Internet Access
Please use SSL and/or a VPN to ensure your privacy!
Wireless network name (SSID): usenix
- No password
- Administered and monitored by USENIX
- NAT'd IPv4
- Routed IPv6 via tunnel
The wired and wireless networks provided by USENIX at this conference are for the use of conference attendees only, subject to the following conditions:
- USENIX may monitor these networks.
- Any illicit or intrusive use of the network, including packet sniffing, is expressly forbidden.
- The wireless network is open and insecure. USENIX strongly recommends that all users encrypt their transmissions. Users are solely responsible for the security of their passwords and data.
If you have any questions or concerns about the use of these networks, please contact any USENIX staff or Board member immediately.
Laptop Lounge
The Jefferson room (3rd floor) has Ethernet connections.
A printer is available in the registration area ( on the conference network).
Message/Jobs Board
Use the board in the Republic Foyer to connect with other attendees or post open positions.
Vendor Materials
You can pick up information on products, services, and special offers from the literature tables in the Republic Ballroom Foyer.
Facebook and Twitter
Use Facebook to connect with other attendees, arrange to meet up with friends at the conference, and keep up to date. Follow the conference on Twitter to get the latest session reviews and conference updates. When tweeting about events happening during the week, please use official tags to make the tweets easier to find:

#AnnualTech |
#HotStorage |
#WebApps |
#configmgtsum |
#cloudsum |
#HotCloud |
Tabletop Exhibits
Please visit our tabletop exhibits in the Republic Foyer to learn more about the latest in research and products, as well as career opportunities, at Cambridge Computer, EMC, Facebook, and VMware.
Vendor BoFs
The BoF schedule includes sessions hosted by the following vendors:
Wednesday, June 23, 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m., Independence East.
Beer and wine will be provided.
- VMware
Wednesday, June 23, 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m., Independence West.
Beer and wine will be provided.
- Google Summer of Code
Thursday, June 24, 8:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m., Independence West.
Beer and ice cream will be provided.
Please check the BoF Boards to confirm the date, time, and location of each Vendor BoF.