Thank You for Coming!
Thanks to those of you who joined us in Boston, MA, for LISA '11. Check out the online proceedings, videos, and slides of the technical program. Also see what people are saying about LISA '11.
Don't Forget to Fill Out the Conference Survey
Your input is vital to creating a LISA conference that meets your needs. Please take a moment to fill out the online attendee survey here. Please remember that your feedback is greatly appreciated and directly shapes future conference content and promotions. Thanks in advance for your help!
Just Up! Videos of the presentations will be posted as soon as they become available.
Save the Date!
LISA '12
December 9–14, 2012
San Diego, CA

See you next year!
Program Co-Chairs
Thomas A. Limoncelli, Google, Inc.
Doug Hughes, D. E. Shaw Research, LLC
Program Committee
Narayan Desai, Argonne National Lab
Andrew Hume, AT&T Labs—Research
Duncan Hutty, ZOLL Medical Corporation
Dinah McNutt, Google, Inc.
Tim Nelson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mario Obejas, Raytheon
Mark Roth, Google, Inc.
Carolyn Rowland, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Federico D. Sacerdoti, Aien Capital & Aien Technology
Marc Stavely, Consultant
Nicole Forsgren Velasquez, Pepperdine University
Avleen Vig, Etsy, Inc.
David Williamson, Microsoft Tellme
Invited Talks Coordinators
Æleen Frisch, Exponential Consulting
Kent Skaar, VMware, Inc.
Workshops Coordinator
Cory Lueninghoener, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Guru Is In Coordinator
Chris St. Pierre, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster Sessions Coordinator
Matt Disney, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Work-in-Progress Reports (WiPs) Coordinator
William Bilancio, Arora and Associates, P.C.
Training Program
Daniel V. Klein, USENIX Association
USENIX Board Liaison
David N. Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University
Steering Committee
Paul Anderson, University of Edinburgh
David N. Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University
Mark Burgess, CFEngine
Alva Couch, Tufts University
Rudi van Drunen, Competa IT
Æleen Frisch, Exponential Consulting
Xev Gittler, Morgan Stanley
William LeFebvre, Digital Valence, LLC
Mario Obejas, Raytheon
Elizabeth Zwicky, Consultant
The USENIX Association Staff
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Original Call for Papers

Past and Future USENIX LISA Conferences

CALLING ALL SYSADMINS: Take the 2011 SAGE Salary Survey (and enter the drawing to win an iPad 2!)

The SAGE Salary Survey results give you and your employer a sysadmin-specific tool to compare your situation with others. It covers the entire range of administrators. All experience levels and both the currently employed and the unemployed are asked to respond. It will be open until January 15, 2012. Take the Survey today! |