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Shirako actors must exchange context-specific information to guide the policies and configuration actions. For example, a guest expresses the resources requested for a ticket, and it may have specific requirements for configuring those resources at the site. It is difficult to maintain a clean decoupling, because this resource-specific or guest-specific information passes through the core.

Shirako represents all such context-specific information in property lists attached as attributes in requests, tickets, and leases. The property lists are sets of (key, value) string pairs that are opaque to the core; their meaning is a convention among the plugins. Property sets flow from one actor to another and through the plugins on each of the steps and protocol exchanges depicted in Figure 2.

Table: Selected properties used by Cluster-on-Demand, and sample values.
Resource type properties: passed from broker to service manager
machine.memory Amount of memory for nodes of this type 2GB
machine.cpu CPU identifying string for nodes of this type Intel Pentium4
machine.clockspeed CPU clock speed for nodes of this type 3.2 GHz
machine.cpus Number of CPUs for nodes of this type 2
Configuration properties: passed from service manager to authority Unique identifier for an OS kernel image selected by the guest and approved by the site authority for booting Debian Linux Subnet name for this virtual cluster cats
host.prefix Hostname prefix to use for nodes from this lease cats
host.visible Assign a public IP address to nodes from this lease? true
admin.key Public key authorized by the guest for root/admin access for nodes from this lease [binary encoded]
Unit properties: passed from authority to service manager Hostname assigned to this node
host.privIPaddr Private IP address for this node
host.pubIPaddr Public IP address for this node (if any)
host.key Host public key to authenticate this host for SSL/SSH [binary encoded]
subnet.privNetmask Private subnet mask for this virtual cluster

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