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Related Work and Discussion

CANS shares its goals with many recent efforts that have looked at injecting adaptation functionality into the network. Instead of describing each separately, we group related efforts to put our work in perspective. Adaptation functionality can be introduced only at the end-points or could be distributed on intermediate nodes. Odyssey [15], Rover [12] and InfoPyramid [14] are examples of systems that support end point adaptation. Each system provides only minimal support for composing adaptation activities across multiple nodes, and consequently may not be flexible enough to cope with changes in intermediate links. Efforts targeting adaptation at intermediate nodes in the network can themselves be viewed in terms of two issues: whether adaptation functionality is application-transparent or application-aware, and whether the functionality is introduced at the network level or the application level. Systems such as transformer tunnels [16], protocol boosters [13] are examples of application-transparent adaptation efforts that work at the network level. Such systems can cope with localized changes in network conditions but cannot adapt to behaviors that differ widely from the norm. Moreover, their transparency hinders composability of multiple adaptations. More general are programmable network infrastructures, such as COMET [3], which supports flow-based adaptation, and Active Networks [17,19], which permit special code to be executed for each packet at each visited network element. While these approaches provide an extremely general adaptation mechanism, significant change to existing infrastructure is required for their deployment. Similar functionality can also be supported at the application level. The cluster-based proxies in BARWAN/Daedalus [6], TACC [7], and MultiSpace [9] are examples of systems where application-transparent adaptation happens in intermediate nodes (typically a small number) in the network. Active Services [1] extends these systems to a distributed setting by permitting a client application to explicitly start one or more services on its behalf that can transform the data it receives from an end service. A different perspective is offered by systems such as Conductor [20], which automatically deploy multiple application-transparent adaptors along the data path between applications and end services. Although such systems retain backward compatibility with existing applications, the lack of application input limits their flexibility. Furthermore, such systems rely upon self-describing properties of data streams, a condition that may or may not hold given increasingly proprietary content. More general are systems such as Ninja [8], PIMA [2], and Portolano [5], which permit construction of programmable ubiquitous access systems from networked services and transformational components. CANS also provides application-level support for injecting application-aware functionality into the network, but differs from the above systems in its focus on infrastructural support required for dynamic adaptation. CANS has been most heavily influenced by the Conductor design and shares several features with the Ninja infrastructure. Conductor [20] provides an application-transparent adaptation framework that permits the introduction of arbitrary adaptors in the data path between applications and end services. Applications are integrated into the framework by modifying the kernel to trap calls that create and use TCP sockets. CANS borrows the idea of transparent stream-based adaptation from Conductor but differs in applying it to application-aware adaptation in a larger context that involves multiple services contributing to the data path; consequently, we require infrastructural support for downloading component code, instantiating the components, and ensuring compatibility. Also different is the degree of support provided by the infrastructure for reconfiguring existing paths, specifically the notion of semantics-preserving adaptation that spans multiple drivers, and general support for dynamic run-time composition of components. Ninja [8] is a general architecture for building robust internet-scale systems and services consisting of three components: services, units, and paths. We restrict our attention to how paths are constructed in Ninja since that is the closest to our objective. Several CANS concepts find close matches in the Ninja design: our service-driver distinction is closely related to Ninja's service-operator distinction and both systems share ideas such as type-based composition and dynamic service adaptation. Despite these high-level similarities, the systems differ significantly in the details. Unlike Ninja, the CANS infrastructure provides support for (1) efficient composition of multiple drivers within the same physical host, (2) planning algorithms that consider route characteristics in addition to bridging type incompatibilities, (3) dynamic and distributed event-driven adaptation on existing paths, and (4) support for semantics-preserving adaptations that span multiple drivers; Ninja requires applications to provide their own mechanisms to ensure semantics such as guaranteed or in-order data delivery. On the flip side, it must be noted that unlike Ninja, CANS currently provides little support for scalability.
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Weisong Shi 2001-01-08