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COD and Xen

In addition to the node drivers, COD includes classes to manage node sets and IP and DNS name spaces at the slice level. The authority names each instantiated node with an ID that is unique within the slice. It derives node hostnames from the ID and a specified prefix, and allocates private IP addresses as offsets in a subnet block reserved for the virtual cluster when the first node is assigned to it. Although public address space is limited, our prototype does not yet treat it as a managed resource. In our deployment the service managers run on a control subnet with routes to and from the private IP subnets.

In a further test of the Shirako architecture, we extended COD to manage virtual machines using the Xen hypervisor [2]. The extensions consist primarily of a modified node driver plugin and extensions to the authority-side mapper policy module to assign virtual machine images to physical machines. The new virtual node driver controls booting by opening a secure connection to the privileged control domain on the Xen node, and issuing commands to instantiate and control Xen virtual machines. Only a few hundred lines of code know the difference between physical and virtual machines. The combination of support for both physical and virtual machines offers useful flexibility: it is possible to assign blocks of physical machines dynamically to boot Xen, then add them to a resource pool to host new virtual machines.

COD install actions for node setup include some or all of the following: writing LDAP records; generating a bootloader configuration for a physical node, or instantiating a virtual machine; staging and preparing the OS image, running in the Xen control domain or on an OS-dependent trampoline such as Knoppix on the physical node; and initiating the boot. The authority writes some configuration-specific data onto the image, including the admin public keys and host private key, and an LDAP path reference for the containing virtual cluster.

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