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An active service framework and its application to real-time multimedia transcoding.
In Proc. of the SIGCOMM'98, August 1998.

G. Banavar and et al.
Challenges:an application model for pervasive computing.
In Proc. of the Sixth ACM/IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mobile Networking and Computing, August 2000.

A. T. Campbell and et al.
A survey of programmable networks.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, April 1999.

E. de Lara, D. S. Wallach, and W. Zwaenepoel.
Puppeteer: Component-based adaptation for mobile computing.
Technical Report TR-00-360, Computer Science Department, Rice University, October 2000.

M. Esler, J. Hightower, T. Anderson, and G. Borriello.
Next century challenges:data-centric networking for invisible computing. the portolano project at the university of washington.
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A. Fox, S. Gribble, Y. Chawathe, and E. A. Brewer.
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A. Fox, S. Gribble, Y. Chawathe, E. A. Brewer, and P. Gauthier.
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S. D. Gribble and et al.
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S. D. Gribble, M. Welsh, E.A.Brewer, and D. Culler.
The multispace:an evolutionary platform for infrastructual services.
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J. Haartsen.
Bluetooth- the universal radio interface for ad hoc, wireless connectivitity.
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G. Hunt.
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A. D. Joseph, J. A. Tauber, and M. F. Kasshoek.
Mobile computing with the rover toolkit.
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A. Mallet, J. Chung, and J. Smith.
Operating system support for protocol boosters.
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R. Mohan, J. R. Simth, and C.S. Li.
Adapting multimedia internet content for universal access.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 1(1):104-114, March 1999.

Brian D. Noble.
Mobile Data Access.
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P. Sudame and B. Badrinath.
Transformer tunnels: A framework for providing route-specific adaptations.
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D. Tennenhouse and D. Wetherall.
Towards an active network architecture.
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U. Varshney and R. Vetter.
Emerging mobile and wireless networks.
Communications of the ACM, pages 73-81, June 2000.

D. J. Wethrall, J. V. Guttag, and D. L. Tennenhouse.
ANTS: A toolkit for building and dynamically deploying network protocols.
In Proc. of 2nd IEEE OPENARCH, 1998.

M. Yavis, A. Wang, A. Rudenko, P. Reiher, and G. J. Popek.
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In Proc. of the seventh workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, March 1999.

Weisong Shi 2001-01-08