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Experimental Results

We evaluate the Shirako/COD prototype under emulation and in a real deployment. All experiments run on a testbed of IBM x335 rackmount servers, each with a single 2.8Ghz Intel Xeon processor and 1GB of memory. Some servers run Xen's virtual machine monitor version 3.0 to create virtual machines. All experiments run using Sun's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version 1.4.2. COD uses OpenLDAP version 2.2.23-8, ISC's DHCP version 3.0.1rc11, and TFTP version 0.40-4.1 to drive network boots. Service manager, broker, and site authority Web Services use Apache Axis 1.2RC2.

Most experiments run all actors on one physical server within a single JVM. The actors interact through local proxy stubs that substitute local method calls for network communication, and copy all arguments and responses. When LDAP is used, all actors are served by a single LDAP server on the same LAN segment. Note that these choices are conservative in that the management overhead concentrates on a single server. Section 5.3 gives results using SOAP/XML messaging among the actors.

