place to pick up your conference T-shirt and fun badge
ribbons, buttons, and more. Turn in your scavenger hunt card here and spin the Prize Wheel. (Hey,
some of the signatures can be had at the booth!) For sale: Short Topics books and T-shirts.
Membership: If you have questions about your membership benefits, we'll be glad to help. New this
year, get a free copy of the Short Topics Job Descriptions for System Administrators, 3d Edition
(while supplies last). Not a member? Stop by the Membership Booth to see what you might be entitled
to as part of your LISA '11 registration. Come by, say hello, and join today!
Back for '11: Dinner Board SundayWednesday,
December 47 Looking to meet other attendees while enjoying a good meal? Simply write
your name and the restaurant you'd like to go to on the board in the registration area. Meet back at
the board to join your chosen group and then head out for conversation, food, and drinks.
USENIX Conferences Are Green!
USENIX continually seeks additional ways to improve its environmental responsibility. Please see our Statement on Environmental Responsibility.
You can help, too! Please recycle your name badge at the USENIX registration desk when you depart.
Dining Options in the Hotel - Starbucks: Open 6:00
a.m.9:00 p.m. daily.
- Cafe Apropos: Open daily for a traditional New England
- Sidebar & Grille: A casual cocktail lounge open for lunch and dinner
Local Restaurants The Sheraton Boston Hotel is connected to
the Copley Place mall, which offers a variety of dining options for every budget, and the Prudential
Center, which also provides a range of dining opportunities in its food court and restaurants.