Our simulation topology is pictured in Figure 6. A cluster of sending agents is labeled through
, with
its local aggregation point labeled
. A remote cluster of ACK (acknowledgement) agents is labeled
, with
its aggregation point labeled
are intermediary nodes used to create a congested link, and
are used for traffic generation.
Propagation delay on links -
, and
is configured to be 4 msec, while it is only 1 msec on
. The link capacity for all links is 10 Mb/s, except for links
where link capacity is 100 Mb/s. This allows traffic generators to increase traffic over link
to any desired level.
Trace data is collected as it is transmitted from to
since this allows us to observe sending rates before additional
traffic on the link
causes queuing delays, drops, or jitter not reflective of cluster endpoint sending rates.
TCP and C-TCP flows in this section use an infinitely large data source and send at the maximum rate allowed by their respective
algorithms. Congestion periods are created by configuring and
to generate constant bitrate traffic across the link
. In particular, a CBR agent sending at a constant 7.5-9.0 Mb/s from
competes with data traffic from
over link