MON: On-demand Overlays for Distributed System Management
Jin Liang, Steven Y. Ko, Indranil Gupta and Klara Nahrstedt
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
{jinliang, sko, indy, klara}
This paper presents the management overlay network (MON) system
that we are building and running on the PlanetLab testbed. MON is a
distributed system designed to facilitate
the management of large distributed applications.
Toward this goal, MON builds on-demand overlay structures
that allow users to execute instant management commands,
such as query the current status of the application, or
push software updates to all the nodes.
The on-demand approach enables MON to be light-weight,
requiring minimum amount of resources when no
commands are executed.
It also frees MON from complex failure repair mechanisms,
since no overlay structure is maintained for a prolonged time.
MON is currently running on more than 300 nodes on the PlanetLab.
Our initial experiments on the PlanetLab show that MON has good performance,
both in terms of command response time and achieved bandwidth for
software push.
In recent years, large distributed computing systems
such as the PlanetLab [18] are increasingly being used
by researchers to experiment with real world, large scale
applications, including media streaming, content distribution,
and DHT based applications. While a
realistic environment like the PlanetLab can often provide
valuable insights lacking in
simulations, running an application on it
has been a difficult task, due to the large
scale of the system, and the various kinds of failures that
can occur fairly often [8]. Thus
an important tool is needed that helps application developers to
manage their applications on such systems.
Imagine a researcher who wants to test a new application
on the PlanetLab. To do this, the researcher needs
to first push the application
code to a set of selected nodes, then start the application
on all the nodes. Once the application is running, the researcher
may want to query the current status of the application, for
example, whether the application has crashed on some nodes,
and whether some error
message has been printed out. Later, if a bug is
identified, the researcher may want to stop the application,
upload the corrected version, and start it again.
To accomplish the above tasks, what the researcher needs is the ability
to execute some instant management commands on all the
selected nodes, and get the results immediately.
Although many useful tools exist on the PlanetLab,
such as status monitoring and
query [1,15,4,10,11],
resource discovery [16], and software
distribution [17,6], few of them
allow users to execute instant management commands
pertaining to their own applications.
PSSH [5] and vxargs [7] are two tools for
executing commands on large number of
machines in parallel. However, both tools use a centralized
approach, where each remote machine is directly contacted
by a local process. This may have scalability problems
when the system becomes large, or when
large amount of data needs to be transferred. The centralized
approach also means there is no in-network aggregation. Thus
all the execution results are returned to the local machine,
even though only their aggregates are of interest.
In this paper we present the management overlay network (MON)
system that we are building and running on the PlanetLab.
MON facilitates the management of large distributed
applications by allowing users to execute instant management
commands pertaining to their applications.
For scalability, MON adopts a distributed management approach. An
overlay structure (e.g., a spanning tree) is used
for propagating the commands to all the nodes, and for
aggregating the results back.
Maintaining an overlay structure for a long time is difficult,
due to the various kinds of failures that can occur in a large
system. For example, if a tree overlay has been
created and some interior node has crashed, the tree structure
must be repaired by the disconnected nodes rejoining the tree.
The rejoin could become very complex, if multiple nodes fail
at the same time. As a result, MON takes an on-demand
approach. Each time a user wants to execute one or more management
commands (called a management session),
an overlay structure is dynamically created for the commands.
Once the commands are finished, the overlay structure
is discarded.
This on-demand approach has several advantages. First, the
system is simple and lightweight, since no overlay
structure is maintained when no commands
are executed. Second, on-demand overlays are likely to have
good performance, since they are built based on the current
network conditions. Long-running overlays, even
if they can be correctly maintained,
may have degraded performance over time.
Third, since the overlays are created on-demand, different structures
can be created for different tasks. For example, trees for
status queries and DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) for software push.
MON is currently running on more than 300 nodes on the PlanetLab,
and supports both status query
(e.g., the aggregate information of different resources,
the list of nodes that satisfy certain conditions, etc.)
and software push commands.
Our initial experiments show that MON has good performance. For
a simple status query on more than 300 nodes, MON can propagate
the command to all the nodes and get the results back in about
1.3 seconds on average. For a software push to 20 nodes, MON can
achieve an aggregate bandwidth that is several times that
an individual node can get from our local machine.
In the rest of the paper, we first present the architecture and design
of MON in Section 2, then provide our evaluation results in
Section 3.
Section 4 provides more discussion about MON
and Section 5 is the conclusion.
2 MON Architecture and Design
The MON system consists of a daemon process (called a MON server)
running on each node of the distributed system. Each MON server
has a three layer architecture as shown in Figure 1.
The bottom layer is responsible for membership management. The
middle layer is responsible for creating overlays (e.g., trees and
DAGs) on-demand, using
the membership information from the bottom layer.
Once an overlay structure has been created,
the top layer is responsible for
propagating management commands down to the nodes, and
aggregating the results back.
Figure 1:
MON Architecture
Maintaining up-to-date global membership for a
large distributed system is difficult, especially when
nodes can fail and recover fairly often.
As a result, we adopt a gossip-style
membership management. Specifically, each node maintains a
partial list of the nodes in the system (called a partial view).
Periodically, a node picks a
random target from its partial view, and sends a Ping message
to it, together with a small number of
membership entries randomly selected from the partial
view. A node receiving a Ping message will respond with
a Pong message, which also includes some random membership
entries. The Ping and Pong messages
allow the nodes to learn about new nodes and to detect node failures.
They also allow nodes to estimate the delay between each other.
Such delay information can be used by the
middle layer to construct locality aware overlays.
In order to maintain the freshness of membership entries, each
entry is associated with an age, which estimates the time
since a message is last received from the corresponding node.
When the partial view is full and some entries need to be dropped,
the oldest entries are dropped first.
On-demand overlay construction is a central component of
our MON system. In this paper we consider the construction of
two kinds of overlay structures, trees and
directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). A tree structure is suited
for instant status query, and a DAG is suited for software
push. Since an overlay is created on-demand, we would like
the construction algorithm to be quick and efficient,
involving minimum startup delay and message overhead.
Ideally one may want to create an overlay that includes
all the current live nodes (i.e., has full coverage).
However, ``all current live nodes'' is a slippery term
in a large dynamic system. In fact, merely counting the
number of such nodes is a difficult task [14].
As a result, we are content with probabilistic node coverage
and focus on quick and efficient overlay construction
algorithms In practice, due to transient and
permanent node failures, a user is often prepared if not
all the desired nodes can be accessed.
Tree Construction.
The first algorithm we consider is random tree construction.
To create an on-demand overlay tree, a client side
software (called a MON client) sends a Session message to
a nearby MON server. Each node (MON server) that
receives a Session message for the first time will
respond with a SessionOK message and become a child
of the Session sender. It also randomly
nodes from its partial view,
and send the Session message to these nodes.
is called the fanout of the overlay and is specified
in the Session message.
If a node receives a Session message for a second time,
it will respond with a Prune message.
It has been shown that assuming the
partial views represent uniform sampling of the system,
such tree construction will cover all the nodes with high
probability, if
, where
is the
total number of nodes in the system [12].
The random tree construction algorithm is simple
and has good coverage (with sufficient fanout
However, it is not locality aware.
Therefore we have designed a second algorithm called two stage,
which attempts to improve the locality of a tree, while still
achieve high coverage. To do this, the membership layer
of each node is augmented with a local list in
addition to the partial view, which consists of nodes that are close by.
Each node is also assigned a random node id, and the local list
is divided into left and right neighbors (those
with smaller and larger node ids).
The tree construction is divided into two stages.
During the first several hops, each node selects its
children randomly from the partial view, just like the random
algorithm. The goal is to quickly spread
the Session message to different areas of the network.
In the second stage, each node first selects nodes
from its local list, then from the partial view if
not enough local neighbors are present.
To prevent nearby nodes from mutually selecting each other as
children, equal number of children are selected from the
left and right neighbors.
DAG construction
The above tree construction algorithms can be modified
to create DAGs (directed acyclic graphs).
Specifically, each node is assigned a level l.
The level of the root node is set to 1.
The level of a non-root node is 1 plus the level of
its first parent. Suppose a node has set its level
and a second Session message is
received, it can accept the sender
as an additional parent, as long as its level is smaller
. This ensures the resulting overlay contains
no loop, thus a DAG.
Once an overlay structure is dynamically created,
one or more management commands can be executed on it.
We discuss two types of management commands: status query
and software push.
Status Query
All the status query commands are executed in a similar
fashion. First the command is propagated down the overlay
tree to all the nodes. Next the command is executed locally
on each node. Finally the results from the children
nodes and from the local execution are aggregated and
returned to the parent. Below is a (partial) list of the
status query commands that we have implemented.
- count
- depth
- topology
- avg <resource>
- top <num> <resource>
- histo <resource>
- filter <operation>
The first three commands return information about the overlay itself,
such as the number of nodes covered, the depth of the tree/DAG,
and the topology of the overlay. The next three commands
return the aggregate information (e.g., average, top k, and
histogram) of different resource. Currently MON supports resources
such as the CPU load, free memory, disk usage, number of slices,
etc. Most of these resources are obtained from the CoTop [2]
server on each PlanetLab node.
The last command allows (in theory) any arbitrary operation
to be executed on each node, and to return some information
based on the result of the operation. We have implemented
the operations that compare some resource with a threshold
value. For example, filter load G 20.0 will
return the list of nodes that have a CPU load greater than 20.0.
To demonstrate the utility of the command, we have
also implemented a more powerful grep operation.
For example, filter grep <keyword> <file> will
return the list of nodes on which the keyword <keyword>
has occurred in the file <file>. This grep operation
can be used for diagnosing failures of
distributed applications. In fact, we have frequently used it
to see if our MON server has reported some error message
on some nodes.
Software Push
When running an application on a large distributed system,
a user may need to push the application code to a large
number of nodes from time to time. Our on-demand overlays
can also be used for such software
We note that previous research work including
SplitStream [9], Bullet [13]
and CoBlitz [17]
has addressed the problem of content distribution from
one node to a large number of receivers. Our goal in
developing the software push component, however,
is to provide a easy-to-use system that can be integrated
with our status query component, so that the user can
accomplish most management tasks with the MON deployment.
A tree structure is unsuited for software push, because
the downloading rate of a node is limited by that
of its parent. Therefore, we use DAG structures for
software push, so that each node can download data from
multiple parents at the same time. The DAG structure
also improves the failure resilience of the system,
because the downloading of a node is not affected by a
parent failure, as long as it has other parents.
Figure 2:
Multi-parent, receiver driven download
When a node can download data from multiple parents at the
same time, some kind of coordination is needed between the
parents. In our MON design, we adopt a multi-parent, receiver driven
downloading approach similar to those used in recent P2P streaming
systems [19].
Figure 2 illustrates how the approach works.
Suppose a node
three parents,
. The file to be downloaded
is divided into blocks. Whenever a node downloads a block,
it will notify its children about the new block. As a result, node
knows about the blocks that are available at each parent.
will then make a scheduling decision, and request different
blocks to be received from different parents.
For simplicity, we have used a ``first fit'' scheduling
algorithm. For each parent, we request the first block that
this parent can provide, and that is still needed by the requesting node.
For example, for the scenario shown in
Figure 2, node
will request block 5 from
, block 7 from
, and
block 8 from
Our MON system uses UDP for most of the communication. However,
for software push, we use TCP connections. Suppose a DAG has
been created, a user can issue a Push command to push
a file to all the nodes. Each MON server that receives a Push
message from a parent will first establish a TCP connection
to the parent, then create a TCP server socket to serve its children
(if the server socket has not been created). Finally it will send
the Push message to all of its children.
Once all the children have established TCP connections to a node,
it begins to request blocks from
its parents, and advertise the downloaded blocks to its children.
3 Evaluation Results
Our MON has been implemented and running on the PlanetLab for
several months. The current deployment includes about 330 nodes.
We have also created a web interface for people to try out
MON [3].
In this section, we present some initial experiment results to
evaluate our tree construction and software push algorithms.
Table 1:
Tree construction performance
rand5 |
rand6 |
rand8 |
twostage |
coverage |
314.89 |
318.64 |
320.52 |
321.59 |
create time(ms) |
3027.21 |
3035.46 |
2972.46 |
2792.03 |
count time(ms) |
1539.19 |
1512.07 |
1369.92 |
1354.79 |
Figure 3:
CDF of count time for twostage.
Table 1 shows the performance of different
tree construction algorithms.
The experiments are conducted on our current MON
deployment. For each algorithm, we create about
200 overlays and compute the average of the number of nodes covered
(coverage), tree creation time, and the count response time.
rand5, rand6 and rand8 are the random
algorithm with
and 8, respectively. twostage
is the two stage algorithm with
The tables shows that the two stage algorithm
has better performance compared with random tree construction.
On average, the two stage algorithm can create a tree in less
than 3 seconds and cover about 321 nodes Note although
we deploy MON on about 330 nodes, the precise number of live nodes
may vary during the experiment..
And a simple count query takes about 1.3 seconds.
In comparison,
covers only about 315 nodes, and its
count response time is more than 180ms larger.
Figure 3 shows the CDF of the count
response time for the two stage algorithm. We can see that the
response time is less than 1500ms about 65% of the time, and less
than 2000ms about 97% of the time.
To evaluate our software push algorithm, we pick 21 PlanetLab nodes
mostly from universities in North America, and push a file of 1MB to
the nodes. The file is divided into 50KB blocks.
We first push the file to each node directly from our
local node, and measure the bandwidth achieved. The bandwidth
between our local node and most of the nodes is between 1Mbps and
3Mbps. However, for one node (
the bandwidth is less than 400Kbps
Note the bandwidth is the ``end-to-end'' bandwidth that includes
the initial delay for sending the Push message, creating
TCP server sockets, and waiting for the child connections.
The effect of this initial delay will become less
significant for large files. For example, the
bandwidth between our local node and
is about 3Mbps for 1MB files, and about 13Mbps for 8MB files.
We then create a DAG and push the file to all the
nodes. We repeat the experiment for 20 times and show the CDF of
the bandwidth in Figure 4(a).
The figure shows that most of
the time, we can achieve a bandwidth between 400Kbps and 600Kbps,
and the average is about 490Kbps. Figure 4(b)
shows the result when we remove
We can see most of the time the bandwidth is between 900Kbps and
1.3Mbps, and the average is about 1.1Mbps.
Since all the nodes are receiving the data at the same
time, this means on average we can achieve an effective
aggregate bandwidth of about 22Mbps,
which is about 7 times the largest bandwidth
that our local node can provide to an individual
node (
The above experiments allowed each node to have a maximum
of 3 parents (the actual number of parents may be smaller).
Figure 4(b) also shows the result
for 20 nodes when each node has at most 1 parent (i.e. trees).
We can see that about 20% of the time, the bandwidth is less
than 700Kbps, and on average the bandwidth is about 10% smaller
than the DAG case. This shows the advantage of DAG based
multi-parent downloading schemes.
Figure 4:
Software push bandwidth of MON.
(a) 21 nodes
(b) 20 nodes
4 Discussions
Many useful tools have been developed to make a distributed
system such as the PlanetLab easier to use. CoMon [1],
Ganglia [15] and many other tools provide resource
monitoring for each PlanetLab node. The Application
Manager [4] can monitor the status
of individual applications. SWORD [16] provides
resource discovery services. And PIER [10,11] allows
SQL like queries in large scale networks. However, these
systems generally do not allow a user to execute instant
management commands pertaining their own applications.
In contrast, the filter command of MON can
potentially be used to execute any operations (e.g., shell commands)
on a node, just like PSSH and vxargs.
Different from these two
tools, however, MON is based on a distributed overlay
structure, thus it has better scalability and allows
in-network aggregations
Aggregating the results of arbitrary operations may
need some workaround. For example, instead of executing
an operation on every node and return the result,
we can execute the command, return the nodes on which
the operation succeeded (or failed). This way only small
amount of data is returned, which may be less distracting and
more interesting to the user.
Since MON makes it easier to execute simultaneous commands
on large number of nodes, it is important to have built-in
security mechanisms to prevent misuse of the system.
Although MON currently does not have any authentication mechanism,
it is relatively easy to use public key of the
user for authentication, which is already available on
the PlanetLab nodes. For example, each time an overlay
is created on demand, the private key of the user is used
to ``encrypt'' some information about the user, such as
the slice name and IP address. A MON server
will continue with the overlay construction only if it
can verify the message using the slice's public key.
Timestamps can be used to prevent replay of the message,
and a session key can be included for the encryption and
decryption of subsequent session messages. Although
encryption/decryption may increase the end to end delay,
we do not expect the impact to be significant.
5 Conclusion
We have presented the design and preliminary evaluation of
MON, a management
overlay network designed for large
distributed applications. Different from existing tools,
MON focuses on the ability of a user to execute instant
management commands such as status query and software push,
and builds on-demand overlay structures for such commands.
The on-demand approach enables MON to be lightweight,
failure resilient, and yet simple. Our results further
demonstrate that MON has good performance,
both in command response time and aggregate bandwidth
for software push.
MON is an on going project and we are continuing working on
it. Specifically, our software push component is not mature
yet. We will improve the system and
experiment on significantly larger scales.
We will also explore other
on-demand overlay construction algorithms, for example,
those that cover a specified subset of nodes, and those
that can scale to even larger networks.
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MON: On-demand Overlays for Distributed System Management
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- This work was in part supported by NSF ANI grant 03-23434,
NSF CAREER grant CNS-0448246 and NSF ITR grant CMS-0427089.
Jin Liang