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Cluster Sites

One goal of this paper is to show how dynamic, brokered leasing is a foundation for resource sharing in networked clusters. For this purpose we introduce a cluster site manager to serve as a running example. The system is an implementation of Cluster-On-Demand (COD [7]), rearchitected as an authority-side Shirako plugin.

The COD site authority exports a service to allocate and configure virtual clusters from a shared server cluster. Each virtual cluster comprises a dynamic set of nodes and associated resources assigned to some guest at the site. COD provides basic services for booting and imaging, naming and addressing, and binding storage volumes and user accounts on a per-guest basis. In our experiments the leased virtual clusters have an assurance of performance isolation: the nodes are either physical servers or Xen [2] virtual machines with assigned shares of node resources.

Figure 1 depicts an example of a guest service manager leasing a distributed cluster from two COD sites. The site authorities control their resources and configure the virtual clusters, in this case by instantiating nodes running a guest-selected image. The service manager deploys and monitors the guest environment on the nodes. The guest in this example may be a distributed service or application, or a networked environment that further subdivides the resources assigned to it, e.g., a cross-instititutional grid or content distribution network.

The COD project began in 2001 as an outgrowth of our work on dynamic resource provisioning in hosting centers [6]. Previous work [7] describes an earlier COD prototype, which had an ad hoc leasing model with built-in resource dependencies, a weak separation of policy and mechanism, and no ability to delegate or extend provisioning policy or to coordinate resource usage across federated sites. Our experience with COD led us to pursue a more general lease abstraction with distributed, accountable control in SHARP [13], which was initially prototyped for PlanetLab [4]. We believe that dynamic leasing is a useful basis to coordinate resource sharing for other systems that create distributed virtual execution environments from networked virtual machines [9,17,18,19,20,25,26,28].

Figure: Summary of protocol interactions and extension points for the leasing system. An application-specific service manager uses the lease API to request resources from a broker. The broker issues a ticket for a resource type, quantity, and site location that matches the request. The service manager requests a lease from the owning site authority, which selects the resource units, configures them (setup), and returns a lease to the service manager. The arriving lease triggers a join event for each resource unit joining the guest; the join handler installs the new resources into the application. Plug-in modules include the broker provisioning policy, the authority assignment policy, and the setup and join event handlers.

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